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馳名中外的阿翁鮑魚是店內的招牌菜,酒家可容納約120人。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2015-24)
11:00 - 23:30
11:00 - 23:30
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (266)
等級4 2024-12-12
8640 瀏覽
中菜大家就食得多啦唔知呢一間被譽為「香港粵菜一級食府 」大家有冇食過呢?佢就係連續14年榮獲米芝蓮一星嘅富豪酒家,咁犀利我當然要過嚟食吓啦。聽聞佢哋嘅鮑魚真係好出名㗎,一於要食吓佢嘅鮑魚套餐。 阿翁鮑魚美食宴 $1680/位 紅燒砂鍋包翅個砂鍋拎到出嚟嘅時候,入面嘅汁仲滾緊,一打開個蓋真係好香,佢哋係採用頂級18吋牙揀翅,每碗足2兩翅,真係好足料啊,配上湯汁芡,真係好味都停唔到口。 28頭特選吉品點為之一隻好嘅鮑魚?大家有冇食過溏心鮑魚,佢嘅口感真係好好彈牙,配上鮑魚汁,口感一流。食完鮑魚,仲有鮮甜嘅生菜用嚟點剩返嘅鮑汁,味道更上一層樓。 瑤柱炸釀蟹蓋唔好睇落個蟹蓋細細隻咁,佢入面真係超足料啖啖肉,全部配料都係由新鮮蟹拆肉製成,外脆內軟,加入咗瑤柱同埋洋蔥,食落好有口感。 富豪海皇炒飯出色嘅炒飯當然係粒粒分明,而且海鮮非常多每一啖都有,炒得乾身,一啲都唔油膩。 原燉杏汁官燕呢一份官燕書飯後甜品真係非常出色,官燕非常多,每一啖都係。而且佢嘅杏汁係非常香濃,加入咗蜜糖,真係好滋潤,冬天飲就一流啦。 精選甜點兩款椰汁馬荳糕 - 椰汁嘅奶香非常重,清甜好味。欖仁核桃酥 -真係超酥脆,鬆脆可口一啖一口。 富豪脆皮炸雞(兩位奉送)佢嘅脆皮雞真係好大隻,米芝蓮嘅餐廳果然名不虛傳送出嚟嘅食物都係非常出色,雞皮超級脆,而且裏面嘅肉係燒鮮嫩多汁,一咬落去雞汁同埋油脂喺個口度徘徊好香。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
This Cantonese restaurant has been awarded Michelin 1-star since 2011 for fourteen consecutive years, showing the high quality of its food. Their abalone is certainly the most famous, with the owner Mr. Yung (Ah Yung) recognized as a master of abalone. Today is our second visit after four years, when the city was still in the midst of COVID.Greeted warmly by the staff, we are shown to our table. Apart from the main dining hall there are various VIP rooms on the side. The décor has not changed, with a neat, relatively simple ambience and not having unnecessary extravagance. I like the paintings and calligraphy which decorates the walls.We order the Star Specialities Menu ($3,380 each). The first course is Braised Shark’s Fin in Brown Sauce 紅燒砂鍋包翅. Served in a sizzling hot claypot, the shark’s fin needles are quite thick, with the broth delicious, apparently made from many ingredients boiling for long hours. It is appropriate in thickness too, not too watery or gluey. With a bit of shredded Chinese ham and bean sprouts added, a great start of the meal. Very good. The second course is Braised Aohu Dried Abalone (12 ppk) 12 頭奧戶網鮑. The farmed abalone actually comes from Hawaii, with the original breed coming from Japan Ezo abalone. Fairly large in size, the abalone is cooked perfectly, with a sweet core, intense in abalone flavours, and quite similar to the premium Iwate abalone. The sauce is also spot-on, with the flavours complementary to the abalone and full of umami. Unstoppable. Excellent.Served alongside the abalone is the third course, Poached Chinese Lettuce 鮑魚汁生菜膽. Taking the most tender part of the lettuce, the vegetable is