港鐵灣仔站 A2 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
由香港浙江省同鄉會聯合會經營的中菜廳,提供一系列傳統正宗的上海及浙江菜式,招牌菜包括長江燻魚及紹興蒸臭豆腐。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2015-24)
11:30 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:30
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食評 (129)
等級4 2025-02-17
297 瀏覽
今日同朋友慶祝新年, 午間聚餐選了灣仔 浙江軒, 私房菜形式酒家.    方便大家興高采烈, 高談闊論, 我們訂了一間房, 裝修好典雅.服務不錯, 安排座後送上餐前小食及醬油. 茶錢每位 $20- ,   簡單小食 $80.先來開胃涼菜, 醬蘿蔔:  調味平和, 不油不辣. 鎮江肴肉:   口感好,  味美 唔會鹹.醉豬手: 肉質不錯.四喜烤夫: 一般口味.鹽水鴨:   普通. 蔥油紅蜇頭:   蔥油香氣特別, 紅蜇頭爽口.寧波脆鱔:  香 脆但帶點硬.油爆蝦:   蝦肉彈牙連殼食, 但較為油膩.香炸臭豆腐:  這個本是街頭小食, 現造法頗為細緻,  外酥內軟, 口感帶獨特臭味. 清炒河蝦仁:  家常菜, 蝦仁肉質細滑, $600- 價錢甚高. 目魚紅燒肉:   $700-   調味好, 紅燒肉 收費略高. 龍鬚鮭魚: $900-   手工菜,  鮭魚基本價錢不貴, 龍鬚鮭魚經入工拆魚, 令價錢高起來.   鮭魚欠魚味.冬筍塌菜 $580-,  這個菜 價錢令大家吃驚. 下次吾會叫. 上海粗炒, 及格. 上海炒年糕:  年糕煙韌富彈性, 唔會炒到黐埋, 個芡汁稀杰適中.銀絲卷:  可以. 桂花酒釀丸子:   丸子口感煙韌, 唔會好粉, 好重酒味高力豆沙:   夠鬆又夠熱, 豆沙餡不太甜,  食得滋味. 擂沙湯丸:  上海甜品, 軟棉棉有流沙效果.豆沙鍋餅, 豆沙餡料正, 外皮香脆但略乾硬. 生果: 西瓜+哈蜜瓜, 水果新鮮, 賣相,  擺碟,  也 ok.整体計, 酒家地點吾方便, 由灣仔或銅鑼灣地鐵行去至少要 8分鐘.  今個午餐只係普通菜式,  收費不合比例.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-11-28
2458 瀏覽
When this restaurant first started many years ago, it is exclusive for members. Riding on friends I was able to visit a few times to experience its authentic and delicious Zhejiang cuisine. Nowadays it is open to public, but you will probably need to be a member in order to book a private room. With the hairy crab in season, today we come to Wanchai Lockhart Road to see whether they keep up to the high standards after all these years.The décor and setting have not changed much, neat and tidy, offering traditional and familiar ambience of circular tables with white tablecloth, and the use of celebratory colours like red and gold in the design. On a wall there is a backdrop which indicates this year is the Thirteen Anniversary of the restaurant. Time really flies as it did not feel so long ago when I first came here.We start with some appetizers, including Smoked Egg 煙燻蛋 ($26 each). The egg has a runny yolk, with the smoky flavours infused well into the egg white, very delicious and not overly salty. Very good.The second appetizer is Jelly Fish with Spring Onion 蔥油海蜇頭 ($190). The jellyfish has a crunchy texture, having cleaned and soaked thoroughly so there is no weird taste, but full of the nice flavours of the marinade. The drizzle of the spring onion oil further adds to the fragrance, with the cucumber pieces underneath helps to freshen and balance the palate. Very good also.Next comes Fried River Shrimps 清炒河蝦仁 ($300). The river shrimps are quite big in size, cooked perfectly to maintain its sweet taste while keeping the meat tender and smooth. Adding a bit of vinegar helps to bring forward the umami of the shrimps. Pure joy and wonder. Highly recommend.Obviously, we cannot miss the seasonal hairy crab dishes and decide to pick Crab Meat with Tofu 蟹粉豆腐 ($650). The orange paste of mixed crab meat and roes are simply unstoppable, with great flavours. The tofu is soft and delicate, but its milder taste actually