港鐵柯士甸站 F 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
來自美國的人氣連鎖餐廳,以芝士蛋糕作為主打。 繼續閱讀
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食評 (1500)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥這間坐落於尖沙咀廣東道的餐廳,之前極具人氣,但如今長長人龍已經不再復見。餐廳主打西餐,走美式路線,選擇非常多元化,已餐廳的名字就可以知道,他們最著名的菜式便是芝士蛋糕。This restaurant, located on Canton Road in Tsim Sha Tsui, was once very popular, but the long queues have now disappeared. The restaurant specializes in Western cuisine with an American flair, offering a diverse range of choices. As the name suggests, their most famous dish is the cheesecake.麵包BREAD餐前小吃有免費的麵包,兩個款式,當中以黑糖味較令人驚喜,不會很甜但可以吃得出黑糖的香味Complimentary snacks include free bread in two varieties, with the brown sugar option being a pleasant surprise. It’s not too sweet, yet the aroma of brown sugar is distinctly noticeable.香脆蟹肉球 CRISPY CRAB BITES這個迷你炸蟹餅是一道非常開胃的小菜,香口得來,又不會太乾,也不會太過油膩,吃得出蟹肉的味道The mini crab cakes serve as a delightful appetizer; they are flavorful without being too dry or greasy, allowing the taste of the crab meat to shine through.自製肉丸 HOUSEMADE MEATBALLS這個肉丸令人有驚喜,因為除了鬆軟的肉丸之外,還付上了蒜蓉包,蒜蓉包再加上肉丸的茄汁,實在是非常開胃The meatballs are surprisingly good, complemented by garlic bread. The combination of garlic bread with the meatballs' tomato sauce makes for an appetizing experience.瑪格麗特意式烤餅 MARGHERITA FLATBREAD PIZZA這個薄餅卻令人有點失望,因為餅皮比較厚,但是薄餅上的茄汁不算太多,雖然配有新鮮的蕃茄,但未到偏向清淡However, the pizza is a bit disappointing due to the thicker crust; there isn't much tomato sauce, and although fresh tomatoes are included, the flavor tends to be on the lighter side.血橙阿佩羅及心動芒果 BLOOD ORANGE APEROL SPRITZ & MANGO CRUSH這兩杯雞尾酒飲品,酒精程度不太高,又不會太甜,血橙那拿杯,充滿香橙的甜香氣,至於芒果則酸酸甜甜The two cocktails are moderately alcoholic, not overly sweet. The blood orange drink exudes a sweet orange aroma, while the mango offers a pleasant balance of tartness and sweetness.肉桂卷芝士蛋糕及檸檬紅桑子忌廉芝士蛋糕 CINNAMON SWIRL CHEESECAKE & LEMON RASPBERRY CREAM CHEESECAKE蛋糕的份量非常大,玉桂卷哪個,個人不會太過推介,因為十分甜,吃後十分膩,一個人根本沒法吃完。至於青檸紅莓像哪一款,味道執較為清新,又不會過份甜The portion sizes for the cakes are quite large. I wouldn't highly recommend the cinnamon roll, as it is extremely sweet and can be overwhelming for one person to finish. In contrast, the lime raspberry dish is refreshing and not excessively sweet.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments:   🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥✅食物款式選擇非常多,而且份量非常大The restaurant features a wide variety of food options, and the portion sizes are very generous.