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今次要介紹嘅餐廳係位於銅鑼灣嘅如意,主打日本菜同廚師法辦。店內座位唔算多,我哋午市時段去到幾近滿座。食物嘅質素一般,沒什麼較為驚喜嘅位置,食到嘅壽司都較為大路,當中做得較為遜色嘅係調味方面,令部分壽司有種調味喧賓奪主嘅感覺。唯一優勝嘅地方在於價錢,相對同區嘅 Omakase 便宜,但係由於食物質素嘅原因亦令我哋對於再次到訪有所卻步。Sushi Nyoi is located in Causeway Bay, specializes in Japanese Omakase. There are not many seats in the restaurants, and it is almost full during lunch hours. Overall, the meal did not surprise us as much as other omakase, most of the sushi is the ordinary one you can have elsewhere. The seasoning is sometimes too strong that cover
今次要介紹嘅餐廳係位於銅鑼灣嘅如意,主打日本菜同廚師法辦。店內座位唔算多,我哋午市時段去到幾近滿座。食物嘅質素一般,沒什麼較為驚喜嘅位置,食到嘅壽司都較為大路,當中做得較為遜色嘅係調味方面,令部分壽司有種調味喧賓奪主嘅感覺。唯一優勝嘅地方在於價錢,相對同區嘅 Omakase 便宜,但係由於食物質素嘅原因亦令我哋對於再次到訪有所卻步。
Sushi Nyoi is located in Causeway Bay, specializes in Japanese Omakase. There are not many seats in the restaurants, and it is almost full during lunch hours. Overall, the meal did not surprise us as much as other omakase, most of the sushi is the ordinary one you can have elsewhere. The seasoning is sometimes too strong that cover the taste of the fish itself. Despite the competitive pricing, we believe we are not going to revisit this restaurant again.
特上壽司 12 貫 (Deluxe Sushi 12 Pcs) $398
牡丹蝦 (Botan Shrimp)
Botan shrimp tastes creamy. After topped with shrimp roe, it enriches the layering of the texture.
銀鱈魚 (Cod Fish)
The codfish is quite surprising, with a smooth texture and fatty taste.
帆立貝 (Scallop)
The scallop has a bouncy texture. Nonetheless, it is seasoned with yuzu, salt and wasabi that overwhelm the taste of the scallop.
海膽 (Sea Urchin)
The sea urchin is quite a disappointing one, as it tastes a bit bitter and does not taste fresh.
Sushi Nyoi
📍銅鑼灣霎東街11號The Sharp 18樓
📍18/F, The Sharp, 11 The Sharp Street East, Causeway Bay