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今日晏晝同我朋友去咗尖沙咀法國餐廳嗰度食bunch 我比較鍾意食法式Crêpe所以我叫左法式早餐蕎麥薄餅,朋友就唔想食得太過Heavy所以要個Benefit egg早餐蕎麥薄餅- 非常豐富,口感較為細膩,與傳統的麵粉薄餅相比,更健康。他有西班牙火腿,早前Starter嘅時候都叫咗火腿🤣(唔記得咗呢度都有火腿),brunch 食左好多火腿。🥰火腿豐富的質感為薄餅增添了層次。🍅番茄是烘乾嘅蕃茄,酸甜滋味平衡其他成分的油膩感。蟹肉牛油果班尼迪克蛋 - 牛油果的奶油質地和細膩口感為整道菜增添了豐富的風味與蟹肉相得益彰,提供了健康脂肪。水波蛋的滑嫩質感,荷蘭醬汁加上酸種麵包🥖互相配合。🤤炸黑松露磨菇球超級好味嘅小食的小吃,黑松露和磨菇並唔係我認為最完美結合之處。最完美嘅係炸製的外皮,金黃酥脆,咬下去時與內部柔軟的口感形成鮮明對比,所以最完美係呢個地方。Waiter 服務態度超好,不斷解釋食物材料,加深我對食物的認知☺️Today, I went to a French restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui with my friend for brunch.I particu
所以我叫左法式早餐蕎麥薄餅,朋友就唔想食得太過Heavy所以要個Benefit egg
- 非常豐富,口感較為細膩,與傳統的麵粉薄餅相比,更健康。他有西班牙火腿,早前Starter嘅時候都叫咗火腿🤣(唔記得咗呢度都有火腿),brunch 食左好多火腿。🥰火腿豐富的質感為薄餅增添了層次。🍅番茄是烘乾嘅蕃茄,酸甜滋味平衡其他成分的油膩感。
- 牛油果的奶油質地和細膩口感為整道菜增添了豐富的風味與蟹肉相得益彰,提供了健康脂肪。水波蛋的滑嫩質感,荷蘭醬汁加上酸種麵包🥖互相配合。🤤
Waiter 服務態度超好,不斷解釋食物材料,加深我對食物的認知☺️
Today, I went to a French restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui with my friend for brunch.
I particularly enjoy French crêpes, so I ordered the French breakfast buckwheat pancakes, while my friend didn’t want anything too heavy, so they chose the benefit egg.
French Breakfast Buckwheat Pancakes
- These pancakes are very rich, with a more delicate texture compared to traditional flour pancakes, making them healthier. They include Spanish ham, which I had forgotten was also included here since I ordered ham earlier as a starter. 😅 I ended up eating a lot of ham for brunch. 🥰 The rich texture of the ham adds layers to the pancakes. 🍅 The tomatoes are sun-dried, and their sweet and sour flavor balances the greasiness of the other ingredients.
Crab Meat and Avocado Benedict Eggs
- The creamy texture of the avocado and its delicate taste enhance the dish's overall flavor, complementing the crab meat and providing healthy fats. The poached egg's smooth texture, combined with the hollandaise sauce and sourdough bread, work together perfectly. 🤤
Fried Black Truffle Mushroom Balls
- These are incredibly delicious snacks. I don't think black truffles and mushrooms are the perfect combination, but the most perfect part is the golden, crispy outer shell. When you bite into it, the contrast between the crunchy exterior and the soft interior is striking, and that's where the perfection lies.
The waiter's service attitude was excellent, constantly explaining the ingredients of the food and deepening my understanding of the dishes. ☺️