米芝蓮二星餐廳 (2016-20), 亞洲50最佳餐廳 (2017)
Children aged six years and above are welcome. •Children aged below six years are welcome to dine at the bar area and the private dining room. •Dress Code: Smart Casual Gentlemen should refrain from wearing sleeveless t-shirts, shorts, open shoes (sandals) or slippers.
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
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食評 (35)
等級1 2019-03-19
5025 瀏覽
由於本來想訂的一星餐廳無位,結果選擇試這間米芝蓮二星。一去到已被門口的大酒架吸引(本人都好杯中物😛),望左兩眼之後行埋Reception, 接待員問如何稱呼我,感覺幾親切(我之前試的一星餐廳都沒有特別問)。接待員知我第一次去,係帶位途中簡單咁介紹下餐廳嘅擺設。行到入去用餐地方,非常寬敞,每張枱之間都有一定距離,非常舒適。食物質素非常高,酒單方面,烈酒類有很多特別選擇,可惜今次狀態不太好,不然一定會試一兩杯。整體而言這餐廳是值得再去的。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
難得去一次澳門~本身想一試另外一間長期難book 嘅法國餐廳~咁當然,我都係book 唔到啦,酒店禮賓部同事就建議我試The Tasting Room~米芝蓮2星喎,當然要試下。首先,如果你行完街先上去食飯,其實由City Of Dream 搵Nuwa 酒店條路都幾唔好搵⋯去到The Tasting Room 果一層,被一大排酒櫃深深吸引。兩位reception 都非常親切~又會用我個名去稱呼我而唔係madam 就算~餐廳環境好大好寬敞,檯同檯之間隔好遠,私隱度好高。或者大家覺得2星餐廳咁係好基本⋯但其實餐廳空間同私隱度係香港都太奢侈。好~menu 我係冇影到嘅~而食物質素之高,我都唔洗多講~可以睇相~麵包好好食好好食⋯會唔小心食得太多。生蠔裡面嘅水大廚用左嚟整一塊jelly, 放左係個蠔嘅上面。連埋個dressing, 件事真係好好食。主茶係慢煮牛舌配薯蓉。牛舌好食,但薯蓉絕對可以更好。芝士種類好多,可以滿足芝士迷,而佢地嘅朱古力都係一流之作。因為實在太飽,sommelier 推左架放滿armagnac 嘅車出嚟,飲唔落啦⋯但我真係好想飲!下次呀,我一定會再返嚟~! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
米之蓮二星嘅御膳房轉左大廚後首次到訪,成餐飯感覺都唔錯,今次前菜同湯都有驚喜,但唯獨主菜嘅西冷牛排就真係差左少少,肉質唔太細嫩,失左啲分呢前菜點左seabass and scallop tartare, 用薄片日本蘿蔔夾住草甸花瓣,鋪係鮮甜嘅鱸魚同帶子他他上面,形成一道少女心爆登又不失優雅嘅風景,睇到我心花怒放。清而不淡嘅鱸魚帶子他他夾雜咗少少魚子,配搭酸酸地嘅醬汁,加埋塊爽脆嘅蘿蔔,簡單幾種食材成就甚有層次嘅一道前菜,完美地為餐飯開左個靚頭最正係個好豪華嘅龍蝦湯! 未上到枱已經聞到濃厚嘅香氣,個濃湯creamy到不得了,裡面有海膽、龍蝦、蒸蛋等食材,加埋湯一齊擺入口,將海鮮嘅鮮味昇華到另一層次,啖啖都係幸福嘅感覺🤤 係成餐飯最滿意嘅一道菜!午餐:888mop +10% 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-10-24
3556 瀏覽
一入到泥就見到酒,全部都係酒入口裝修好華麗,去到大廳又另一種感覺,環境清幽,舒服坐低冇耐就可以點酒,花多眼亂點左一紅一白呢支雖然平,但係好飲喎Set Lunch有3道或5道菜,(扮)細食既我選左3道菜食完appetizer同main course已經飽左一半,點埋甜品飲杯咖啡就完滿值得一提係petite four,好有心機整,一般都係幾粒朱古力,我唔會飽住食埋。但呢四粒造型同flavor都好吸引,全部都食晒整體都好滿意,環境靚食物又岩口味 一定要挑剔既就係服務太好令我有少少壓迫感 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-07-16
3365 瀏覽
Been excited for this Michelin 2 star dinner for a while. But didn’t realise chef Guillaume Galliot is not here anymore.So we have ordered the tasting menu with wine pairing.Fired prawn ball, radish with cream cheese and deep fried potato with smoked salmon as welcome snack. They are all nice and make us more looking forward.Some bread before the dinner really start. Always like seaweed butter, flavour of ocean saltines. The butter texture here is more thick and won’t melt right away.Well, to me fresh oyster is always the best. Poached increased the oyster flavour, decreased the ocean aroma. All the effort, I mean presentation is perfect, it taste good, but is just doesn’t give me a WOW factor.This lobster watermelon tart was great. Fresh lobster with different style, lobster salad and lobster slice, give it a different effect and flavour. Watermelon on the bottom, serve with caviar and avocado sauce. Freshness, saltiness and all different texture, not surprise is was good as all ingredients are just real fine level. Duck foie gras was creamily moose, strong flavour which I enjoy a lot, even upgraded with the consommé jelly, balanced with the cheery burlat and serve with toasted bread.My friend got a small appetite, so I had half of his dishes and is was not good. The flavour was just so different from mine, nearly like the food was turning bad, really.Basil butter cooked John Dory was very nice. I don’t usually like western style fish, cos the meat are always tough. This fish was okay but taste so nice with the basil butter.The veggies and shellfish on the side was fresh and nice, but the tomato mash was a little too salty.I don’t eat beef and mine was switched to pigeon. Perfectly medium rare, texture was just good, juicy tender. But not the best pigeon I had, cos I like stronger aroma, there’s improve space on the special flavour of pigeon.Cheese platter, got lots of selection for guest and fulfil different taste.Not a fan of dessert, but I love almond. Sour and almond? I didn’t know it could match, but yes, quite nice.I really like the chef got my likeness of coconut as well. Coconut cake base and the mini coconut meringue was so my cup of tea.These platter was little too sweet for me but I’ve tried it all. And the hazel chocolate and citrus one was okay for me.So far, this experience was just alright to me. The server was friendly, environment was good, but for Michelle 2 star? The food was good, but It really didn’t surprise me. 繼續閱讀
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