helps to highlight the crab meat even further. We share a bowl of rice and in no time, I finish everything. Must try.A dish that we did not eat often in last few years is Sauteed Eels with Chives 韭黃鱔糊 ($250). The eel, chives, and beansprouts are all cut to almost equal length, with the thick sauce delicious in taste. I like how the dish does not feel excessively oily, again testimony to the skills of the chef in handling the cooking temperature and time to perfection. Very good.We also have Xiao Long Bao 灌湯小籠包 ($64) for dim sum, with each of the dumpling filled with delicious soup, and the thin dough also scoring high marks. The minced pork is not too fatty and seasoned well. Very good.For dessert we have Assorted Dumplings with Wine and Sweet Osmanthus 桂花酒釀雙丸 ($50), which includes both the small dumplings without fillings and the larger ones with black sesame. The soup is fragrant, and slightly sweetened making it elegant and healthy. The dumplings have chewy dough with a nice bite. Another good one.Overall, the restaurant stays true to my fond memories, continue to keep up to its high-quality standards. Service is nice with the friendly staff who do not try to oversell. The bill on the night is $1,666 without any service charge. Very reasonable. If you want to enjoy good Zhejiang cuisine this is where I would highly recommend. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-10-30
3542 瀏覽
煙燻子母雞,我覺得啲煙燻蛋更加出色!雞有些少煙燻味,肉質都幾滑的。寧波脆鱔 再來脆鱔和茄子兩款餐前小吃。大家也特別偏愛鹹甜適中、酥脆香鬆的脆鱔。醉雞,優勝之處在於醉味濃而溫厚、帶著酒香的肉質柔軟緊緻,令人吃得津津有味!砂鍋奄篤鮮 - 邊吃邊讚奄篤鮮的美味,對我而言,乳白帶鮮香,但味道剛剛好清清地,鹹肉鮮味突出。接著的烤夫,是正宗用手撕的,配合筍、毛豆、雲耳等材料,是開胃前菜長江薰魚通常系上海鋪食到都系黑媽媽,死實實,哩間做到皮脆肉嫩,有煙燻味,難得糟溜魚片,魚片好厚,但好有魚味同好滑高力豆沙,豆沙做的好好,好融,吾會太甜。皮都幾薄,可惜有一個又系穿左。但比較特別佢好似吾同其他地方,吾系炸到金黃色,而好像是焗出來白色。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-11
8314 瀏覽
因為媽咪都係編好中菜但唔食辣,所以一般粵菜上海嘢浙江菜都會啱佢口味,今次就嚟試吓呢間浙江軒。1. 這家餐廳的招牌菜之一,燻蛋。一上桌,這顆金黃色的燻蛋就散發出誘人的香氣,質地鮮嫩,入口即化。這道菜充滿了獨特的燻香味,讓人回味無窮。2. 長江燻魚,這道菜絕對是一個令人驚艷的美食體驗。魚肉鮮嫩多汁,搭配著燻香的味道,讓人忍不住一口接一口。無論是外觀還是口感,這道菜都讓人留下深刻的印象。(不過有少少骨要小心食)3. 爽三様,海蜇頭青瓜粉皮是一道清爽的冷盤,適合夏天的用餐。海蜇頭的鮮嫩口感和青瓜的清脆口感相互輝映,搭配著粉皮的彈牙口感,讓人口感愉悅。這道菜無論是色彩還是口感都非常出眾,絕對是一道令人好開胃的菜式。4. 香炸臭豆腐,這道菜絕對是勇敢嘗試的美食。豆腐外酥內軟,搭配著特殊的臭味,味道非常獨特。對於鍾意香港懷舊味道嘅食客來說,這道菜絕對是一個必試的選擇。(不過侍應話蒸臭豆腐比炸臭豆腐更加臭,有機會試試)5. 鮮肉窩貼。這道菜以其鮮嫩多汁的肉香和外酥內軟的口感而聞名。每一口都充滿了肉汁的滋味,令人回味無窮。6. 高湯花膠需要提前預訂,廚房收到order需要燉超過1小時,花膠口感滑嫩,不過expect花膠雞湯更加好味,略嫌材料甚少,標價過高。7. 而酸辣湯材料都算好足,但係略嫌唔夠酸味,有啲失望。8. 脆皮炸雞外酥內嫩,肉質鮮嫩多汁,每一口都是美味和滿足的享受。它的外層炸得金黃酥脆,內部肉質鮮嫩多汁,絕對是炸雞愛好者的最愛。(食唔晒打包返屋企第二日用氣炸鍋整返都非常好食)9. 蜜汁烤雙肪配蝴蝶餅是一道別具特色的菜品。這道菜將蜜汁烤雙肪加上南瓜的香甜與蝴蝶餅的鬆軟結合在一起,口感豐富多樣。不過蝴蝶餅有啲過厚,似划包,一人一個都未必食得晒。10. 牛柳粒鍋巴卷 / 黑松露菌蝦仁窩巴卷是一道精致的炸卷物,見個菜色咁特別又係手工菜,所以點嚟試吓。牛柳粒的鮮嫩和窩巴卷的香脆交相輝映,讓人一口接一口。而黑松露菌蝦仁窩巴卷則以其獨特的黑松露香氣和鮮美的蝦仁口感,令人難以忘懷。11. 高力豆沙,以其香甜的豆沙餡料和酥脆的外殼而聞名。每一口都充滿了豆沙的濃郁口感,熱辣辣好好食。這家餐廳的環境和服務都唔錯,有3層,營造出舒適愉悅的用餐氛圍,今次亦安排咗一個細枱廂房俾我哋。服務員熱情友好,樂於解答客人的問題,不斷換熱茶斟酒上菜,讓人感受到賓至如歸的待遇。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-05-10
7214 瀏覽
好耐之前未做午市套餐來過,那時可能單點選擇更多,都覺得很好吃。今次來係同事話有其他部門同事吃過話不錯,反正好耐冇身大家又未試過就一齊去食下午市選擇係比較常見的中國小菜,份量也適中,不過都偏油膩所以食少少也飽飽滯滯比較欣賞嘅係蔥油拌麵,魚羹湯同甜品 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)