Tommy Yummy 坐落於中環的中心地帶,是繁忙都市中的一片綠洲,在悠閑的環境中提供各種新派泰國美食,如虎蝦海鮮混亂杯麵、無花果煙三文魚花束沙律、芒果乳酪疊疊冰、椰子飄香咖啡等,在充滿度假風情的環境,享用令人愉悅的佳餚,為身心充電。
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
都有唔少同胞光顧<牛油果沙律配燒八爪魚> ʜᴋᴅ 138前菜沙律依家睇返先知原來佢係最貴嗰個😂牛油果沙律其實似salsa,酸酸哋好開胃。八爪魚切得厚實,燒得有啲過火肉質偏老。<椰香青咖喱雞配落薄餅> ʜᴋᴅ 98雞肉份量好慷慨而且好滑。薄餅係手抓餅,烘得酥鬆,用嚟蘸咖喱啱啱好。青咖喱偏甜,但會令人忍唔住想係咁食,覺得食完啲薄餅仲有咁多咖喱淨好想要碗飯撈埋佢😂<泰式蝦球炒金邊粉> ʜᴋᴅ 118金邊粉通常都會帶點酸甜,但呢個酸味欠奉,甜味來自於蜜糖,我唔係好食得慣。而且有時食到啲好硬嘅金邊粉,明顯係未熟。<芒果乳酪疊疊冰> ʜᴋᴅ 118賣相係好靚,相信好多人都係為佢而嚟。六大塊芒果雪糕我會話佢似雀巢雪糕多咗啲果肉。中間有大量原味cream, 冰底本身帶甜味,但要加咗椰汁先好食,可惜椰汁比得好少🥲結論係呢個芒果冰唔啱我口味食物質素正正常常,每樣都有啲位可以挑剔,但又不至於中伏嘅😬
一入到嚟感到好似去泰國咁🇹🇭,環境非常好👍🏻侍應安排我坐咗喺窗邊位置,可以望住對面天橋,感覺非常舒服😆問咗員工之後,先知道原來平時要訂咗枱先有機會坐到窗邊位置,慶幸今日早到可以坐😌值得一提,員工服務態度好好👍🏻員工會主動推薦餐牌上嘅特色飲品,就例如椰香菠蘿飄雪就係員工推薦,味道酸酸甜甜,非常開胃👍🏻 此外,午餐餐牌中嘅酸豬肉豆角炒飯,亦值得一試😆酸豬肉係泰國其中一個特色小食,酸酸鹹鹹,香港好少泰國餐廳會提供😙 最後,午餐已經食得非常飽,但係員工推薦我下次再嚟食芒果糯米飯或者他們人氣熱賣芒果乳酪疊疊冰!整體來說,無論餐廳環境與員工服務都非常值得推介!😆😆
農曆初五一家6 口,新年到此店午餐。食物水平一般,未致於要投訴。但整體店員服態度,真的非常惡劣,說話亦無禮物。一副唔憂做、不專重客人的心態,只就店員自己就手方便,完全沒有照顧顧客需求,實在非常之趕客走。是日新年假期,中午午餐店舖只得幾枱客,店員三五一群,只是圍著酒吧談天說地開玩笑。客人已經不多,相信店員應該沒有為公司著想。常常說香港現在食肆生意好難做。相信真的要由香港店舖先做好,客人才會在港消費啊!希望老闆可以看到此內容。
Tommy Yummy is a delightful culinary spot that promises a satisfying dining experience. I visited recently and was eager to explore their menu. Service: The service was attentive and friendly. My server was knowledgeable about the menu, offering recommendations that enhanced my dining experience. The atmosphere was casual yet inviting, making it a great place for a relaxed meal. Lime Soda: The Lime Soda was a refreshing start to the meal. Served chilled, it had the perfect balance of sweetness and tartness. The citrus notes were invigorating and made for a great palate cleanser between dishes, setting a lively tone for the dining experience. Shrimp Pad Thai:The Shrimp Pad Thai was a standout dish. The noodles were stir-fried to perfection, achieving that ideal chewy texture. The shrimp were plump and juicy, adding a satisfying protein element to the dish. Tossed in a savory sauce with a hint of sweetness, the flavors were well-balanced. The garnish of crushed peanuts and fresh lime added an extra layer of crunch and zest, enhancing the overall experience. Curry Chicken:The Curry Chicken was rich and aromatic, showcasing a delightful blend of spices. The chicken was tender and absorbed the flavors of the curry beautifully. Served with a side of naan, the dish was comforting and hearty. The naan was soft and warm, perfect for scooping up the curry and soaking up every flavorful drop. Pork Neck Skewer:The Pork Neck Skewer was another highlight. Grilled to perfection, the pork was juicy and flavorful, with a smoky char that complemented the meat beautifully. The seasoning was spot on, making each bite deliciously satisfying. This dish was a fantastic addition to the meal, offering a different texture and flavor profile compared to the other dishes.Conclusion: Overall, Tommy Yummy exceeded my expectations. With its flavorful dishes, attentive service, and inviting atmosphere, it's a restaurant worth revisiting. Whether you're a fan of seafood or simply looking for a comforting meal, Tommy Yummy has something to satisfy your cravings.
聽起來這家餐廳的泰國菜非常吸引人!😻### 泰式雞肉金邊粉- **特點**: 雞肉偏甜,搭配甜味醬汁,金邊粉的口感不錯。### 青木瓜沙律- **特點**: 小份,酸甜口感,略帶辣味。- **評價**: 非常開胃,適合開餐前小吃。### 泰式奶綠- **特點**: 口感很好,不會太甜。### 餐廳信息- **地址**: 惠靈頓街98號翡翠中心1樓(坐半山扶梯,未到視覺麵包店)。這家餐廳的環境和菜品都讓人感到驚喜,特別適合喜歡泰國菜的人!如果有機會去中環,值得一試!🫶🏻