港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約3分鐘; (蘇杭街急庇利街交界) 繼續閱讀
供應一系列創新的西日fusion菜式,飲品則主推高質的特色清酒和咖啡。全店採用落地大玻璃,採光度高,環境明亮舒服。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 00:00
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 00:00
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食評 (83)
等級4 2024-04-22
79 瀏覽
呢期係新餐牌,保留咗特色招牌菜,更新咗其他菜式,都係可以送酒嘅良菜,而且有唔少清酒、各種酒類。不過定價略高,份量唔多。*Foie Gras & Prawn chips 鵝肝蝦片 $138店員教落要撈埋一齊食,我整碎啲蝦片再左撩右撩強行撈埋。蝦片配鵝肝、開心果,紅桑子、京蔥,口感好多層次,最驚喜係酸甜嘅紅桑子配鵝肝好夾。Pigeon 慢煮乳鴿 $218乳鴿略為細隻,脾位好嫩但又有咬口,胸位比較下會冇咁嫩口。店員推介配炸紫蘇葉食,冇乜特別。最底有藍莓醬配乳鴿,會多一種甜味,但我偏向單食乳鴿肉。Yellow chicken rice 三黃雞飯 $298三黃雞半隻好大份,雞胸好嫩,雞腿更加嫩,皮脆油香,雞肉味偏淡。上菜後淋上薑酒醬油,增加香味之餘,薑配雞肉一定夾。最底係雞油雜菌飯,有脆卜卜煲仔飯飯焦,油膩感略重,但香味未夠香。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-03-23
187 瀏覽
上個月嘅星期三幫襯咗呢間居酒屋食物出品是出乎意料的高質素! 雖然是日式fusion居酒屋,但食物烹調方法是傾向西式的,特別是主食。試咗招牌嘅黃油雞焗惹菌飯,非常好味!完全拍得住所謂既港島三雞,而且價錢只係298🥶🥶分享大概也有接近半隻雞 ,皮香肉嫩,而且調味剛剛好並且有雞味,墊底的雞油菌飯亦都煮得恰到好處唔會過油,甘香煙靭。反而覺得餐廳配嘅汁醬太過油膩唔建議加太多。乳鴿亦都係必須一試,接近五星級酒店星級餐廳餐廳水準!極度驚喜!特別一提,餐廳嘅服務態度真係值得讚賞。因為同行朋友不喝酒,當晚打算自己叫兩杯清酒飲,但店員提及叫1小時的free flow 更划算,因為只是168。 本身擔心的是同枱的朋友不喝酒,通常其他餐廳的規矩都會是free flow 是整台計算,但店員亦主動提出可以只收喝酒的那一位! 真係要講返句今時今日咁嘅服務態度先啱㗎嘛👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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𝑴𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒏 𝑰𝒛𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒓! We’re here at SUIT Izakaya and Sake Bar to try out their fusion Japanese bites alongside your favourite sake pairing! 🍶🇯🇵 Pic 1️⃣: 𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐞 - $298 hkd 🐓 — Definitely a highlight of the meal and a must order when coming here! The yellow chicken was so juicy, well marinated and perfectly cooked, leaving the inside so tender. The mushroom rice base was so fragrant and flavourful, with a slight crispy texture to it as the rice is cooked in a claypot at a very high heat. Great large sharing option to go with!Pic 2️⃣: 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐟 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐞 - $168 hkd 🥩 — Very well seasoned and flavourful with a lingering aroma. This had the perfect texture to it and the beef was insanely fresh and delicious. Loved that this came with crispy aburaage for a twist. Pic 3️⃣: 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐓𝐨𝐟𝐮 - $68 hkd 🧀 — Really enjoyed this appetiser to start off with. The bitesize tofu cubes were deep fried perfectly to give it a nice crispy exterior, and they’re finished off with a well balanced sweet and savoury blue cheese honey sauce that was so addicting and worked so well with the light flavours of the tofu. Pic 4️⃣: 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚 𝐃𝐨𝐠 - $98 hkd 🍶 — Loved this cocktail! This was super fruity and easy to drink. The sake went down smoothly and went well with the citrusy flavours of the grapefruit. Pic 5️⃣: 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐠𝐞 - $78 hkd 🥬 — Probably the most expensive cabbage I’ve had 😂 This is basically a 1/4 of a cabbage coated in a thin layer of miso mayo and shichimi and then grilled to give it a slight crunch and aroma to it. It’s quite flavourful but nothing that extraordinary. Pic 6️⃣: 𝐕𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐔𝐝𝐨𝐧 - $98 hkd 🍜 — Slightly disappointed for what it was. The name of the dish made me think of something with a creamy finish that resembles the traditional vongole pasta dish, but instead this was really just a bowl of miso soup udon with clams in it 😅 Flavours are average, and what you’d expect miso soup udon to taste like, but for the price tag, this was definitely not worth it. Portion size was very small too. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-01-31
269 瀏覽
I tried the Miso Udon with clams, Octopus, Yellow Chicken and Matcha tiramisu. All superb!!! Service is friendly and attentive. Will surely come back to try other dishes and explore the sake selections. 繼續閱讀
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❀ SUIT MODERN IZAKAYA SAKE BAR #上環 ❀❗近期最愛超級 日式小餐館唔食會後悔❗——————————————————位於上環嘅日西小餐館,係一個角落位置,平時可能唔係好顯眼,但真係超超級好食,強烈推薦一定要去💖菜式設計精緻美味,基本上隨意選一樣都會有驚喜,仲有sake pairing😆.✷𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓊✷☞ ALL IN AUBERGINE $88 (4.3/5)本身因為有開心果所以嗌,點知真係超級好食🤩茄子非常清甜多汁,表面有竹炭醬,中間夾住開心果碎、乳酪,甜甜酸酸酸酸嘅配搭非常出色,係從未嘗試過嘅味道🫨.☞ PIGEON $218 (4.3/5)乳鴿烹調得恰到好處,完全媲美米芝蓮餐廳質素,份量仲要多一倍,二百幾蚊真係超值😍配上酸酸甜甜嘅藍莓醬同埋橙油,平衡返乳鴿嘅油脂😚.☞ YELLOW CHICKEN RICE $298 (4.4/5)好出色嘅三黃雞飯,但平過法國餐廳嗰啲好多倍☺️三黃雞表皮烤得香脆,肉質嫩滑多汁,雞油豐腴。重點係個飯真係好好味,做到煲仔飯飯焦,加入咗雞油、雜菌、酒香,食到我哋舔舔脷😋.☞ PINEAPPLE BASQUE $88連巴斯克芝士蛋糕都花咗心思。芝士味香濃,仲有軟心口感。睇吓有醃製過嘅菠蘿,配上香芋雪糕,好特別😙——————————————————✨整體味道: 4.4/5 ✨環境裝修: 4/5✨服務態度: 4/5✨性價比: 4.2/5✨再訪興趣: 4/5.💞整體來講真心大推呢間餐廳🥰每樣菜式都好,而且價錢非常合理,唔食真係會後悔🥳 繼續閱讀
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