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椒鹽蝦 避風塘炒蟹
食評 (55)
等級2 2024-04-23
60 瀏覽
有次經過開見到幾旺都想試吓,今次兩個人去食咗個前菜魷魚一小碟,幾彈牙爽脆;蒜蓉蟶子算唔錯,可惜有啲沙石;炒硯小辣都幾辣;白烚蝦半斤每人4隻左右,唔算好鮮甜,好彩肉質可以,另外叫咗碗鴨瀨,都叫合格嘅。有樽裝可樂,所以叫咗兩支解渴,埋單比想像中貴,都成差唔多600蚊一個人,因為海鮮時價太貴,一碟蟶子四條已經三百幾四百,呢個價錢,應該去鯉魚門食海鮮好過😂起碼可以揀海鮮即整即食確保新鮮,服務可以,會主動沖茶及換碟。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-12-04
749 瀏覽
.竹家莊 @bamboovillagehk (佐敦).大名鼎鼎的竹家莊.. 成日聽到係因為身邊班fd成日都做完嘢凌晨踩入去食.. 變成佢哋嘅飯堂..但我就真係第一次試.. 今次同大家一齊試試 幾味友人推薦覺得要食嘅嘢.1.燒鴨河粉 $56(轉瀨粉).通常食避風塘炒蟹都會配燒鴨河.. 啲人咁講 我唔知點解..雖然出門避風塘炒蟹嘅竹家莊燒鴨河粉都係一大熱門..重點係 相較之下 價錢真係算實惠😆.燒鴨質素不在話下 肉雖然未係特別嫩.. 但皮脆膏厚..鴨香味真心濃.. 但如果唔連皮食就無咩太大驚喜..湯底係濃郁啲嘅清湯.. 舒服..瀨粉就正常質素.. 比較驚喜嘅位係佢嘅鴨皮.. 鴨四舊左右.. 呢個價錢ok...2.避風塘🦐(時價).呢個係傳說中食開「竹家莊」嘅人先識得order嘅na.. 我班fd講嘅 錯咗唔關我事🤣真心好味.. 肉質 & 味道無可挑剔但價錢不菲...3. 豉椒炒蜆 $108少辣 香口 無沙 新鮮 可以👍.我哋當日仲叫咗其他!as 夜晚宵夜打冷 我覺得係唔錯!但價錢就真係偏貴啲啲..但夜麻麻都開得夜 我覺得算係咁!!座位雖然唔係多 但氣氛唔錯🤣.#香港美食 #港式餐廳 #卡路里 #飲食記錄 #飲食控制 #營養 #健身 #健康飲食 #無添加 #減脂 #增肌減脂 #增肌 #減肥餐單 #減脂餐 #myfitnesspal #fitnesshk #hkfitness#calorieswithmic佐敦 #calorieswithmic尖沙咀 #calorieswithmic港式 #竹家莊 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-10-08
637 瀏覽
訂咗枱諗住舒舒服服食餐生日飯,點知一食完嘢就即問係咪走得,但我哋仲有個蛋糕未上啊....... 佢哋幾個職員又搞一輪就上埋個蛋糕 。食蛋糕當然係喉住我哋食完蛋糕未?要收碟 。我一路篤住個生日牌未放低叉,佢最終就出聲問係咪收得喇你隻碟?全程坐咗兩個鐘 。同埋食嘢嘅中途,我哋明明傾緊偈但職員就好鍾意攝入嚟問我哋啲賴尿蝦係咪好新鮮?呢樣嗰樣,依家到底我係嚟畀錢你兼招呼你定我哋自己食飯呀?食物質素都冇我對上嗰次食咁好味 。叉鴨河味道失色 。扇背普通。東風螺調味直頭唔好食,白灼應該會好啲 。老火湯講到好熱叫我哋睇熱,但只係暖啦吓 。可以唔駛再幫襯 。埋單4個人三千幾 。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-06-20
1214 瀏覽
This place opens for dinner only and is famous of Hong Kong style seafood. The place was packed with tourists and the serving speed was actually too fast, making some of the seafood cool down too soon. We came in a group of eight and most of the seafood was marked in market price so the below price could be a reference if you come with a large group.🥂Traditional Spicy Stir-fry Crab $1120Spice was just enough and the crab was very flavourful and fresh. 🥂Steamed Prawn with Garlic $560Steaming time was just right without making it too old in texture.🥂Fried Spicy Jumbo Mantis Shrimp with Chilli, Garlic and Salt $1440Again it was perfectly seasoned and the flesh was very bouncy. 🥂Steamed Fresh Baby Abalones $520Some were steamed just right but some were overcooked. My friend was unlucky and got a overcooked one, leaving the middle part of the abalone to the waste.🥂Steamed Razor Clam with Vermicelli and Garlic $784Again, also some were steamed just right but some were overcooked again, losing its own umami unfortunately.🥂Poached Whelks $168Nothing very special, just quite bouncy.🥂Poached Fresh Pig Stomach $60🥂Poached Green Chives $60Charging $60 each, but didn’t expect they will just be placed on a side-dish plate. Way overpriced though the taste is not bad, but the quality still couldn’t meet its price point. .It might be hard to steam many seafood in one pot, but given its price point, I’d expect them to steam it in different pots in order to keep the freshness of seafood. The overall experience is not too bad, but I don’t think it’s good enough to attract that many tourists given its price point, service and ambience.Overall rating: 5/10jsv_foodie 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-05-03
1132 瀏覽
🌟竹家莊📍位於:佐敦廟街265-267號地下每次去竹家莊食宵夜,一定會食佢嘅鴨絲河粉佢嘅湯底每次我都會飲晒🤭實在太好味了鴨肉嫩嫩的,河粉淋度岩岩好!果皮蒸泥鯭,呢度餸又係必定要食,泥鯭肉好滑又鮮甜另外,仲叫咗韭菜花!呢度餸又係必食的!好入味👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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