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今日和媽咪來到這間素食小廚食特色素菜。呢間餐廳好有氣氛,窗外有小星星⭐️⭐️,燈罩表面亦都有花邊作裝飾,非常靚靚。梳化是綠色的,與素食餐廳嘅顏色十分襯。今日我們叫的素菜,都好似肉類。我們叫了一個燒賣,山竹牛肉,北京片皮鴨,肉餅飯,手卷壽司和酸辣湯。我覺得這個肉餅飯超級好味,我和媽媽都全部吃晒,北京填鴨仿真度亦都好似真肉類。而且菜單上面呢都有在肉餅飯上寫到(奶)🥛提醒食客食物包含住什麼食材,好貼心。餐廳服務非常好,waitress 都樂意提供菜式的簡介。今日服務我們嘅小姐非常之有禮貌👩🏻。而且餐廳裡有好多外國人,餐廳到晚上7時就開始滿,好旺場。Today, I came to this vegetarian restaurant with my mom to enjoy some special vegetarian dishes. The restaurant has a great atmosphere, with little stars ⭐️⭐️ outside the window and beautifully decorated lampshades with lace. The
餐廳服務非常好,waitress 都樂意提供菜式的簡介。今日服務我們嘅小姐非常之有禮貌👩🏻。而且餐廳裡有好多外國人,餐廳到晚上7時就開始滿,好旺場。
Today, I came to this vegetarian restaurant with my mom to enjoy some special vegetarian dishes. The restaurant has a great atmosphere, with little stars ⭐️⭐️ outside the window and beautifully decorated lampshades with lace. The green sofas match the color scheme of the vegetarian restaurant perfectly.
We ordered some vegetarian dishes that resemble meat. We had siu mai, "beef" made from mangosteen, Peking "duck," a meat pie rice, hand roll sushi, and hot and sour soup. I thought the meat pie rice was super delicious; my mom and I finished everything. The Peking "duck" also had a remarkably realistic texture.
Additionally, the menu thoughtfully notes the ingredients, like dairy 🥛 in the meat pie rice, which is very considerate for diners. The restaurant service is excellent, and the waitress was eager to provide descriptions of the dishes. The staff member who served us was very polite 👩🏻. There were also many foreigners in the restaurant, and it started filling up by 7 PM, which shows how popular it is.