港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約9分鐘
60697477 (WhatsApp)
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
PMQ呢個咁有文藝氣息嘅地方居然有泰菜食!門口有個大笨鐘,增添咗古舊氣息,座位更仿效Tuk Tuk車嘅設計,環境幾有feel;呢度主打泰國街頭美食,沙律、海鮮、肉類樣樣齊,而且仲好正宗😋🥗大蝦柚子沙律呢個沙律層次極豐富🥰大量新鮮柚子肉,配三隻鮮嫩多汁嘅大蝦,搭配香口嘅烘焙椰子、酥脆炸蔥,好有泰式風味🌴再加上酸甜嘅羅望子、梅糖醬汁調味,每口都有唔同嘅層次口感🤤營養豐富又清爽好味,夏日消暑一流👍🏻唔錯嘅開胃菜,推薦!🦪炭燒生蠔 呢度炭燒生蠔好出色😍蠔肉鮮嫩多汁,外層炭燒香氣撲鼻,搭配甜酸汁好開胃!最正嘅係上面有香脆嘅炸蒜粒和蒜蓉醬調味,雖然未至於好大隻,但味道層次幾豐富🥰🦀蟹肉炒飯蟹肉份量毫不吝嗇,好多好大粒,食落啖啖蟹肉好鮮甜😍炒飯有鍋氣,粒粒分明,加上洋蔥嘅甜味同炸蒜嘅香氣完美融合,非常滿足🥰🥭芒果椰汁糯米飯椰子新地第一次見杯裝芒果糯米飯,好有驚喜🤣芒果飽滿多汁,最頂放上椰子雪糕,清新嘅芒果同椰子嘅香甜好夾😍🧉椰青椰青清涼解渴,令整頓飯更完美,啱晒炎炎夏日嘅天氣!總結:估唔到PMQ有間咁岀色嘅泰菜!
上班日忙得喘不過氣來,決定約上舊同事吃個豐盛午餐輕鬆一下。朋友話可以去pmq行下,見那邊開了一些新的餐廳沒有吃過。pmq一向鬧中取靜,環境幾舒服,上班日過來也沒有中環的擁擠感。最後我們選了這間泰國餐廳,見佢裝修好用心,環境行地道泰國風,不錯。Kua Kling Corn 泰式炒粟米同平時港式牛油粟米味道都幾唔同,有種青咖喱的味道,好特別。Shrimp Pomelo Salad大蝦柚子沙律蝦肉爽彈,柚子香甜多汁,加上香脆椰子片,及酸甜魚露汁調味,清爽開胃Pad Thai with Prawns 虎蝦金邊粉炒金邊粉質感帶有少許韌性,加上虎蝦、芽菜、花生、羅望子醬等等,穩陣正宗嘅泰式口味,唔會好油膩。Wok Fried Venus Clam & mincedchicken w/Thai basil glassroodle soup泰式辣椒膏炒沙白配免治雞肉粉絲湯幾特別嘅湯粉,微甜微酸,又帶少許辣,沙白嫩口無沙,免治雞肉份量大方,啖啖食落去都有肉碎,粉絲就索曬啲湯汁,幾惹味嘅配搭。Stir Fry Thai Watercress香辣炒通菜通菜火候控制得唔錯,爽脆爽脆的,加上香蒜 及豆醬提味,鹹鹹香香BKK (中環)中環鴨巴甸街35號PMQ元創方A座Staunton地下SG09-SG14號舖
朋友🧒想我陪佢去 PMQ 行吓,我咁順得人就梗係冇所謂啦,不過要朋友🧒帶我食餐飯先,結果朋友🧒就帶咗我嚟呢間泰國🇹🇭餐廳🍴 食個 lunch 先然後再周圍行吓🤣「大蝦柚子沙律 🥗 Shrimp Pomelo Salad」:有3隻大蝦🍤,大蝦🍤肉質新鮮爽滑😋;柚子鮮甜多汁,仲撈咗大量炒得香口又脆脆哋嘅烘焙椰子同埋炸香蔥,所以食落清新得嚟香口又惹味🤣「泰式蒜蓉炒芥蘭苗 Stir-Fried Baby Kale with Garlic Thai Style」:芥蘭菜🥬新鮮,除咗有新鮮蒜頭🧄,亦都加咗啲炸香咗嘅蒜粒🤣「炸原條紅鯛魚配青芒果絲 Fried Red Snapper With Slice Green Mango 🥭」:紅鯛魚大大條成攞去炸炸到魚皮硬硬哋,魚肉就炸到水份收乾咗啲令到 umami 更加集中😋;配菜係《大量》青芒果絲🥭、蝦米🍤、花生🥜,真係《大量》嗰隻,青芒果絲🥭+蝦米🍤+花生🥜撈埋一齊仲好好食😊「椰青 Baby Coconut 🥥」:大大隻幾清甜😋
間唔中我都會去食素 Impossible Foods 絕對係素食者經常食到我都對Impossible Foods 充滿驚喜之前一路都以為佢只係得素 burger原來有素雞都有 今次去PMQ既BKK點左佢地既Larb impossible chickenThai style minced chicken saladImpossible Chicken 植物肉係高品質蛋白質含必需氨基酸營養價值媲美動物肉而且豐富維生素同礦物質平時係超市見到都諗唔到可以咁煮同真肉既味道同口感都好相似泰式風味既impossible foods真係第一次食依家咁多餐廳都有 素食變得更輕鬆
Situated in the lively PMQ, BKK serves up a vibrant slice of authentic Thai cuisine. As soon as you enter, the inviting atmosphere and colorful decor set the stage for a memorable dining experience. The blend of modern and traditional Thai elements creates a warm ambiance, perfect for enjoying a meal with friends or family. On my recent visit, I decided to try the shrimp fried rice and pad see ew, both of which came highly praised. The shrimp fried rice, priced at over 100 HKD, arrived with an enticing aroma, promising a delightful mix of flavors. However, my excitement was quickly tempered when I discovered that the dish contained only three pieces of shrimp. For a dish that prominently features shrimp as its main ingredient, this felt incredibly disappointing. Given the price point, I expected a more generous portion. It felt as though the dish was designed to showcase the rice rather than the shrimp, which was not what I was hoping for. In a city where dining out can be an investment, paying over 100 HKD for a dish that skimped on its star ingredient is hard to overlook. The lack of shrimp significantly detracted from what could have been a standout dish, leaving me craving more of that sweet, succulent seafood. A few more shrimp would have not only enhanced the flavor but also made the dish feel more substantial and worthwhile. On a brighter note, the pad see ew was good enough. The wide rice noodles were cooked to perfection, achieving that desirable chewy texture. The savory soy sauce was well-balanced, and the stir-fried vegetables added a delightful crunch. Each bite was rich in flavor, showcasing the restaurant's dedication to fresh ingredients and authentic cooking techniques - it is somewhat worthy of the price at least. Service-wise, the staff were friendly and attentive, contributing positively to the overall experience. Despite my disappointment with the shrimp fried rice, the team was eager to ensure we enjoyed our meal, which I appreciated. In conclusion, while BKK Thai Street Food offers a lively atmosphere, the shrimp fried rice left much to be desired, especially considering its price. The pad see ew, however, was good and showcased the restaurant's potential. I look forward to returning to explore more of their menu—hopefully with a more generous serving of shrimp next time!