poached perfectly, crunchy on the texture. Adding a bit of the abalone sauce adds the necessary savoury and umami to the lettuce and while it might look simple, delivering to perfection is a testimony of the skill and attention of the chef to the full extend. Very good.The fourth course is Crispy Whole Fish Maw 脆皮原隻花膠. The fish maw has been dipped in a batter before deep-fried, having a crisp thin layer and not feeling excessively greasy. The fish maw is large in size, but because it does not have taste on its own, the dish is quite bland. Even adding the abalone sauce on the side, it is not too particularly tasty. A bit disappointed, it might be better if they change to something else in future. Decent.It takes quite a while before the fifth course comes. The Deep-fried Crispy Pigeon 金牌脆皮燒乳鴿 is freshly made, with the chef marinated the pigeon and then dipping in hot oil repeatedly to deep fry. The skin is very crispy while the meat is tender and not overcooked, rich in flavours and no need to use any of the dipping salt or Worcestershire sauce. There is an option of picking chicken instead of pigeon too. Very good.The sixth course is Fried Rice with Shrimp and BBQ Pork 生蝦叉燒炒飯. The fried rice is prepared in the serving counter on one side, with each grain of rice distinct. The ingredients include shrimp, BBQ pork, scallop, roasted duck, and scallions. Seasoned beautifully, the rice is another highlight in the menu, and even though we are quite full we finish the whole serving without problem, and eager for more. Excellent.The seventh course is Stewed Superior Bird’s Nest 原盅清燉官燕. The bird’s nest is served in a bowl with the almond juice, coconut juice, and syrup provided on the side, so that we can add based on our preference. Enjoying this premium dessert is a treat, with good amount of bird’s nest and the juice rich in flavours, apparently freshly made in-house. I suggest a mix of both the almond and coconut juice for best effect. Very good.The Dessert 精美甜點兩款 includes Walnut Cookie 合桃酥 and Coconut Bar 椰汁糕. The walnut cookie is fantastic, with a crunchy texture and appropriate in sweetness, dry and not feeling greasy. The coconut bar is also spot on in its sweetness, with the soft cake adding some split peas to increase the texture. Both snacks are very good, and finish our meal on a happy note.In addition, the manager offers us a Fresh Papaya to finish the meal. Coming together is a wedge of lemon, and after squeezing some lemon juice in, I am surprised to find that the special papaya note has disappeared, making