Shahrazad Lebanese Dining Lounge & Bar

港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
60697500 (WhatsApp)
酒吧位置及餐廳整體在裝修、燈光氣氛或擺設佈置都充滿中東色彩,彷如置身異國。除中東菜必備-鷹嘴豆泥外,亦有富特色的炭火烤羊肉。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Visa Master 現金
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以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Shahrazad Authentic Lebanese Restaurant, where we invite you to embark on a culinary journey inspired by the enchanting tales of the Arabian Nights. Our restaurant's transports you to a world of mystery and magic, setting the stage for an unforgettable dining experience.
At Shahrazad, we specialize in serving high-quality Lebanese grilled meats that are bursting with flavor and grilled to perfection. Our menu also features a variety of refreshing salads made with the freshest ingredients, some of which are imported directly from the Middle East to ensure an authentic taste that captures the essence of Lebanese cuisine.
Join us at Shahrazad Authentic Lebanese Restaurant and let us take you on a gastronomic adventure filled with exotic flavors, warm hospitality, and a touch of Middle Eastern charm. We look forward to welcoming you into our world of culinary delights.

食評 (700)
位於中環大館附近, 係餐飲集團CHESS HOUSE 旗下嘅餐廳🍴, 主打黎巴嫩菜式🇱🇧, 無論係食物、環境都好有特色!藍色嘅燈光配上民族風嘅裝潢, 周圍都有中東宮殿風嘅裝飾, 仲有榻榻米座化區, 充滿異國風情🕌!🍴Hummus Beetroot粉紅色嘅鷹嘴豆蓉🩷顏色好吸引🤩!鷹嘴豆蓉加入芝麻醬、紅菜頭、檸檬橄欖油, 鷹嘴豆蓉口感綿滑, 帶一點清新嘅檸檬酸味, 搭配Pita bread一齊食🫓, 開胃又好食😋!🦐Shrimp Matffie 推介👍🏻 每隻蝦仁都煎得好香, 以橄欖油、檸檬汁及芫荽調味🌿, 蝦仁肉質爽口彈牙, 唧上檸檬汁更鮮美!底下個汁充滿蒜香, 調味酸酸地, 惹味又開胃!🍗Shish Tawook 烤雞肉串配大蒜檸檬醬, 雞肉有炭烤香味, 肉質嫩滑, 烤得剛好, 而且一啲都唔乾身!旁邊配上青椒🫑、車厘茄🍅、洋蔥🧅🐟Samake Bil Tahini煎鱈魚柳肉質結實, 魚皮煎至脆身香口, 底下配上芝麻醬, 仲加入咗石榴籽同松子, 口感濃厚滑順, 有堅果香氣🍸One Thousand One Night 名字來自童話《一千零一夜》🌌, cocktail 以荔枝、玫瑰、柑橘、Prosecco氣泡酒、seared rosemary調製, 酒味唔會太濃, 非常容易入口, 散發住果香同玫瑰花香🌹 繼續閱讀
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大館附近有氣氛中東菜|推介烤魚🐟同串燒!同朋友放工去chill下,呢間中東菜真係好有氣氛!❣️位置係大館對面,好有中東氣氛,感覺好似去左阿拉丁神燈世界❣️食物有水準,價錢又合理,已經bookmark會再去!🥣Lebanese Hummus- 豆味超濃香,好rich texture又滑身,厚厚地搽上薄餅好滋味(仲清曬成個hummus😆)🦐shrimp matffie- 超級推介!每隻蝦都煎香 ,底下汁滿滿garlic香,調味酸酸地又惹味,好開胃!個汁係重點~🐟是日烤魚- 價錢比想像中平,仲要係幾大條!燒香魚肉甜甜的又保留juicy口感。另外醬料都係精華,creamy帶有檸檬香、好refreshing🐑lamb skewers- 羊肉好似慢煮texture,肉質軟嫩唔會乾身,外層香口。每件羊肉都大大舊 好滿足!🥣hot hummus- 外層脆脆,入面滿滿羊肉粒粒,配上少少惹味香料呢到唔止食材好,醬汁都好特別,環境又一流!下次再同朋友去 繼續閱讀
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今日朋友生日,佢指明話要食啲特別啲嘅嘢,即刻攞咗我book mark咗又好想食嘅黎巴嫩菜出嚟餐廳位於中環,一入到去大部份都係外國客人 ,裝修同埋音樂都非常有阿拉伯風味🔥Menu選擇非常之多,有唔同嘅沙律同埋燒烤肉類等等!Shamandar SaladBeetroot , 芝麻醬、橄欖油、檸檬汁等特製醬汁。作為前菜相當唔錯酸酸地幾開胃🍬Makanek黎巴嫩著名的香腸小吃,使用優質羊肉混合各種香料後製成。烤制後外表焦香酥脆,咬下去肉質鮮嫩多汁,飽含濃濃的香料香氣。Mutable煙熏味極重嘅茄子蓉跟peta bread , 非常夾,而且配咗少少甜嘅石榴,食起上嚟更開胃Grilled Halloumi Cheese 非常特別嘅燒芝士,跟咗少少沙律一齊食,鹹香得來帶一點清新🍀Lamb Skewers嫩滑多汁的羊肉串在一起烤製而成羊肉燒得啱啱好非常多肉汁,而且配有鷹嘴豆泥,非常中東風味十足✅Tagine Bamia bil Lahm傳統的阿拉伯燉菜。羊肉和秋葵慢火燉煮數小時至肉質極其軟嫩。秋葵的清脆口感與羊肉的香濃完美融合,叫呢度菜會跟埋阿拉伯飯,將濃郁嘅蕃茄羊肉汁淋喺飯上面真係一大享受😋😋 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-06-27
