港鐵尖沙咀B1 出口, 步行約8分鐘 繼續閱讀
93142713 (Whatsapp)
餐廳主打稀有雞肉部位及時令海鮮串燒,更有機會配搭日本名酒莊的季節限定清酒。其裝修型格時尚,如日式紙傘、霓虹燈等裝飾十分適合打卡。 繼續閱讀
18:00 - 23:45
18:00 - 23:45
Visa Master AlipayHK 現金 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
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以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (645)
// 𝙈𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙣 𝙅𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙄𝙯𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙮𝙖 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙯𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙔𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙞 𝙞𝙣 𝙏𝙨𝙞𝙢 𝙎𝙝𝙖 𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙞 - 𝙎𝘼𝙆𝙀𝙃 🍶 //-Hidden on the slope of Observatory Court in Tsim Sha Tsui, 𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐇 is a contemporary izakaya restaurant that specializes in drool-worthy yakitori and seasonal seafood dishes, in pairing with premium sake from acclaimed Japanese wineries.-Indulged in their savory skewers that paired perfectly with Echigozakura's Junmai Daiginjō (越後桜 純米大吟醸), made of Yamadanishiki rice that milled down to 45%; presenting a clean and refreshing taste with a well-balanced taste and decent aroma that pairs well with their signature yakitori skewers like the classic must-order Nankotsu Tsukune and the extraordinary Chouchin Yakitori.-Some of their must-try dishes include Foie Gras and Wild Mushroom Rice, featuring the buttery and delicate foie gras that is perfectly seared with a crispy exterior; as well as the Fish Maw and Crab Luxurious Seafood Hot Pot for a hearty indulgence during the cold winter days.-// 𝟏𝟎% 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞 🔝 //ʙs-ᴘᴊ-ǫᴘʟ-ᴏʟ-sᴄɴ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-04-23
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今日同朋友想飲少少酒傾吓偈見到天文臺道有間穩世日式居酒屋雖然話就話隱世,但其實都好方便行少少斜路嘅地鋪門口已經有型有格一入門口有條樓梯行上去,好似入咗秘境咁!✨翠玉 純米吟釀 720mL $888經釀造「十四代」的高木酒造指導,甘甜中帶纖細的漿果類香氣,芬香爽雅,旨味和酸味高度平衡酒味清香,啱女士飲呢度嘅串燒都十分特別連鳥之提燈都有,想試嘅朋友可以嚟呢到!✨蒜蓉牛油燒日本元貝 $98@1日本元貝好大粒厚身,燒出嚟一啲都唔乾食到元貝嘅鮮味,唔會俾蒜蓉牛油搶咗味✨雞肩肉 $48@1肉質軟嫩,肉汁豐富✨厚切牛脷芯 $78@1呢個好推薦!牛脷芯好厚身而且十分彈牙爽口,牛脷愛好者必食!✨澳洲特級龍蝦 $118@1✨鹽燒牛沙瓜 $48@1 呢味係職員推介我哋試,話係牛第4個胃第一次試,口感係牛肚質感咬落煙韌有牛味,值得一試!✨雞胸三角軟骨 $36@1✨汁燒雞橫膈膜 $48@1橫膈膜都係第一次試,食落似鵝腸口感咁爽口✨香煎鵝肝野菌飯 $3682-3人份嘅飯!估唔到係咁足料兩大嚿鵝肝!好香好邪惡!✨翠玉瓜 $30@1呢個燒得好多汁,好好味!✨日本蕃薯 $35@1 繼續閱讀
