港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 J 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
香港瑰麗酒店呈獻獨一無二的Bayfare Social餐飲概念,客人可置身維港灣畔,感受熱鬧繽紛的歐陸廣場市集風味。 Bayfare Social位於酒店及K11 MUSEA商場五樓 ,薈萃創意名廚炮製的精彩美食,您可選擇於吧台或餐廳開懷大嚼,或在露天陽台輕嚐淺酌,體驗嶄新餐飲文化精華。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:30
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食評 (394)
rosewood西班牙菜算係中價位,同一般西班牙餐廳差唔多價,食物係好食但會催埋單😂🍴Octopus Tapas $198個薯仔係有口感食落去有少少辣椒油嘅鹹香八爪魚係軟腍腍得來爽口彈牙唔會太過腍冇口感嘅🍴Ham Tortilla Omelette $180薯仔蛋餅比例係啱啱好嘅,啲蛋都好嫩滑,火腿係檀香得來有肉味,係比較偏瘦,唔會太多肥膏!🍴Scallop Crudo $198帶子係好嫩滑鮮甜,配咗個酸酸地,大少少香料味道食落去都係好清新,好開胃!🍴Seafood Paella $358個飯好香,有少少海鮮嘅鮮味個飯係軟硬適中好食㗎,我蜆好鹹先大隻冇沙,蝦肉都好爽口,加咗個蛋黃醬係有少少香蒜味🍴Apple Crumble $115蘋果金寶,都完全夠晒兩個人share,完全恰到好處唔會太甜太酸,蘋果都有口感,自製雪糕都夠食推薦指數: 8/10幾好食,服務貼心,環境坐得闊落,食物質素幾好?美中不足就係去到先知限時兩個鐘,上菜都急,侍應勁快手,未食完前菜上main,一食完main就收碟問要唔要甜品,有啲chur,眼見唔full,bar枱好多位,8點就會催埋單迫走,以為五星級酒店唔會咁,冇得慢慢食飲酒吹水,有啲趕 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-02-03
3471 瀏覽
It’s actually my first time trying a restaurant in Rosewood HAHA (im sorry) everything was very fancy and the atmosphere was really nice! The only thing is that its super windy inside ><We decided to try this spanish cuisine and it did not let me down! On a weekday, they had a lunch menu with a starter, tapas, main, dessert and drink for $400~ p.p., but do note that everyone on the table has to get the set meal. Thus, we decided to order a la cartes since not everyone wanted the set👀Chicken salad ($160) Romaine Heart was used as the salad veggie - very cripsy and has a nice chrunch🥗! The chicken was seared golden brown witha crispy skin, and the anchovies, grana aadano, coddled egg, crispy bacon added a really nice touch🫶🏻. Though I would have to say that the bread was overly cripsy/ hardRigatoni ($170) The rigatoni was cooked perfectly till aldante, leaving a chewy texture. The tomato sauce was has a sweet and tangy flavour, and the iberico pork was really juicy🐖! Suckling pig ($530) I would have to say this was one of my favs! The suckling pig was very soft and juicy, the skin was really crispy! The sauce adds a nice touch, and everything was perfect! Large Seafood paella🦐 ($518)This tastes very authentic, I felt like its 99% close to the one I had in Barcellona few years ago!! The seafood (including prawns, baby squid and clams) were fresh and cooked to an optimum point. The rice was very chewy with slight crisps on the side! I really loved the garlic flavour in alioli sauce as well! 味道:💛💛💛💛.75/5 📍Bayfare Social (尖沙咀)地址:尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號香港瑰麗酒店5樓 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-01-03
6128 瀏覽
This Spanish restaurant is located in Rosewood Hong Kong, offering a mix of different dining experience including a paella counter and tapas bar in addition to the dining area. Coming early on this Tuesday evening we are the first table, but very soon all the nearby tables are occupied, testimony to its popularity.The décor is chic, with an open kitchen on one side where we can see the chefs busy in preparation, on the opposite is the tapas bar, with the seafood corner displaying the fresh and seasonal catch. The dim lighting offers a comfortable ambience, with ‘greens’ hanging from the ceiling giving a touch of nature and highlight the hotel’s sustainability focus.I have a bottle of Bodegas Albamar Rias Baixas 2021 ($590) to pair with the food. Coming from the famous white wine producing region in Spain, this Albarino is made from grapes grown on the seaside, before hand harvested and goes through fermentation partially in neutral oak and stainless steel. Refreshing with a hint of salty minerality. Quite nice.The first tapas we have is Pan Con Tomate ($98). Served on crunchy crystal bread, the chef has put the grated tomato on top, drizzled with Arbequina olive oil, a light and smooth Spanish olive oil famous for its fruity fragrance and pleasant flavours. With some chives scattered, it is a simple tapa, but one highlights quality of the ingredients to the full extent. Very good.The second one we have is Scallop Crudo ($198). The raw scallops are