港鐵銅鑼灣站 E 出口
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食 brunch 正餐固之然重要,但最緊要係加埋平靚正嘅 free flow 🍾🥂 runch Menu $278 每人有一前菜一主菜一甜品~Add on 2 小時 free flow 只係 $178,好抵~!!! Casa Cucina 依家搬咗去銅鑼灣,繼續都係夠大夠光猛夠粉紅,坐得舒服,食得開心~前菜:Crispy Polenta 香脆粟米糕 - 香甜粟米味,脆扑扑嘅口感同芝士嘅鹹香,新鮮嘅體驗Octopus Carpaccio 八爪魚薄片 薄切八魚薄片🐙配火箭菜、羅勒蒜蓉蛋黃醬、發酵番茄醬,啖啖海風入魂Kohlrabi Fettuccine 青蘋果球莖甘藍「闊條麵 」- 青蘋果,好似雲泡一樣嘅 greek yogurt 醬加石榴係超級清爽Clams 濃湯煮蜆 - 估佢唔到呢個竟然係帶南洋風味嘅蜆,蜆肉大粒飽滿加埋用靑檸油,紅蘿蔔同Nut Puree 制成嘅汁底鮮香濃郁,大推 (遺憾嘅係個包唔夠用呀!我哋 extra order 加錢要多啲包嚟點汁食)主菜:Eggplant Caponata 西西里燉茄子 - 口感好豐富,嫩滑的茄子燉雜菜🍆特別在加埋香脆薯絲同香煎鴨蛋,各種風味混合令呢味簡單家常菜餚提升到另一個層次Chili Garlic Tagliatelle 蒜香辣椒闊扁意粉Shellfish Tagliatelle 甲殼海鮮闊扁意粉 - 未嚟之前就揀好咗必食呢款,虎蝦加藍蟹🦀鮮美又回甘(最緊要係咩,唔使剝殼!)鮮美十足大滿足Oxcheek Pappardelle 牛頰肉寬帶麵 - 寛條麵蛋香豐富,口感彈牙夠掛汁,牛頰肉燉煮到入口即化Black Cod Risoni 銀鱈魚配米型意粉 - 個樣似 Risotto 嘅米型意粉食落口感係好唔同,奶滑煙韌嘅口感配上濃稠濕潤嘅汁底~仲有皮脆又入口即融的銀鱈魚~好食甜品:TiramisuTofu Panna CottaStrawberry Basque Chesscake*舖頭啲 staff 好nice,影相靚
朋友之前係西營盤食過呢間fusion 意大利餐廳覺得好好食,見佢搬咗黎銅鑼灣咁方便,特別帶我黎品嚐一下~ 餐廳外牆以粉紅色為主題,少女心大爆發,好靚, 令餐廳整體感覺更young 更有活力,而且餐廳外還設置多個咖啡座,坐住飲咖啡好chill, 打卡超正!而內裏則布置溫馨,很有小酒館的感覺 入座先點一杯cocktail 解解渴 🍹Cocktail: Lady Mojito/Pisco Sour 加入蝶豆花的Lady Mojito,顏色變成夢幻紫色,但薄荷味依然強勁清新,好fresh Pisco Sour 則用上秘魯傳統雞尾酒,用上pisco 酒作基底,味道酸酸的,很清新 🌟Starter: 🐙Octopus Carpaccio Carpaccio是傳統的意大利前菜,大廚今次用上八爪魚,將其切成薄薄一片,再加入Basil leave 煙肉及醬汁同吃,清新又鮮味的前菜~ 🦪Clams 這個前菜份量充足,蜆肉大粒又飽滿,帶creamy 的醬汁因為加入Kaffir lime oil,辣辣地又有冬蔭公香味,惹味,用來醮sourdough 超正! 🌟Pasta: 🐂Oxcheek Pappardelle 牛面頰寬條麵,寛條麵口感彈牙,有蛋香味,而醬汁則以砵酒加甜椒等煮成,味道香濃,而且牛頰肉份量頗多,上面灑滿帕森芝士,入口時滿口的牛頰肉及芝士,豐富又滿足。 🌸Autumn Bottoni 呢個係意大利傳統的麵食,類似意大利雲吞,主要是餡料及麵的比例不同而有分別,bottoni 的樣子是圓圓的,像顆鈕扣,這裏的面層還加上花花的裝飾,超靚。Bottoni 口感比較煙韌,入口滿滿的黑松露香味,有內餡又有顏值。 🌟Main: 🍗Honey Glazed Chicken 蜜汁燒春雞,有半隻,而且都算大隻,上碟時已一開二,吃時更方便。 雞肉好嫩滑,比一般西餐的雞滑嫩太多,而且皮香脆又掃滿蜜糖,好食推介! 🐟Black Cod Risoni 銀鱈魚米粒麵,形狀似大米粒,而且好滑身,這裏將米粒麵與creamy醬汁同煮,米粒麵掛滿醬汁,十分好味。配埋煎得皮脆肉嫩的銀鱈魚同吃,一啖有多款不同口感。 🌟Dessert: 🍰Tiramisu 意大利菜當然甜品就選Tiramisu 啦,份量充足,面頭灑滿可可粉,酒味與咖啡味十分平衡,入口幼滑濕潤,令人食不停口 🍰Spring Basque Cheesecake 另一款甜品揀咗巴斯克芝士蛋糕,帶微微的焦香味,入口有濃郁的芝士香,口感軟滑,淋上士多啤梨醬,酸酸甜甜,味道十分平衡 🍷Wine: Cherry Tart Chardonnay / Felsina Chianti 吃飯時當然要配葡萄酒,酒單有介紹每款酒的tasting note, 很不錯,我同朋友紅白各點一杯。 Felsina Chianti 是來自意大利的紅酒,酒比較乾身,充滿乾果香味,飲落順滑,好唔錯。而Cherry Tart Chardonnay是來自加州的白酒,充滿果香味,平衡又清爽,我最鍾意。