it much fresher and for someone who does not like papaya (like me), this is a good way to enjoy the fruit. Very good.Service is good, but some of the staff are too focused on catering to a regular customer. I was also a bit upset how much time we have to wait for the pigeon, and it is only when I show my black face the manager becomes aware and follow up. Something to improve. The bill on the night is $7,535. A lot of very good dishes, and Ah Yung is truly a master of abalone. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-11-14
10432 瀏覽
富豪酒家在香港頗為有名,是提供吉品鮑糖心鮑魚的其中一間有名氣的餐廳。高湯紅燒官燕 這碗官燕份量十足,上枱時十分溫熱,頂層還點綴了金華火腿碎,入口時帶點鹹香的味道。官燕鮮嫩滑順,融入了濃郁的高湯紅燒醬汁,帶來豐富的口感和味道。30頭養殖吉品鵝掌招牌名物當然非常吸引,烹調技巧非常好,鮑魚質感也很糖心,入口香軟彈牙,輕輕一刀切下吉品鮑,有股張力在鮑魚與刀之間產生,證明鮑魚已煮至糖沁狀態,加上濃郁惹味的鮑汁,令人陶醉。鵝掌肉質鮮嫩,以鮑汁燴至軟腍滑溜的鵝掌甘香腍滑,吸收了鮑魚汁的味道,非常多肉,十分出色,一口咬下,膠質豐富,每一口都能感受到鵝掌的柔軟和細膩,鮮香四溢,口感濃郁,滋味十足。川汁脆皮花膠這道特色川菜將花膠與川式醬料巧妙結合,這是我第一次嚐到脆炸花膠,以炸的方式去烹調,印象中是首次嚐到。花膠經過精心烹製處理方式,將炆熟的花膠抹上粉漿炸至酥脆,內裡卻保留了花膠的嫩滑,入口即化,再配以惹味的川汁,酸辣醒胃。但我個人覺得比較失望,花膠沒有味道,而且炸皮跟花膠的質感不太配合,食後有很膩滯的感覺。富豪脆皮炸雞如選擇套餐的話,兩人會送半隻炸子鷄,阿翁的炸子雞非常出色,皮脆肉嫩不在話下,上色極美,雞皮早已炸得香脆薄身,肉質熟度剛好,做到皮脆肉嫩效果,而且味道調配得很好,食出雞肉鮮味。方魚炒芥蘭仔方魚炒芥蘭仔是一道清淡而又美味的菜品。結合了方魚的鹹香和芥蘭的爽脆。雖然係一個簡單而美味嘅菜式,但要整得好味唔容易,方魚需要經過精緻加工,鹹味恰到好處,芥蘭仔不會過於軟爛,食落爽脆有口感。瑤柱蔥花炒飯以瑤柱和蔥花為主,炒得好夠鑊氣,瑤柱的鮮味和葱花的香氣融合在一起,香氣四溢,炒飯粒粒分明,乾身又唔會油,米飯鬆軟且不失嚼勁,份量都唔少,是一道色香味俱全的炒飯。精選甜美點兩款這款椰汁馬豆糕綿密又爽滑,椰香濃郁,原來以椰汁為主要原料,更加有層次,口感清甜自然,沒有過多糖分,味道唔錯。而欖仁合桃酥則是酥脆可口,內裡鬆軟,口感獨特細膩,合桃的香氣和欖仁的微苦完美結合,既有層次感又不失清香。最後,蛋白生磨杏仁茶,堪稱完美的結束。杏仁香味濃郁,配上豐富的蛋白,每一口都能感受到杏仁的香甜與蛋白的細滑,滋潤美顏,令人愛不釋手,而且不太甜,如果蛋白份量再多一點則較好,食埋這道甜品真的很滿足。食物質素方面,個人覺得在今次晚餐的菜式整體合格的,但服務都是對熟客有禮貌有服務,對新客就有點兒那個! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-11-03
3731 瀏覽
朋友是這裡常客,特別點了30頭吉品鮑魚、當造大閘蟹和一雞兩吃給我老婆慶祝生日。因為吉品鮑和遼參可以二選一,我點了鮑魚,老婆就點了遼參。我必須點讚他們吉品鮑確實做得很出色,就算朋友說她點的是30頭,以我的經驗應該是35頭,但他們能做到糖心外,口感和味道都是值得一讚。至於老婆點的遼參就只有70分,大家就不值得去試了。下來是一雞兩吃,薑蔥煎雞還是不錯的,服務員說不出雞種,只說是養殖方法是走地雞,但我感覺是本港的半走地雞,味道和口感都很好。但炸子雞就出事了,經驗告訴我應該是早上已經炸好,因此口感和味道都欠奉。我們要求更換,服務員也馬上退回廚房。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-10-12
4258 瀏覽
我都覺得自己好放肆,連埋已約好的飯局,今年至少會食五餐大閘蟹,其中之一,在米芝蓮星級名店富豪酒家享用。阿翁既鮑魚聞名於世,我卻從沒嚐過其大閘蟹,若不是朋友相約,我甚至唔知道呢度有得食大閘蟹。廢話唔講咁多,直接同大家介紹下美食。既然是食大閘蟹,必定要有花雕相伴,兩者是絕配。套餐第一道,以生拆的大閘蟹黃、蟹粉在砂鍋炒香,配合濃郁既高湯,再放入牙揀翅,成品金黃吸引,香氣撲鼻而來。入口順滑,味道甘香味鮮,愛吃翅的朋友一定會喜歡。接著來是三十頭的吉品鮑,雖然是養殖鮑魚,但經鮑魚專家阿翁的獨特烹調之後,同樣是軟滑、有溏心,味道鮮美,阿翁既鮑魚從來無得輸。鮑魚以外,是日另一主角的大閘蟹都好有睇頭,六両重的蟹公,係真正黃毛金爪的江蘇大閘蟹,係阿翁同供應商咁好關係先可以入到咁靚既貨。單是外型已贏晒,打開蟹蓋香氣四溢,有唔少蟹黃和半透明蟹羔,粘口甘香,蟹肉清甜,沾上自家調配的醋來吃,非常高質。常說阿翁既炸子雞獨步天下,今次吃到的生煎薑蔥鹽香雞亦毫不遜色,以本地新鮮雞炮製,雞皮香口,肉質細嫩,薑蔥當然不是配角,令成件事的味道與層次幾何級提升,教大家吃不停口。瑤柱蟹腿炒飯又是香噴噴,很足料。米飯香口,粒粒分明,每一口都吃到蟹腿肉。其實呢個級數既粵菜酒家的炒飯,絕對是信心保証。最後來碗薑茶湯圓,係蟹餐最完滿既終結。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)