114 瀏覽
前排為左慶祝白色情人節,book左喺尖沙咀 嘅Harlan食晚餐💌 餐廳裝潢高雅,環境寬敞舒適,加上一望無際嘅海景令人心曠神怡🖼️ 佢哋無設用餐時限,可以慢慢傾慢慢食🥳 每道菜都有侍應用心講解,為用餐體驗加左唔少分💯Harlan offers an exquisite dining experience with beautiful views and elegant decors, perfect for any special occasions. 今次揀左新出嘅四道菜晚市套餐 ($888) 🍱 包左一份頭盤,湯,主菜同甜品,仲可以加錢要埋wine pairing🥂落單後侍應就奉上自家製嘅麵包籃,三款都熱辣辣又鬆軟🍞We ordered their 4 course set dinner menu, which includes an appetiser, soup, main course and dessert. We started off with a basket of homemade bread. 香煎北海道帶子配脆西米,法式香梨及荔枝果蓉Pan-seared Hokk
前排為左慶祝白色情人節,book左喺尖沙咀 嘅Harlan食晚餐💌 餐廳裝潢高雅,環境寬敞舒適,加上一望無際嘅海景令人心曠神怡🖼️ 佢哋無設用餐時限,可以慢慢傾慢慢食🥳 每道菜都有侍應用心講解,為用餐體驗加左唔少分💯
Harlan offers an exquisite dining experience with beautiful views and elegant decors, perfect for any special occasions.
今次揀左新出嘅四道菜晚市套餐 ($888) 🍱 包左一份頭盤,湯,主菜同甜品,仲可以加錢要埋wine pairing🥂落單後侍應就奉上自家製嘅麵包籃,三款都熱辣辣又鬆軟🍞
We ordered their 4 course set dinner menu, which includes an appetiser, soup, main course and dessert. We started off with a basket of homemade bread.
Pan-seared Hokkaido Scallop
帶子肥美肉厚,中間呈半熟狀態,鮮甜無比🌊 醬油脆西米帶出鹹香味,配上香甜嘅果蓉令層次感更豐富😝
The scallop was plump and fresh, topped with crispy sago, french pear and lychee purée for more layering.
Blue Lobster Salad
刺身級嘅藍龍蝦望落晶瑩剔透,食落爽口清甜🦞 番茄嘅清甜結合話梅嘅酸香,作開胃菜一流🥗
Blue lobster sashimi was paired with salted plum dressing, cherry tomatoes and lilies, very appetising and refreshing.
Porcini Mushroom Soup
呢個未食已經聞到濃郁嘅菌香🤤 潤滑嘅湯底加左麵包糠令口感昇華,牛肝菌同白松露互相襯托,獨特嘅香味令人無法抗拒🍲
The soup was so creamy and flavourful, elevated by the aroma from white truffle oil.
Linguine with Pan-seared Spanish Red Prawn
扁意粉煮到軟硬適中,吸收曬蝦肉嘅鮮甜味🦐 紅蝦雖然唔係特別彈牙但有好多蝦膏,滿滿嘅精華滲入酸甜嘅番茄汁,每啖都滋味十足🤩
The linguine was al dente, covered in a sweet and sour Japanese cherry tomato sauce. The prawn was fatty, with its essence flowing through each bite.
Sous Vide U.S Prime Flank Steak
牛腹扒油脂分佈均勻,經過低溫慢煮後肉質特別軟嫩🥩 扒芯色澤紅潤,微焦嘅外層牛香突出,配埋燒汁食落油而不膩👍🏼 伴碟有綿密嘅薯蓉,濃郁嘅松露香令人著迷🥔
The medium rare steak had a perfect meat to fat ratio, which was tender and juicy. It came with a side of porcini black truffle mashed potatoes.
Green Tea & White Chocolate Mousse
海棉蛋糕同兩層嘅慕斯質感幼滑無比🍰 白朱古力嘅甜味同微苦嘅綠茶取得平衡,甘香味喺口中久久不散👅 加上清爽嘅紅豆雪糕配合一流,甜而不膩🫘
The bitter and luscious flavours from green tea and white chocolate were balanced, elevated by the sweetness from red bean ice cream.