Learnt about this restaurant from a TV programme for foodies and decided to give it a try with my sweeties.The restaurant has been painted pink both inside and out. We were also captivated by other furniture and fixtures as they are colourful as well.🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆When we sat down, we noticed that only pasta meals would be served during lunch hours. Without choices, we ordered 3 pasta lunch sets at a cost of $178 per person for a 3-course set.For a 3-course set, a diner could have a soup or a salad, a pasta as the main followed by a dessert.The soup of the day was cream of tomato and it was rich and creamy in texture and full of the goodness of tomato. The beetroot salad was refreshing and delicious. I liked very much the sweetness of the beetroot as it really brightened up the salad. The ingredients were very simple and the flavor really came from their freshness.🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆For pasta, there were both vegan and meat options.The pappardelle was soft in texture and the dish was rich in taste as the pappardelle was fully covered with a creamy cheese sauce. There was a few cubes of crispy guanciale and the meat added even more savoury favours to the pasta.The oxcheek was shredded in the pappardelle making it ideal for sharing. I believed the oxcheek had been braised for hours in order to break down the muscle fibers. To enhance and balance the meaty flavor of the meat, port wine and bell pepper were added in the preparation of such satisfying dish.The shellfish in the dish combined of blue crab and king prawn and both items were rich in seafood flavour. Compared with the flat ribbon-like pappardelle, tagliatelle was narrower in size but still could hold onto the shellfish and the seafood sauce.For dessert, there were 2 options including tiramisu and panna cotta. The tiramisu was creamy in texture with a perfect balance of coffee, cocoa and mascarpone cheese. The panna cotta was chilled with a layer of caramel syrup on the top. The tofu flavour and subtle sweetness of the panna cotta were closer to my liking than the tiramisu.Passion fruit bellini is a non-alcoholic mocktail. The natural sourness of passion fruit has added freshness to the sparkling drink.
