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食評 (251)
🍴🍽🍴🍽🍴🍽️🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍴🍽🍴🍽🍴🍽-Pici 5月推出咗全新嘅Chasing Cheese菜式,平日$298每位嘅Tasing Menu都適用!兩個人去可以試足兩款小食 + 三款意粉 + 兩款甜品,除咗份量多之餘仲碟碟爆芝,食到中間已經超級飽🧀🤯🥢 Baked Tomino $130 🆙 Tomino係一種牛奶製軟芝士,焗融嘅Tomino質地細膩、口感柔滑,並混合咗羅勒同大蒜。配上甜美嘅焦糖洋蔥同酥脆的麵包片,每一口都係濃郁同香醇嘅享受😙🥢 Truffle Beef Tartare $120 🆗 牛肉他他新鮮嫩滑,撈埋黑松露蛋黃醬口味濃郁,加埋檸檬汁仲平衡咗整體味道🐄🥢 Ravioli Fagottelli al Parmigiano $210 (Tasting Menu +$20) 🆗 意大利餛飩包住韭蔥內餡,醬汁由24個月Parmigiano芝士製成,配上香脆嘅Parmigiano芝士片仲增添咗特別嘅口感😆🥢 Tagliatelle 4 Formaggi $170 🆗 寬條麵嘅芝士醬混合咗四款芝士,包括Gorgonzola, Parmesan, Ricotta Salata, 同Pecorino,味道超級濃郁。配菜仲有Parma ham同蘆筍🥳✨🥢 Pici “Frutti di Mare” $170 🆙海鮮手工圓管粗麵充滿咗鮮明嘅風味,食落辣辣地,大蝦、青口同蜆肉份量十足🦐🐟🥢 Burrata Cheesecake $85 (Tasing Menu +$20)🆙蛋糕芝士味比想像之中濃味,撻底係黑朱古力同Nutella🍫🌰🥢 Tiramisu $60 🆙Tiramisu整體食落輕盈,餅乾浸滿濃縮咖啡,食落鬆軟☕️
-🍴🍽🍴🍽🍴🍽🍝🍝🍝🍝🍝🍴🍽🍴🍽🍴🍽 繼續閱讀
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Pici 呢間餐廳愈開愈多間分店 又長期排隊 今日行開見到無咁多人排隊就打算入去朝聖有下🫣點了一個沙律做前菜 好新鮮 但稍微無乜味 連沙律醋既味道都唔太食到😢 主菜點了兩款意粉 味道普通 麵質地偏硬身 我覺得幾難咬 咬到牙都攰🥹整體一般😂😂唔算好食都唔係難食最後點左個甜品 Tiramisu 酒味幾重 我覺得呢樣係最好食🙈 雖然餐廳環境幾靚 味道整體一般 夜晚多人都幾嘈 比較難傾計 無咩必要突登去試 亦都唔會再去食第二次滅左火😂😂 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-04-10
181 瀏覽
中環pici不能book, 只能walk in平時LUNCH都好多人幸好這次happy wed 快2點先到就唔駛點等Weekday lunch set真係好抵食! $158 3 course, 款款優質食過咁多手工pasta,pici真係價錢同質素都平衡得好好,水準又穩定中環店麵包好食,夠鬆軟但pici 麵包真係買六合彩,極唔穩定,其他店中伏次數多不勝數今次前菜終於唔係食小牛肉(每次都割捨唔到) 試左椰菜花湯好香蔬菜同蒜味,creamy得黎唔覺得heavy豬面顩pasta好香濃蕃茄芝士醬汁,肉唔多意粉一如以往有彈性、富蛋味,最鐘意脆脆既炸煙肉tiramisu是必叫的滑滑順口,微苦同甜味平衡得好好(服務都好好!咁多間pici呢間分店既服務整體係非常不錯缺點係夏天果陣會有少少熱….同埋間餐廳主要靠天然光咁,有少少暗下午呢D時間係呢個環境,少少想訓覺 繼續閱讀
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推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥以手工意粉作招徠的意式餐廳,提供不同款式的手工意粉,每款都各有特色,而且有多種的不同的口感,有不少款式更是很少可以於普通餐廳找到。而這間餐廳近年於香港不同的地區開設了多間分店,幸好沒有影響水準,不論是前菜、意粉,或甜品都具有高質素,當中以中環店的裝潢最具特色。The Italian restaurant, known for its handmade pasta offerings, features a variety of pasta styles, each with distinctive characteristics and a range of textures not commonly found in regular dining establishments. In recent years, this restaurant has expanded to multiple locations across different areas in Hong Kong, maintaining consistent high quality across its menu, from appetizers and pasta dishes to desserts. Among its locations, the Central branch stands out for its unique decor.午餐 ($158) Lunch Set餐廳於中午會提供午市餐廳給客人選擇,包括:法包、前菜、意粉,以及一款甜品或飲品,價錢與單點一客意粉相約,份量亦十分充足,而菜單則會每月更換,以保持新鮮感。During lunchtime, the restaurant offers set menus that include options like baguettes, appetizers, pasta dishes, and a choice of dessert or beverage at a price comparable to ordering a single serving of pasta. The portions are generous, and the menu rotates monthly to ensure freshness.熟火腿拼香草瑞可塔芝士 - Cold Cuts前菜之一是熟火腿配可塔芝士,原以為熟火腿會非常普通,但卻給人驚喜,火腿的味道不會太咸,夾着少許肥肉,口感軟滑。至於芝士,還以為軟芝士會很膩,配以火腿一併吃的話,卻增加了火腿的鮮味,而且亦可以配法包一同吃,味道也不俗One of the appetizers is the Parma ham with taleggio cheese, which may seem ordinary at first but surprises with a balanced flavor profile. The ham is not overly salty and features a tender texture with a hint of fat. The taleggio cheese, when paired with the ham, enhances the freshness of the ham and can also be enjoyed with the baguette, creating a delightful combination.慢煮小牛肉牛肝菌寛帶麵 - Pappardelle Porcini and Veal Ragu這個意粉,一送上枱已可以嗅到香濃的芝士味,原以為吃兩口就會感到很膩,但相反卻令人有想一吃再吃的感覺。正因為牛肝菌醬汁的新鮮,加上慢煮牛肉的鮮味,中和了香濃的芝士味,而且牛肉入口即溶,配以爽口彈牙的意粉,提供豐富的口感The pasta dish exudes a rich aroma of cheese as it is served, enticing the taste buds with its creamy texture. Despite expectations of becoming heavy after a few bites, the dish leaves a wanting for more with its fresh porcini sauce complementing the tender braised beef, balancing out the richness of the cheese. The beef melts in the mouth, combined with the al dente texture of the pasta to create a truly satisfying experience.