❌由於食物份量比較大,如果人數比較少的話,可能未能品嚐到很多的菜式Due to the large portion sizes, smaller groups may find it challenging to sample many dishes.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅餐廳以古典美國風情設計,座位非常寬敞,而且備有卡座,令客人可以舒適地用餐The restaurant is designed with classic American aesthetics, featuring spacious seating and booths, providing customers with a comfortable dining experience.❌無NIL💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生的態度非常親切友善,上菜的速度亦非常快速The service staff is very friendly and welcoming, and the speed of service is impressive.❌無NIL💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅這個價錢與這個份量相比,可算是十分超值Considering the portion sizes in relation to the price, the value for money is quite excellent.❌餐廳沒有提供套餐給客人選擇,所以有可能會覺得飲品或甜品會定價偏貴The restaurant does not offer set menus for guests, which may lead to the perception that drinks and desserts are somewhat overpriced. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2025-01-26
5376 瀏覽
之前淨係試過芝士蛋糕未試過主餐甜柑雞肉沙律幾好食嘅 甜柑同成碟菜都好夾推薦呢個水牛城香辣雞翼我就對個醬麻麻地啲雞係炸得好脆 不過好乾同埋我點醬就乾上加乾香辣路易斯安娜雞肉蝴蝶粉呢碟粉有少少辣勁推薦 真係好好食除咗塊雞排好乾個粉真係好食熱帶風情沙冰 & 芒果沙冰兩杯個味其實勁似是旦嗌一杯就夠好大杯芝士蛋糕其實我淨係鍾意食NY芝士蛋糕所以呢款係軟淋淋嘅蛋糕我就麻麻地啲士多啤梨勁酸整體都唔錯見咁貴 以為會又細碟又唔抵食最後都要外賣盒拎走🤣下次可以試下其他 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
食物水準及味道無以前咁好,而且menu上有幾道沙拉都無。睇得出廚房的廚師係無咩心機煮。實物同餐牌圖片相差很大。叫咗個雞意粉但完全無 咩pesto 味,而且跌意粉簡直失色,份量也不多。個沙拉都算OK既。本來要食另外一道沙拉,但waiter話賣曬喔🤨🤨🤨🤨。晚飯時段才剛開始,咁快就賣曬🤨🧐?芝士蛋糕係好OK。Food was not as good as before. Ordered the Chicken Bellagio but as you can see from the photo, there was hardly any pesto sauce and the sauce was watery ….. A number of the salad we wanted to order were sold out by 7pm🧐🤨, and we were left with 3 salads to choose from the menu. The salad was okay. Cheesecake was nice. Glad they managed to keep up with the standard😬 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2025-01-17
3698 瀏覽
聖誕節就梗係要食西餐慶祝下架啦!!重要作為重芝士控,完全唔可以錯過呢間餐廳啊!今次就心水尖沙咀呢間美國西餐cheesecake factory,一直都聽到好出名,去完就知真係值啲嘢大大碟,好巨size兩個人真係三碟嘢就夠晒最推薦就一定係個通心粉芝士波好夠芝士味!一粒都飽到漏啦~~~~但真係會上癮重頭戲就一定係cheesecake啦好大舊,芝味十足,真係不得了!red velvet cake有成幾層高,叫左3舊,最尾都係食唔哂 要打包 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2025-01-16
3452 瀏覽
The Cheesecake Factory芝樂坊芝樂坊餐廳係來自美國的人氣連鎖餐廳,佢地既芝士蛋糕好出名,今次嚟到尖沙咀,梗係要試下啦!餐廳既環境寬敞,燈光以暖色為主,一入去已經見到櫥櫃既蛋糕種類非常多,有選擇困難症既朋友應該有排揀!菜品種類又多又豐富,無論係開胃菜、沙拉、漢堡定係主菜,都可以搵到滿足唔同口味既選擇,不過張menu冇相片全文字,所以睇到難睇。推薦一下佢地既Nachos,口感非常酥脆,因為Nachos以玉米粉為主要材料,所以佢外層薄脆,而內裡略有鬆軟既感覺,再搭配上唔同的醬料,例如有提供牛油果、酸忌廉、蕃茄,夾住一齊食,味道更加豐富多幾層。芝士蛋糕當然係必點之選啦,非常creamy,不過有點膩,尤其係Oreo 芝士蛋糕,原味會稍為好啲。不過呢度嘅環境唔錯,無論係朋友聚會定家庭聚餐,呢間餐廳係一個唔錯嘅選擇,如果鍾意食芝士嘅朋友,當然要嚟試吓。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)