1509 瀏覽
(English version below)舊時Kyoto Joe還未搬過來這邊之前,試過一次他們的餐廳周,覺得當時食物非常精緻出色,印象深刻。這次遇上餐廳周,去過後發現食物只是過得去,份量就不可以了。這個新地址環境不錯,樓層高,比以前開揚得多,裝修也更有氣派。不過食物實在不復往年。跟從前一樣,刺身都是新鮮的,鮮味在口裏流連忘返;串燒也烤得香,不過就過火。其他食物都只是一般。所謂蟹肉沙律沒什麽蟹肉,主要是青瓜,讓沒什麽味道的蟹肉淡上加淡,醒胃菜都唔醒;炒飯太油膩而不香,什麽松露牛肝菌味都蓋過了,更遑論日本風味;天婦羅小貓三四隻,再吃了體重過輕的甜品後,離開餐廳時如果夠氣都想唱番首絕對空虛。其實我見這裏生意不俗,沒預訂的人都要等位,而且其他食客看上去都食得盡興。我都明白餐廳周算是提供推廣價,所以換來的服務相對沒其他檯那麽殷勤。不過如果Kyoto Joe覺得餐廳周一個顧客只賺400元相對沒什麽利潤,建議不如不要將貨就價餓親人,直接退出餐廳周賺番正價吧。人人都瘦身,唔通人人都瘦身咩。I tried the Restaurant Week menu of Kyoto Joe a few ye
舊時Kyoto Joe還未搬過來這邊之前,試過一次他們的餐廳周,覺得當時食物非常精緻出色,印象深刻。這次遇上餐廳周,去過後發現食物只是過得去,份量就不可以了。
其實我見這裏生意不俗,沒預訂的人都要等位,而且其他食客看上去都食得盡興。我都明白餐廳周算是提供推廣價,所以換來的服務相對沒其他檯那麽殷勤。不過如果Kyoto Joe覺得餐廳周一個顧客只賺400元相對沒什麽利潤,建議不如不要將貨就價餓親人,直接退出餐廳周賺番正價吧。人人都瘦身,唔通人人都瘦身咩。
I tried the Restaurant Week menu of Kyoto Joe a few years ago, before they relocated here, and was impressed by their exquisite and outstanding food back then. But as I revisited their Restaurant Week menu this time, I found that the food was just so so and the portion was too piteous.
They have relocated to a nice environment, on a high floor overseeing a wide view unavailable before, and their decoration has become a lot grander.
However, the food deteriorated. Just like before, sashimi was so fresh that their freshness lingered in our mouths; the skewers were also bursting with fragrance, as they were overcooked (oops). Other food was not quite okay. The so-called crab meat salad only had tiny bits of crab meat without strong taste, and the thin taste was even further diluted by the main cucumber part, making the appetiser not appetising; the fried rice was too greasy and not fragrant, overwhelming the flavor of truffle or porcini, not to mention any taste of Japanese; and probably as my stomach was barely filled even after the petite tempura and underweight dessert, I felt like one of the warriors in the Hunger Games when I walked out from the restaurant.
In fact, I could see that the business here was not bad, as people who had not made a reservation had to queue up, and other diners seemed to be having a good time. I understand that Restaurant Week is theoretically promotional offer, so in exchange the service as expected would not be as attentive as that of other diners. However, if Kyoto Joe feels that Restaurant Week is not profitable comparatively, it is better not to offer starvation food at a discount, but simply quit Restaurant Week and profit from their regular prices. You aren’t paying this restaurant 400HKD to lose weight, are you?