蕃紅花忌廉青口扁麵 - Tagliatelle Mussels因為點了兩個套餐,所以另一款選了蕃紅花忌廉青口扁麵,單看賣相已十分吸引,因為蕃紅花的醬汁,令到整碟意粉充滿了搶眼的鮮黃色,加上黑色的藍青口,形成了強烈的對比。這道意粉的味道非常清新,而且粗身的意粉口感更加彈牙,唯一美中不足是青口不夠肥味,味道偏咸了一點Opting for two set menus, another choice was the saffron cream linguine with mussels, visually appealing with its vibrant saffron sauce that coats the pasta in a striking yellow hue. The dish offers a refreshing taste, with the thick linguine providing a chewy texture. However, the only drawback is that the mussels lack a depth of flavor and lean slightly towards saltiness.意式奶凍 - Panna Cotta至於甜品,大部分人都會選招牌菜提拉米蘇,其實這間餐廳的意式奶凍亦做得十分出色,奶凍非常幼滑,而且充滿奶香,配以香濃的莓醬,除了増加味道的層次外,酸甜的味道正中和了甜膩的感覺For dessert, the signature tiramisu is a popular choice, but the Italian-style panna cotta at this restaurant is equally outstanding. The panna cotta is exceptionally smooth and creamy, infused with a rich milky flavor. Paired with a luscious berry sauce, the tartness balances the sweetness, adding complexity to the taste.提拉米蘇 - Tiramisu貴為招牌菜之一這個提拉米蘇每次吃都能保持着高水準,入口充滿香濃的咖啡味,口感亦非常軟滑,而且味道又不會太甜The tiramisu, a flagship dessert, consistently impresses with its bold coffee flavor, velvety texture, and balanced sweetness. Despite being a staple, it never fails to meet a high standard with each indulgence.😎 評價 -Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅雖然說是手工意粉,但每次的水準都十分平均,而且經常會加入時令菜式或更換餐單,以保持客人的新鮮感Although renowned for its handmade pasta offerings, the restaurant maintains a consistently high standard with seasonal dishes and menu rotations to keep the dining experience fresh for patrons. ❌由於是主打手工意粉,所以菜式主要以手工意粉為主,其他的選擇較少While pasta dishes take the spotlight, other options on the menu are limited.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅裝修極具特色,令人有如置身於外國的餐廳一般,而且以半開放式設計,部分客人可以選擇室外的坐位The distinctive decor adds to the ambiance, evoking a foreign dining experience, especially with its semi-open layout that allows some patrons to choose outdoor seating.❌無NIL💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅服務員親切有禮,而且非常積極,上菜的速度亦十分快速The staff provides warm and attentive service, displaying enthusiasm and promptness in serving patrons.❌無NIL💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅午市備有套餐給客人選擇,所以價錢較為相宜,至於單點餐單的菜式與其他中價餐廳相若,但性價比高With affordable set lunch options available, the restaurant offers good value for money. The a la carte menu prices are comparable to mid-range dining establishments, making it a favorable choice.❌無NIL 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-01-12
475 瀏覽
At first we were deciding which starters to pick. Then the waitress told us that all five starters were included in the brunch, which was great! Especially when we wanted to try more items. The restaurant required all people in the same table to have the brunch set, or to go a la carte, as they’ll determine the portion of the plates accordingly. The $268 + 10% brunch set per person includes 5 starters + 1 main + 1 dessert My favourite starters were the Vitello Tonnato, Tuna Tartare and the 18-month Parma ham with melon.For the main we chose the Tagliolini Truffle (only need to add $38) and the Pappardelle with 8-hour slow cooked Beef Cheek, which were perfetto! They’re very generous on the freshly shaved black truffles. The pastas were al dente, the sauces were very flavourful and the beef cheek bites were so tender. The taste of the beef cheeks reminded me of corn beef, while with premium meat quality. For desserts, the tiramisu was done really well, with a nice balance of mascarpone cheese, coffee and liqueur. The panna cotta of the day had raspberry sauce on top. The slightly sour raspberry spiced up the very smooth vanilla cream.We’re all 100% satisfied! 繼續閱讀
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