港鐵銅鑼灣站 A 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (6)
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
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食評 (140)
等級4 2024-03-25
119 瀏覽
今天是假期,約了朋友去銅鑼灣一帶行街、shopping 和食飯。不經不覺已到食晏時間。 經過一間泰國菜餐廳,朋友想吃泰菜;於是去食! 餐廳叫水門雞飯,位於銅鑼灣希慎道2-4號蟾宮大廈地下9號舖, 港鐵銅鑼灣站 A 出口, 步行幾分鐘就到。 門口的招牌「水門雞飯」十分亮眼醒目,室內裝潢簡約,有傳統泰式味道! 各款不同的美食的poster張貼在店內! 檯椅擺設整潔,地方尚算寬敞,坐得舒適。 餐牌內的食物以QR code 點,十分方便。這間店以雞飯命名,雞飯一定會相當出色,所以是必吃的! *香辣鳳爪沙律不會太辣,無骨鳳爪很爽脆有口感! 沙律菜十分豐富,有洋蔥、紅蘿蔔絲、蔥花和香菜等等。甜辣的汁料很惹味開胃,是不錯的前菜! *水門雞飯雞肉新鮮嫩滑,份量十足。 仲係無骨,唔會油膩又雞肉味濃。 配上自家秘制醬汁和冬瓜胡椒湯,超美味! *泰式清湯腩船粉湯底鮮甜,牛腩炆得腍滑有牛肉味,又是份量十足。仲有白蘿蔔、香菜和洋蔥大量配料,好味道! *泰式腩仔燒得很香脆可口,配上微辣秘制醬汁,一口一件;必吃的! *炸蝦春卷十分足料,有大大隻蝦做餡料。即炸即做,炸得酥脆,配上秘制醬汁來吃更好味! 是一個不錯的小食! 這間位於銅鑼灣的泰式食店,食物種類的選擇多,品質又高。 價錢超抵,沒有加一,明碼實價。 真的極力向大家推介! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
水門雞飯不嬲都係我最愛,你諗下雞肉果種滑溜,非普通人能夠理解。如果呢一刻你問我最想食咩,100%答你 水門雞飯!!👇🏻📌主 食 -▪️ 水 門 雞 飯 - $54▫️ 一定係先黎個招牌「水門雞飯」,雞皮色澤清澈,滑不溜口,肉質爽滑,絕對唔乾身,連住一碗胡椒雞湯同埋秘制醬汁,簡簡單單一個油飯,整體組合非常出色,可以話係一絕!▪️ 泰 式 乾 炒 辣 牛 河 - $78▫️ 另一道「泰式乾炒辣牛河」我覺得都係必試,河粉非常粗身,質感透薄,食落果種辣係帶香果種,唔食得辣既朋友都唔洗驚,加上炒得非常乾身,唔會好油膩,牛肉亦夠哂鑊氣。📌小 食 -  ▪️ 馬 拉 盞 西 蘭 花 炒 魷 魚 鬚 - $68▫️ 仲有一道「馬拉盞西蘭花炒魷魚鬚」都係幾高質,一上枱已經聞到香,魷魚鬚同西蘭花都沾滿哂D馬拉盞醬,相當惹味,雖然係重口味,但對我黎講唔會太鹹,當然送飯就一流啦。📌飲 品 -▪️ 芒 果 冰 - $26▪️ 泰 式 奶 茶 - $22▫️ 泰國野必飲「芒果冰」同埋「泰式奶茶」,前者夠哂透心涼,入口芒果味濃郁;而奶茶奶滑茶香,兩者比例岩岩好,唔錯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
水門雞飯分店越開越多,晚飯時間滿座,裝修充滿泰國風味,仲會播泰文歌😆[]Size比想像中大隻,真係有焦香味,魷魚一啲都唔韌,點埋醬酸酸辣辣幾好味。[]轉雞脾加$10 ,唔好睇佢冇乜顏色,其實雞肉相當入味,而且非常滑,油飯粒粒分明👍🏻[]河粉係泰式寬厚版本,湯底比一般嘅更辣更惹味,適合嗜辣人士。[]泰國野點少得炒通菜,呢到仲可以揀少辣/少油。加埋杯柚子蜜,好滿足〰️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
不用去泰國也 可以吃到水門雞飯雖然現在旅行很方便機票也很便宜,有時候中午想念一下泰國情懷吃過海南雞飯,這裏就合適不過了!而且今天很幸運,不用排隊直接可以進去點外賣,廚房裏都是泰國工作人員,聽起來格外親切,餐廳看起來門面也是很整潔的,而且CCTV可以看到廚房內部的情況乾淨衛生~單人份的海南雞飯,除了看起來白白嫩嫩的雞肉,還附了小黃瓜,加10元還可以加雞什,雞什裏面有雞紅,雞心,雞腎和雞腸~ 配上獨家調製的海南雞汁和雞油飯簡直一絕!炸鱔魚皮這種有骨的炸魚皮,不是每個地方都可以吃到的,質地比較厚身而且很有口感,亦不會太鹹。這裏會配上一個雞湯配在一起吃太香了 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
My friend and I recently found myself in Causeway Bay on a weekend afternoon, and with a rumbling stomach, I decided to check out Water Gate Chicken Rice. Despite the late hour, I was surprised to find a queue outside the restaurant. This was a good sign, and it only fueled my anticipation. My order consisted of the classic chicken and rice, a Pattaya salad, tom yum noodles with chicken, fried dumplings, and Wagyu skewers. I also grabbed a milk tea to finish off the meal.The Chicken and Rice: The star of the show lived up to its reputation. The rice was perfectly cooked, boasting a delightful oily fragrance. The chicken was incredibly tender and flavorful, and the portion was generous.Pattaya Salad: This salad was a refreshing starter, offering a delightful balance of spice and sourness. However, be warned, it packs a punch! If you're sensitive to spice, proceed with caution.Tom Yum Noodles with Chicken: This dish was another winner. The picture might not do it justice, but the noodles were incredibly tasty and came with a surprising amount of chicken and vegetables. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and quantity.Fried Dumplings: These crispy, hot-off-the-fryer dumplings were a perfect side dish. They were delicious and satisfying.Wagyu Skewers: This was the unexpected highlight of the meal. The Wagyu beef was incredibly tender and flavorful, exceeding my expectations for a Thai restaurant known for its chicken and rice. The sauce was such a great complement to the Wagyu I must say. Milk Tea: The perfect way to end the meal, the milk tea was sweet, creamy, and refreshing.Overall, I was thoroughly impressed with Water Gate Chicken Rice. The food was delicious, the portions were generous, and the service was friendly and efficient. Despite the initial queue, the wait was well worth it. I highly recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for a satisfying and flavorful Thai meal in Causeway Bay. Additional Notes:- The restaurant was quite busy, even for a late Saturday afternoon, so be prepared for a possible wait.- The Pattaya salad is definitely on the spicier side (in my humble opinion), so keep that in mind if you're sensitive to spice.- The Wagyu skewers were a pleasant surprise and definitely worth trying!!!!!!  繼續閱讀
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