餐廳: 堤岸酒吧及餐廳



港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 A1/ L5 出口, 港鐵柯士甸站 F 出口; 尖沙咀港鐵站A1出口或柯士甸港鐵站F出口僅10分鐘路程 繼續閱讀
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堤岸Pierside設計優雅時尚,特設戶外雅座的堤岸,環抱維港景緻,讓您一邊品嚐醇酒佳餚,一邊與良朋知己輕談淺酌。 繼續閱讀
06:30 - 00:00
06:30 - 00:00
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食評 (252)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥如果食量不算太多的朋友,有時又想吃自助餐的話,半自助餐相對是一個較為化算的選擇。這間位於尖沙咀酒店內的餐廳,晚市的半自助餐,雖然自助區的食物選擇不算太多,但以成人300餘元的價錢計算,也算是十分合理,而且餐廳每個月會更換餐單,而且每天主菜也有不同選擇,以迎合不同客人的口味。If you have a moderate appetite but still wish to enjoy a buffet experience, a semi-buffet can be a reasonable choice. Located within a hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, this restaurant offers a semi-buffet for dinner. While the selection in the buffet area is somewhat limited, the price of just over HKD 300 for adults is quite reasonable. The menu changes monthly, and the daily main courses vary to cater to different guest preferences.香蒜欖油辣椒炒海鮮意粉Seafood Spaghetti Aglio e Oilo海鮮意粉的賣相雖然平平無奇,但味道卻十分鮮美,辣椒增加了味道的層次,而且海鮮的種類亦十分多,又不會過分油膩。The seafood pasta, though unassuming in appearance, is exceptionally flavorful. The addition of chili enhances the layers of taste, and the variety of seafood is ample without being overly greasy.和風照燒魷魚飯配前菜及味噌湯Seared Squid with Teriyaki Sauce, Japanese Pearl Rice, Pickles & Miso Soup照燒魷魚飯令人有點失望,原以為飯是釀在魷魚內,原來白飯只是伴在魷魚旁,而且醬汁不夠,味道十分淡The teriyaki squid rice was somewhat disappointing; we expected the rice to be stuffed inside the squid, but instead, plain rice was simply served alongside it. The sauce was lacking, resulting in a rather bland flavor.燒牛扒配田園蔬菜及燒汁或黑椒汁Grilled Beef Steak with Garden Vegetables and Gravy or Black Pepper Sauce ( 加add $60)牛扒的生熟程度做得恰到好處,而且肉質又不會太靭,不過賣相較為普通The steak was cooked perfectly and had a tender texture, although its presentation was quite ordinary.是日餐湯 Daily Soup餐湯是蕃茄濃湯,有香濃的蕃茄味,給人十分開胃的感覺,配上麵包感覺更佳The soup offered was a rich tomato bisque, delivering a strong tomato flavor that is very appetizing, especially when paired with bread.自助餐頭盤及沙律吧Appetisers & Salad Bar 自助頭盤的沙律十分新鮮,風乾火腿及煙三文魚亦不會太咸,而薄餅亦新鮮脆口The salads at the appetizer buffet were very fresh, while the prosciutto and smoked salmon were not overly salty. The pizzas were also fresh and crispy.自助甜品Dessert Buffet  備有多款甜品,當中以葡撻最美味可口,其他的味道只是普通A variety of desserts were available, with the Portuguese tart standing out as the most delicious. The other desserts were merely average.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments:  🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥✅食物都非常新鮮,而且不會放太多於自助吧上,但食物補充的速度亦很快The food was very fresh, and while not overly abundant in the buffet area, replenishment was prompt.❌自助食品選擇不多,甜品的味道較為失色,而主菜的味道亦不驚喜Although the selection of buffet items was limited and the desserts were somewhat unimpressive, the main dishes delivered decent flavor🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅坐位十分寬敞舒適,環境亦算寧靜,是朋友聊天的好地方Seating was spacious and comfortable, with a relatively quiet ambiance, making it a great spot for friends to chat.❌無Nil💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅待應生非常親切,而且回收餐具的速度亦十分快The service staff were very friendly, and they cleared tables at a swift pace❌無Nil💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅與自助餐相比,價錢算是十分超值Overall, when compared to a full buffet, the pricing offers significant value.❌食物的品質不算很高,所以性價比只是一般However, the quality of the food is not particularly high, resulting in an average cost-performance ratio 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-09-14
