1269 瀏覽
因為有匯豐生日coupon, 決定去其中一家酒店食一次豪華晚餐。 Coupon 20% off 加送一瓶紅或白酒加一個生日蛋糕! ^^ 老公選擇了 Chocolate Truffle蛋糕。我地兩公婆都好耐冇出街食高級晚飯拍拖所以今餐食得超開心! 可以打扮得靚靚咁出街唔洗做黃面婆真係一大樂事!!!今日有Game Meats Special!!!!! 我超鍾意食Venison鹿肉, 但係眼見老公要鹿 - Venison steak served with poached apple, chestnut, sauerkraut, Brussels sprouts and brandy cream sauce - medium rare(可能記錯 ) 我貪心想試其他野.. 叫咗 Roasted Pigeon with sauteed mushrooms, poached pear and apple served with cranberry sauce and also with sauerkraut and Brussels sprouts - medium rare. Manag
今日有Game Meats Special!!!!!
我超鍾意食Venison鹿肉, 但係眼見老公要鹿 - Venison steak served with poached apple, chestnut, sauerkraut, Brussels sprouts and brandy cream sauce - medium rare(可能記錯 ) 我貪心想試其他野.. 叫咗 Roasted Pigeon with sauteed mushrooms, poached pear and apple served with cranberry sauce and also with sauerkraut and Brussels sprouts - medium rare.
Manager 話 : “Because the pigeons were directly imported from Europe, there might be a low possibility that you will find a bullet in the pigeon.” !!!! XD 我地以為聽錯!! 子彈!?!?唔會清咗佢咩?誰不知真係有!! 我分給老公個件pigeon腿中發現了散彈! 哦~粒散彈太細啦所以無可能清得到。我地發現咗子彈真係好似中獎咁, 影相時Manager好緊張過梨個講: "Actually it is considered good luck in Europe when you find a bullet in your game." 所以真係happy happy birthday呀lucky老公! ^3^
老公叫咗 Salmon Tartar with truffle with Chantilly cream sauce
好開心呀~ 2個頭盤都好好食配搭到不得了!Carpacio 個 Vinaigrette 令到d海鮮d鮮味跳出梨。 d Octopus 加上 mixed mushroom 好match。
真係好好食呀! D GAME 味真係好好味! 因為係medium rare所以D肉好嫩。D poached apple & sauerkraut配鹿好好味。 好好好好味!