sliced and placed on Escabeche dressing, together with some avocado. The unique dressing is a local vinegar sauce, providing nice acidity, with bits of garlic, salt, lemon juice and plenty of olive oil. On the scallop are some pickled chopped onions to add to the flavours. Very good as well.The third one we have is 48-months Iberico Ham ($380 for 50g). The aged ham has rich and intense flavours, freshly cut with the surface still moist. There is a right balance of lean and fat, upon chewing the great savoury taste seeps out from the ham, pure luxury and wonders, but not overly salty. Really high quality and must try for ham lover.The fourth one we have is Tortilla de Patatas ($180). The signature Spanish potato omelette, has alioli and some Iberico ham placed on top, decorated with also some chives. The omelette is beautifully seasoned, fluffy and soft in texture, with the ham adding the rich savoury to enhance the flavours. It is my favourite dish in the evening. Highly recommend.The fifth one we have is Pulpo a la Gallega ($198). The Galician octopus has been cut into small bite-sized pieces, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with smoked paprika. The octopus is amazingly tender and can be chewed without difficulty. According to the staff this dish is the most popular one and I can understand why. Very good.For the main we have a Medium Seafood Paella ($358). The paella has great flavours, using intensely rich seafood broth to cook the rice, adding clams, prawns, baby squid and alioli. The rice has also a nice crisp at the bottom for extra fragrance and texture, and we can taste the freshness of the seafood, very different than those frozen ones. Really good.For dessert, since we are already very full, we go for something lighter, picking Vanilla and Raspberry Gelato ($78). Appropriate in sweetness, it helps to cleanse the palate and is refreshing. A nice finale to the wonderful tapas and paella.Service is good, with the staff friendly and attentive, helpful in explaining the menu and introducing some signature dishes for us at the beginning but would be good if they can explain a bit more on the dish when they are served. The bill on the night is $2,354 which is also reasonable. A good place for Spanish tapas. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-10-17
16806 瀏覽
慶祝餐廳list入面一定有Bayfare Social🤣都係我香港西班牙菜其中一間最愛!除咗食物質素唔使懷疑,成個環境氣氛好輕鬆舒服,唔會因為係酒店就好formal,朋友情侶去都可以chill住食😎Calamar Asado $288廚師特別推介!唔係成日有㗎,本身想叫章魚tapa,Server大力推薦烤魷魚真係冇介紹錯! 質感超柔軟,好鮮味,簡單用西班牙雪莉醋同大蒜調味,已經好好食!Croquetas De Chorizo $138外層炸得好脆,內層薯蓉餡料熱辣辣,口感滑順,加上伊比利亞香腸嘅鹹香,作為前菜真係打開咗食慾Seafood Paella $358 (medium)水準依舊!Share嘅話,4個人叫Medium啱啱好可以試吓~Steak frites $388必食!見到廚師燒完牛扒俾佢rest好,再索埋啲血水先上碟超細心,仲用左自家製牛油,肉味香濃,外層煎封得好好;薯條出色超香口!Black Spaghetti $198每啖都係滿滿嘅墨魚味🤣意粉吸收晒啲精華,除咗有啲墨魚粒鋪喺頂,仲有啲蒜蓉麵包碎,撈埋一齊更加香有口感Linguine $190蜆肉鮮味同意粉完美融合,醬汁用咗忌廉同白酒,好鍾意個意粉質感,煮得啱啱好有口感🌟推薦指數:9/10▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️📍 Bayfare Social (尖沙咀)尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號香港瑰麗酒店5樓🔎分類搜尋:#FTHK_尖沙咀 #FTHK_西式 繼續閱讀
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🔹朋友生日 我哋嚟到位於Rosewood嘅西班牙餐廳慶祝🇪🇸😆 大家可以喺k11 Musea 5樓入去餐廳😝 餐廳環境好chill 坐得好舒服😌 酒店級數嚟講 價錢非常親民💵 Tapas種類好多 但味道都偏鹹😁🔸Croquetas De Chorizo🥓 ($138)Ibérico Chorizo Croquette, Spicy Mayo 呢個可樂餅tapas真係好鹹😂😂 西班牙嘅可樂餅同其他國家嘅可樂餅唔同 係以奶油同牛奶製嘅白醬做基本🇪🇸 再配唔同嘅內餡 今次呢個係豬肉香腸🥓 充滿鹹香☺️🔸Pulpo A La Gallega🐙 ($198)Galician Octopus, Smoked Paprika, Olive Oil呢道西班牙八爪魚tapas 八爪魚好新鮮🐙 但比較韌😌 底下有一層薯蓉 有保留一啲薯仔粒 幾有咬口☺️ 薯蓉吸哂八爪魚嘅味道 所以都係偏鹹😗 仲有煙燻紅椒粉同橄欖油調味 味道都好配合😋🔸Calamares A La Andaluza🦑 ($148)Fried Squid, Crispy Parsley, Alioli我哋再叫咗個炸魷魚圈tapas🦑 魷魚圈份量唔太多 偏細舊😗 但都算新鮮彈牙 而且炸得酥脆香口😋 再附上蛋黃醬 非常配合👍🏻🔸Seafood Paella🥘 (Medium) ($358)Clams, Prawn, Baby Squid, Alioli 份量唔算多😌 飯粒口感扎實 吸收哂海鮮湯汁 一開始已經覺得有啲鹹 食到後尾更鹹😂 面頭有蛋黃醬 帶有蒜味 可以撈埋個飯嚟食😆 海鮮有蜆🦪 蝦🦐 魷魚🦑 蜆肉冇沙 充滿海洋嘅味道😂 加埋個飯食就好鹹🤣🔸Steak Frites🥩 ($388)Wagyu Flat Iron Steak, French Fries薯條係幼身嘅 炸得好香口🍟 牛扒正正常常 肉質鮮嫩 脂肪唔算多 肉味都好濃郁😋 面頭塊牛油真係好香 同牛扒好夾😁🔸Churros🍫 ($138)Order咗個甜品俾個friend☺️ book枱時加咗remarks 所以餐廳幫我哋寫埋Happy birthday🎂 churros都算外脆內軟 但因為外層好多糖 所以食落好膩😌 另外附上熱辣辣嘅朱古力 中和返churros嘅甜😗 繼續閱讀
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