3301 瀏覽
近排同事介紹咗一間餐廳,話係中東菜式,我聽到又好想試吓,平時中餐西餐日式就食得多,中東菜真係冇乜食過🤩一入到去淨係睇裝修已經好有feel ,睇Menu款式花多眼亂揀左Sambousek Cheese 中東芝士餡餅,餃子形狀,裡面包住滿滿嘅芝士🧀少少薄荷香味,好正👍🏻Hummus Awarma 鷹嘴豆、煎羊肉、松子,我曾經食過一次鷹嘴豆泥,之後就念念不忘,不過平時比較少見到,今日終於可以再食🤤鷹嘴豆泥好滑好creamy,煎羊肉好香,配烤餅食,都幾飽肚😋Grilled Beef Skewer 醃120天穀飼牛柳、辣椒、百里香烤牛串大大舊,好稔,惹味,可以配埋洋蔥、辣椒食👍🏻Freeket Mozzah 青麥、慢煮羊膝,羊膝好嫩滑,加yoghurt 少少酸更開胃,青麥幾特別,口感比白飯好Drink list 都好多選擇,我哋揀咗比較易入口嘅One Thousand One Night同Prosecco ,又是很chill 的一晚💕 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-06-17
2510 瀏覽
-🍴🍽🍴🍽🍴🍽🥗🫓🐑🐟🍸🍴🍽🍴🍽🍴🍽-Set 1️⃣ $228🥢Potato Soup 🆙The potato soup has a velvety smooth texture. The flavor is a delightful balance of creamy potatoes, savory broth, and subtle seasonings that create a harmonious and nourishing experience👍🏻.🥢Batata Harra 🆗Spicy and flavorful, this Lebanese dish of sautéed potatoes is a combination of garlic, chili peppers, and aromatic spices. The potatoes have a delightful crispy exterior that gives way to a fluffy, tender interior, perfectly complemented by the l seasoning blend😋.🥢Saniet Samak 🆗The Saniet Samak features fresh, flaky fish that flakes apart effortlessly. The rich, creamy sauce complements the seafood perfectly, creating a luxurious and indulgent mouthfeel that is both satisfying and memorable👍🏻.🥢Mahalabia 🆙Mahalabia is a creamy, sweetened milk pudding that is enhanced with the fragrant essence of rosewater. It's a delicate and decadent treat that lingers on the palate🤤.Set 2️⃣ $188🥢Potato Soup 🆙🥢Sambousek Spinach 🆗The Sambousek Spinach is a delightful pastry pocket that offers a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. The crisp, flaky crust gives way to a filling of tender, wilted spinach, accented with fragrant spices and a touch of tangy cheese😋.🥢Chicken Ouzi 🆙The Chicken Ouzi offers a symphony of textures, from the tender, juicy chicken to the fluffy, fragrant rice. The blend of spices infuses the dish with a warm, aromatic flavor that delights the senses😋.🥢Mahalabia 🆙🥸評價 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀🥸食物 𝗙𝗼𝗼𝗱 7.5/10環境 𝗘𝗻𝘃𝗶𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 7.5/10服務 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗲 8/10性價比 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 7.5/10整體 𝗢𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗹 7.62/10-🍴🍽🍴🍽🍴🍽🍞🥩🦀🍸🍹🍴🍽🍴🍽🍴🍽-🗺️ Shahrazad Lebanese Dining Lounge & Bar (中環)中環雲咸街75-77號嘉兆商業大廈2樓 繼續閱讀
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