舊舖西營盤店小編好耐之前已經試過,搬左之後終於有機會嚟探店!保留全有嘅粉紅theme💓,異國風情嘅門口好多打卡位嫁📸~食嘅係東南亞 x 意大利fusion菜,晏晝有lunch set🍽️,食嘅野同dinner差唔多,不過day time同night time嚟係兩個唔同嘅感覺🤭。1️⃣ Clams $138 l Octopus Carpaccio $168Starter嘅clams舊店食完有深刻印象,新店依然keep到水準😋。首先starter份量嚟講真係好大份,蜆肉肥美無沙,自家調製cream sauce入面加左kaffir lime所以有少少冬陰功feel🥘,好配合餐廳fusion嘅concept,個汁配sourdough一流👍🏻。Octopus carpaccio每塊都大大片🐙,簡單搭配bacon同basil leaves,清淡又幾refreshing!2️⃣ Lobster Ravioli $238 | Ox Cheek Pappardelle $188Ravioli個餡係cheese🧀,但係個sauce就用龍蝦膏熬製而成,所以好香龍蝦味🦞,若然有埋龍蝦肉喺入面就更滿足了。Pappardelle偏硬身,ox cheek個sauce唔似carbonara嗰種creamy cheesy🐂,食落唔會油膩但又好惹味👍🏻。3️⃣ Honey Glazed Chicken $148 | Catch of the Day $215唔想淨係食pasta咁推介食雞🐓!先塗上蜜糖烤至香脆🍯,雞胸位置較乾身都好正常,雞脾位就啱啱好夠juicy。 Catch of the day 好多時都係呢款魚🐟,用中式方法去蒸,上枱時店員會淋上牛油香草汁🧈,鮮甜但個人會prefer雞多D。4️⃣ Tiramisu $88 l Spring Basque Cheesecake $88食italian當然要叫tiramisu做結尾🍫,講到明係fusion就唔好用傳統嘅standard去judge~ 口感細滑,酒味唔重。Cheesecake都要fusion下🍰~加左香茅同芒果,酸酸甜甜係幾特別,但鐘唔鐘意就見仁見智啦😂!Drinks menu有唔少cocktail mocktail red & white🍷,駐場bartender會因應你口味推介🍹,無論氣氛定係食物都好啱女仔同閨密嚟gathering👯♀️!
📍 Casa Cucina📍 銅鑼灣 𝗖𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝗕𝗮𝘆 • 百德新街59-65號Fashion Walk地下C及D號舖〔 Follow me! ♥︎ 〕-《Casa Cucina》從西營盤遷到銅鑼灣後,外牆同樣塗上了粉紅色,好吸睛仍然是主打手工意粉的意大利餐廳~晚上時分提供單點menu、sharing menu,最近更和DiningCity合作,提供聯乘menu,可以以更優惠的價錢,享用套餐~食物味道有質素,特別是【手工意粉】十分出色!!整體餐點份量偏小,但如果前菜、意粉、主食、甜品等全都有點一人一份的話,一定夠吃~-餐廳店面蠻大,有前方、有落地玻璃的位置,感覺開揚;往內走的話,有另一個用餐區,更有一間獨立房間呢~-// Starter //✿ Burrata with peaches ($128)✿ Kohlrabi fettuccini ($128)由兩道十分清爽開胃的前菜打開序幕!夏天就是水蜜桃的季節🍑,【水牛芝士】口感幼滑、味道不濃烈,跟蜜桃、蜂蜜、堅果粒等配搭起來,感覺清新!【青蘋果球莖甘藍闊條麵】以大頭菜刨成「闊條麵」,也太有創意~配上一絲絲青蘋果、希臘乳酪、石榴、堅果粒,口感、味道都十分清爽!•// Pasta //✿ Lobster ravioli ($238)✿ Morels pappardelle ($188)這邊的意粉都是自家手工製作,好有誠意,而且也很高質!【龍蝦雲吞】份量不多,但每件都是精華!帶厚度又煙韌的雲吞皮內裹上龍蝦味芝士,外邊則配上龍蝦頭膏和龍蝦肉,味道鮮甜濃郁!【羊肚菌忌廉寬帶麵】質感al dente,硬度剛好,而且十分掛汁,每一口都帶菌香!•// Main //✿ Honey glazed chicken ($148/Half)✿ Catch of the day - Sea bass ($215)【蜜糖烤春雞】整體味道超級香,無論是半隻雞、配菜的雜菇和菠菜都很惹味~雞皮很薄,帶微微焦脆,好吃~雞肉蠻嫩滑🍗是日海鮮為【鱸魚】,肉質鮮嫩,淋上加入白酒同熬的魚湯和牛油香草汁,入口更鮮•// Dessert //✿ Tiramisu ($88)✿ Spring basque cheesecake ($88)【提拉米蘇】好吃耶!手指餅蘸了espresso跟amaretto杏仁酒,口感剛好、咖啡味香濃,但酒味略嫌不太突出Mascarpone cream順滑、不會太甜【巴斯克芝士蛋糕】混合泰國青檸、泰國芒果製成,味道十分夏日☀️•// Cocktail //✿ Lady Mojito ($108)✿ Coconut Negroni ($108)兩杯雞尾酒賣相都很美,而且容易入口-〔 Follow me! ♥︎ 〕