3068 瀏覽
晚間半自助餐菜單有提供熱餐湯、麵包、前菜、自助田園沙律吧、中西式甜品、新鮮生果等一一美食,很是滿足。用餐時間:6pm - 10:30pm餐廳環境舒適,正好有窗邊坐位,可以眺望海邊景色 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-09-10
2892 瀏覽
之前同另一半係社交平台見到係皇家太平洋酒店既堤岸推岀左個$358/位既半自助晚餐,包salad bar同desert任食同一個main dish, 如果想free flow飲下佢d house wine就可以加多$138/位,我地見價幾抵就膽粗粗試下佢~入到去餐廳環境都好decent整潔,員工服務態度都ok既。salad bar既款式就唔算話好多,但每款味道都幾唔錯,特別係佢個海鮮萵筍沙律,蟹籽蟹柳青瓜沙律同鴨胸,我地接連都攞左幾轉,因為都真係幾好食🤣 除左沙律之外,佢都有個海鮮忌廉湯,但呢個就好麻麻,冇乜海鮮料,味道亦冇話好濃郁,我地飲左一半都放棄左了~到main course, 我地一個一叫左牛扒一個叫左羊架。個羊架煮得好岀色,真係煮到5成熟,符合我既要求,肉質細嫩多汁,唯一美中不足係我覺得唔夠羊臊味😌 但另外件牛扒就認真麻麻,我地同樣叫5成熟,但佢就煮到7-8成,有d位直情韌到𡁻唔到,加上佢件牛本身調料調得重左,勁咸,我地真係完全食唔到,所以無奈地退貨叫佢煮過過,點知第二次黎都一樣係同樣質素,我地食左半塊就又放棄左。特別一提係呢件牛扒係要額外加多$60,想試既朋友可以慳番呢$60嘞🙈最後甜品方面,佢有haagen dazs雪糕任食,仲有我最愛既cookies and cream味,呢個位加分👍🏻👍🏻 佢仲有幾款小cake既,但味道就不過不失啦,特別一提係佢個麵包布甸,整得好軟糯,又唔會話好甜,呢個我都岀去攞左兩次🤣最後就係佢個楊枝甘露,本人就覺得佢落得太重椰奶,搶左個芒果味,有點失色🙈最後我地兩個人埋單$776, 人均大約$390,係酒店食semi-buffet黎講都算平,值得一試 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-09-09
2377 瀏覽
有日見到好吸引價錢嘅半自助餐(星期六日公假)$288 原來呢個價唔包main course$358 呢個先包main course其實佢嘅半自助餐吧就唔係話好多野食所以要食飽點都係要叫個main course餐廳畢竟位於尖沙嘴的酒店所以環境係幾唔錯嘅~如果夠早book(因為都好full), 坐到窗口位仲可以觀望尖沙咀海景添~原來佢個menu有幾款,唔同week會轉款今次同朋友叫咗兩個main course,羊扒同牛扒比較失望是個牛扒,因為佢仲要另加$60叫了5成熟但出到嚟7成熟,仲要鹽太重手,都幾咸...咁餐廳都幾好,同佢講返佢都肯整多次,可惜第二次嘅質素都係咁上下😅其實個牛扒肉味都OK嘅,但煮得就真係麻麻第二次佢都細心將個汁另上,但唔明點解塊扒要落鹽咁重手反而個羊扒都唔錯,即都算腍,不過有d位少少生咗D半自助餐bar呢~我覺得真係唔可以同自助餐比,真係少好多野食咁沙律幾新鮮而且都有幾多款式同醬汁揀Pizza幾好食,尤其岩岩出爐果d甜品就cheese cake, 楊枝甘露, 奶凍都OK, 其他cake就麻麻地啦~仲有Haagen-Dazs雪糕~飲品都只係coffee n tea同檸檬refill咁餐廳服務都唔錯的~雖然未至於好主動serve你但你叫到要求到都會盡量fulfill你咁都幾nice架啦以而家香港今時今日咁嘅服務嚟講最後我覺得呢個價錢其實可以食其他好多做緊優惠更好味嘅自助餐~ 繼續閱讀
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Pierside Bar & Restaurant is collaborating with skincare brand GLAMDY to present the 【Princess Red ∙ Glamorous Afternoon Tea】 from now until 31 October 2024.Princess red is a dedicated colour with notions of nobility and elegance💖. Inspired by this royal colour, the culinary chef team has specially handcrafted an array of alluring red-coloured savouries and desserts, including the Rose Cheesecake🌹, Strawberry Napoleon, Lychee Mousse with Bird Nest and Tremella Jelly with Vanilla Panna Cotta, complemented with the classic Raisin Scones with house-made Jam and Clotted Cream, and more savoury selections. Each set is served with freshly brewed coffee or tea and house red or white wine.A complimentary GLAMDY skincare gift set presented in a fashionable handbag packaging adorned with a pearl necklace-like handle is yours to bring home with after enjoying the tea set.Enjoy a 15% discount at HK$228 per person (Original Price: HK$268), subject to 10% service charge.Promotion period: From now until 31 October 2024Time: 3:00pm to 5:30pm◦•◦♡.﹀﹀﹀.♡◦•◦♡.﹀﹀﹀.♡◦•◦♡.﹀﹀﹀.♡◦•◦𖠿Pierside Bar & Restaurant 𖤣𖤥Upper Lobby, Towers Wing, Royal Pacific Hotel, 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha TsuiTaste ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡Service ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡Environment ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡Price ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡Revisit ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡◦•◦♡.﹀﹀﹀.♡◦•◦♡.﹀﹀﹀.♡◦•◦♡.﹀﹀﹀.♡◦•◦ 繼續閱讀
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