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誠意推薦這間位於天文臺圍的日式居酒屋🫶🏻 餐廳時尚的裝潢設計充滿著現代感💚 多款清酒配搭著形形色色的串燒,渡過愜意的一晚🧡✨✂︎ 👉🏻 經網上訂位每人贈送日本生蠔🦪 新鮮爽口✂︎ ❥$𝟱𝟴𝟴 匠京姬純米大吟釀 (𝟳𝟮𝟬ml):充滿果香,入口柔和清爽,是一款女生都會喜歡的清酒🍶👍🏻~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 👇🏻 以下每款可一串起計(標示的$$為單一串的價格):❥$𝟳𝟴 白鱔:白鱔的魚皮厚實有嚼勁,肉質鮮甜爽口🫶🏻✂︎ ❥$𝟯𝟴 燒飯團:外層焦香內層軟綿,而且熱乎乎✂︎ ❥$𝟰𝟴 鳥腳跟:爽脆中帶點煙韌,口感豐富✂︎ ❥$𝟰𝟴 鹽燒牛沙瓜:份量極為稀少的牛沙瓜爽口彈牙✂︎ ❥$𝟳𝟴 厚切牛脷芯:軟腍又爽口,厚實的一塊有著濃郁的牛味🫶🏻✂︎ ❥$𝟱𝟱 自家製免治雞肉軟骨:夾雜著雞軟骨,沾上滿滿的月見汁,美味無比😻✂︎ ❥$𝟵𝟴 蒜蓉牛油燒日本元貝:元貝一絲絲的紋理清晰可見,鮮甜滿分👍🏻~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~👇🏻 以下每款必需兩串起計(標示的$$為單一串的價格):❥$𝟯𝟲 雞皮:薄薄一份,又香又脆🫶🏻✂︎ ❥$𝟯𝟲 雞心:口感Q彈紮實✂︎ ❥$𝟯𝟬 粟米:爆汁,濃濃的牛油香✂︎ ❥$𝟲𝟴 汁燒牛肋:甜甜的味道,肉質幼嫩✂︎ ❥$𝟯𝟱 日本蕃薯:口感鬆軟甜味清爽🫶🏻✂︎ ❥$𝟯𝟲 荔枝豚肉卷:充滿著荔枝的清甜味✂︎ ❥$𝟯𝟴 鹽燒雞腿肉:雖然頗為厚實,但肉質卻很嫩滑✂︎ ❥$𝟯𝟲 皮蛋芫荽豚肉卷:皮蛋+芫荽,不是人人接受的味道,不過味道其實很不錯 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-04-23
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想食正宗嘅日本燒鳥唔一定要去日本先食到,喺香港一樣都可以食到超水準又高質嘅日本串燒,今晚約咗Foodie朋友仔去天文臺圍「SAKEH」食餐好飲返杯🍶我地嗌咗支匠京姫純米大吟釀,入口順滑香甜米味香濃,啱晒配搭日式串燒,一邊品嚐美食一邊小酌一番,爽YY😌用OpenRice訂枱每人仲會贈送日本生蠔,生蠔肥美爽甜配上酸汁更加能夠提升鮮味👍🏻入正題啦,今晚我哋嗌咗10款串燒,一個丼飯,樣樣都有驚喜🉐西班牙豬腩肉肥瘦相間嘅豬腩肉,外面燒到微微焦香,油脂分布均勻,咬落去肉質非常juicy而且一啲都唔膩,超正雞肝雞肝起沙嘅口感係我嘅最愛,雞肝燒得外脆內軟裡面粉粉嫩嫩再配上燒汁簡直係最佳嘅配搭雞腎一啖一粒,爽口Q彈,火候控制得非常好生熟程度啱啱好,鍾意食內臟嘅朋友仔唔好錯過雞軟骨師傅功架十足,每粒雞軟骨入口都係脆卜卜,而且一啲都唔乾身,啱晒用黎送酒自家製免治雞肉軟骨必點招牌菜👍🏻咬落去食到鬆軟嘅免治雞肉,加上雞軟骨,口感非常豐富,再配上香濃嘅蛋汁令到雞肉更加軟滑汁燒牛肋肉肉質較為厚實最適合用黎做串燒,酸酸甜甜嘅燒汁配上鮮嫩嘅牛肋肉,入口充滿肉汁,推介👍🏻馬刀貝馬刀貝即係燒蟶子皇,加上香蔥去燒烤已經不需要落其他調味,入口鮮甜肥美又爽口雞肩肉餐廳會有幾款隱藏菜式,店員會逐一向你推介,我地嗌咗其中兩款,雞肩肉脂肪較少,肉質緊緻有彈性,外面燒到焦香裡面依然充滿肉汁,鮮味十足蒜蓉牛油燒日本元貝另一款隱藏菜式👍🏻元貝厚肉雪白,味道鮮甜,加入蒜蓉牛油去燒烤,令元貝帶有濃郁嘅蒜味同奶香,更加能突出海鮮嘅鮮味厚切牛脷芯必點🉐牛脷芯爽口彈牙有嚼勁,中間位置特別爽嫩juicy,越咀嚼牛味越濃烈,灑上黑椒去燒烤,惹味又香口,與清酒絕配封門柳飯我強烈推介最後一定要嗌呢個主食,餐廳除咗串燒出色以外,封門柳飯絕對有驚喜😋一上枱時牛肉嘅色澤已經非常吸引,中間粉嫩軟腍,肉味濃郁充滿肉汁,丼飯配上多種菇類同翠玉瓜,既有肉又有蔬菜配搭,實在係飲飽食醉嘅一晚🍶😋📍SAKEH (尖沙咀)尖沙咀天文臺圍5-9號寶軒酒店地舖及1樓人均消費:$500-600食物:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️環境:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️回頭率:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-04-22
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Sakeh dinner!! Its lots of nice skewers for dinner!! Th vibe is chill and very japanese like! we ordered their specialty which are the skewers! Our orders are as follows:First we ordered their specialty sake which is Zaku Impression Junmai! its smooth and really makes us chill throughout the night!Chicken shoulderThis is