110 瀏覽
用餐日期: 2010 年 5月 2日 食物: 中 size 腸粉; 2 串燒賣 3 個粉果﹔ 1串魚旦﹔ 1杯豆漿味道: 。叫 size 腸粉﹐2串燒賣 2 個粉果﹐ 1串魚旦﹐1杯豆漿 先。腸粉唔使講﹐ 點﹗﹗﹗ 滿分。 有花生醬 加埋豬油。 香到。腸粉好滑﹐豬油﹐搞到我係咁食。 我最喜歡就係佢哋既咖喱魚旦﹐ 唔似出面街個D咁粒。 又大粒﹐又彈牙﹐咖喱汁杰杰哋﹐ 辣辣哋﹐ 超正﹗ 1串燒賣有3粒﹐ 大大粒。 係豬肉燒賣﹐ 食得出係新鮮﹐ 食落有肉汁。仲有冬菇﹐ 食到冬菇味﹗佢哋既粉果我好喜愛, 料夠﹐皮唔太淋。 環境 哋方﹐﹐ 4-5張枱。一定同人SHARE。 但係好涼﹐ 風扇夠勁﹐ 就算出面熱到35度﹐都唔會食到身水身汗服務: 無咩服務。 D 亞姐好趕。咁價錢唔好要求咁多位置: 好近mtr 站﹐ 係黃金反方向。 好容易搵總體: 緊係正﹗今次係第2次 梨食﹐ 第一次食完﹐ 好想再返梨食﹐ 太好食。 食過佢之後唔再會食其他個d。 太好食到 我再叫到一個 1串燒賣 1 個粉果。 好飽﹐ 但都要食。有唔貴。 正﹗秘訣: 出面好似好多人排隊﹐ 買外賣﹐ 或企係出面
食物: 中 size 腸粉; 2 串燒賣 3 個粉果﹔ 1串魚旦﹔ 1杯豆漿
味道: 。叫 size 腸粉﹐2串燒賣 2 個粉果﹐ 1串魚旦﹐1杯豆漿 先。腸粉唔使講﹐ 點﹗﹗﹗ 滿分。 有花生醬 加埋豬油。 香到。腸粉好滑﹐豬油﹐搞到我係咁食。 我最喜歡就係佢哋既咖喱魚旦﹐ 唔似出面街個D咁粒。 又大粒﹐又彈牙﹐咖喱汁杰杰哋﹐ 辣辣哋﹐ 超正﹗ 1串燒賣有3粒﹐ 大大粒。 係豬肉燒賣﹐ 食得出係新鮮﹐ 食落有肉汁。仲有冬菇﹐ 食到冬菇味﹗佢哋既粉果我好喜愛, 料夠﹐皮唔太淋。
環境 哋方﹐﹐ 4-5張枱。一定同人SHARE。 但係好涼﹐ 風扇夠勁﹐ 就算出面熱到35度﹐都唔會食到身水身汗
服務: 無咩服務。 D 亞姐好趕。咁價錢唔好要求咁多
位置: 好近mtr 站﹐ 係黃金反方向。 好容易搵
總體: 緊係正﹗今次係第2次 梨食﹐ 第一次食完﹐ 好想再返梨食﹐ 太好食。 食過佢之後唔再會食其他個d。 太好食到 我再叫到一個 1串燒賣 1 個粉果。 好飽﹐ 但都要食。有唔貴。 正﹗
秘訣: 出面好似好多人排隊﹐ 買外賣﹐ 或企係出面食。 搞到我以為入面坐爆人。 但其實入面係有位﹐ 如過無﹐ 等一陣係入面﹐ 好快有人走。 係快過出面排隊企係出面食。又有風扇.
eating Date: [/ b] 2nd May 2010 [/ u]
Food: [/ b] Mid size portion Cheung fun, 2 portion Pork dumpling, 3 Fun Gwor, 1 portion Curry fishball
Taste: [/ b] The Cheung fun here is the best in the universe. It is so smooth, the texture is just right. With Peanut butter sauce, soy sauce and what makes the difference is the Lard, or "Pigs oil" they use in it. Makes it taste so much better! its irresistable! I love the pork dumplings here, its juicy and made with real pork and chinese mushroom, not just those cheap fish dumpings that you get on street. I have to mention the curry fishballs here. It is huge compared to the ones outside. Its round and big, and their curry sauce is so good. The curry sauce isnt watery and mild spicey. the fun gwor is good, with loads of ingrdients inside and the dumpling skin is very chewy just the way it is meant to be.
Environment [/ b] Inside is very small, with only 4-5 tables. You will need to share table, and need to look for your own seat. But best thing is, their are very powerful fans inside, so even if the temperature is like the Safari, it will be very cool inside the place.
Services: [/ b] Not much servicxe I can mention here, as it is very busy, all the waitresses are in a rush. You will be lucky they talk to you more than 2 sentences.
Location: [/ b] It is very nice shum sui po station. It is opposite side of shum sui po to WONG GUM tower, where they sell all computer and gaming stuff.
OVERALL: [/ b] It is the best. BEST CHEUNG FUN I HAVE EVER TASTED. and I havent ahd any cheung fun after I have had theirs, as the other stuff, you wouldnt believe how bad it can taste for same price or even cheaper!
Tip: [/ b] There will be alot of people queuing up, they are usually people who is queuing outside to buy takeaway or to eat outside. But if you go straight inside, you will see seats, and usually not full, there will be one or two seats free. Sit and wait for more seats to be free, as people dont stay for long. usual 5- 10 mins and should be able get the seat. Prob takes quicker to gt served inside than outside!