the dish of the night!! Its not a normal chicken shoulder, definitely a must try in this resto! its so tender juicy, and have that unique taste that is definitely so tasty! it has that umami taste that makes you want to order more!Chicken cartilage Another underrated dish of the night! definitely not a normal chicken cartilage and it’s surprisingly easy to eat and has the balance of saltiness in the dish!Chicken skinThe chicken skin is very crispy and has a good but not too strong chicken smell, and it tasted well to eat without the sauce or with the sauce from SAKEH resto!Chicken thigh The chicken thigh is surprisingly so tender and umami flavour, eventhough its thick it has a lot of flavour and definitely not dry!Chicken heelThe chicken heel is quite crunchy, just like the cartilage. Tasted well, especially with the sauce from Sakeh!Minced chicken with eggThe minced chicken is soft and it compliments really well when you mixed it with the egg, making it like a sauce, have that eggy and really nice savoury flavour to it!LobsterOne of the best dish of the night too! The lobster is really freshh and it is being seasoned eith the lobster paste itself! definitely one of the must try here!Pork bellyThe pork belly is surprisingly juicy but doesnt feel too fatty! it has that good balance of fat and meat on top of it, one of the best pork belly i have tried!Prawn wrapped in chicken skinThis is a unique combo! as you can taste both prawn and chicken skin together, and it makes for an interesting and good combo! you got the freshness of the shrimp added with the good smell and taste of chicken!Beef tongue centre cut Another one of the gem! Never tried a beef tongue so tender! its not chewy and its very soft, one of my favorite dish of the night too!A5 Wagyu beef dishThis goes without saying but the beef melts in your mouth, and it has that amazing A5 wagyu beef umami flavour !!ClamThe clam is fresh and taste like ocean! definitely a good seafood product here!Abalone The abalone is not chewy at all, and its already so good without any seasoning on itt!Grilled CodThe skin is crispy while the inside is so tender and soft, along with the sauce given, give you a very nice grilled fish that is just perfect, not too sweet not too salty, just in that sweet spot! 繼續閱讀
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