港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約4分鐘
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
今日返工,時有份大project,想放鬆一下,就約咗老公過嚟蘭桂坊,睇吓有咩好食。行吓行吓,見到依間Moodie Wine & Dine, 很自然地被「wine and dine」這個term 吸引,覺得應該會有正嘢食,所以就選擇試吓😌以其係青口嘅當造季節,見到OpenRice篇篇食評都講青口,所以我都忍唔住問吓,啲青口喺邊度嚟話俾我聽係由法國直接空運到港,到達時仲係活生生嘅,我一聽到咁已經心心眼,諗都唔諗就諗住一定要食青口㗎啦!不過我竟然被告知其中嘅French style同埋蕃茄味已經賣斷咗,嗰刻呆一呆呆,心諗:咁快! ?所以,就抱着試一試嘅心態,叫咗個平時冇見過嘅柚子胡椒味,因為見到佢話係Japanese style,我諗應該唔會太過伏掛……哇哇哇!法國藍青口超好食!超級新鮮及鮮甜,果然冇介紹錯!這兒的藍青口和其他出面食到嘅藍青口不同, size適中,最緊要嘅係同我以前喺瑞士食嘅差唔多,都係好新鮮&好鮮甜!😋而且份量亦不少,有超級大嘅驚喜!還有那個柚子胡椒味(Japan style),真係好好味,用個湯嚟點薯格,簡直一流!三重芝士肉醬意粉,個人覺得肉醬有點兒乾,不過芝士非常出色,尤其是那一片片的芝士片,味道好出!超級加分!最後令我整餐感覺非常滿意的便是那個甜品,是這間餐廳特製的Tiramisu ice cream ball🥰 有咖啡啫喱果凍在朱古力底下,每一啖都有唔同嘅質感。超正!兩個人夾埋,計埋+1 , $500有找,超值!(超級飽),這間餐廳絕對可以&值得encore. 😌
Recommended by my friend visiting this restaurant for our gathering with no dining time limit. This restaurant was small with a cozy design. Our table was reserved upstairs which required to walk up from a narrow and high old school stairs. It was definitely not the safest and easiest stair a restaurant shall have. Ceiling was low upstairs which end up pretty noisy. Once seated, staff informed us their mussels were all out of stock and two out of four desserts were also unavailable. All of us were seriously shocked. Restaurant could have informed us prior our arrival or during confirming our reservation. Not until we seated. And mussels were their signature. It's a huge disappointment. Anyway there was only one waiter serving the whole restaurant. Last night wasn't even full house, every service was in rush or being neglected. First dish took us 45mins. Literally the tables beside us already served most but not us. To be fair, few tables' food took forever too. We asked if the food were on its way and he only kept replying it's preparing. First dish came with a hot pan but not hot. Grilled octopus was cooked perfectly but in room temperature. Staff reminded us to watch out of the hot plate but it didn't even hot in touch. How would the food serves hot. Sauce was okay, sweet and savoury. Little bit on an oily side but acceptable. Mentaiko spaghetti was mehh. It was again in room temperature. It was loaded with seaweed. Thinking the mentaiko was at the bottom but even after mixing well, we could see even any. All I could taste was the fishiness from the seaweed and a simple very creamy spaghetti. Seafood paella was the best out of the dishes tonight. Serving hot. Rice was cooked perfectly and absorbed all the broth. With the drizzled lemon juice, it was citrusy and savoury. Both shrimp and squid were topped. Lastly came with the dessert which took another 30mins. Their signature tiramisu was again meh. Looking instagrammble, but it's just a vanilla ice cream, bottom soaking with coffee jello cubes and coffee cake pieces drizzling a cup of espresso. The apple crumble was finally serving steamy hot. Melted vanilla ice cream with the well cooked spiced apple cubes. Crispy crumble as expected. It was alright.All I can say is there's a reason for no dining time. Staff said they are in progress of changing the menu, we'll see.
適逢Happy Friday所以諗住放工後搵間靜靜地嘅餐廳放鬆下~search之下俾呢間廚師一人主理嘅西班牙菜吸引咗一入門口已經覺得好似去咗歐洲嗰啲小巷嘅餐廳🌍餐廳有兩層,上2樓仲要經過一條好有設計感嘅旋轉樓梯,細細地而令人有一種溫馨嘅感覺💛芝士三重奏肉醬扁意大利粉🧀🍝第一次食由三款唔同芝士調配嘅肉醬意粉❗️個肉醬嘅食材已經好有心思,因為係由牛肉、豬肉同西芹烹調而成,有口感之餘食落去一啲肉嘅騷味都冇!再加上由分別三種唔同嘅芝士烹調而成嘅醬汁🧀奶油芝士醬、巴馬臣、同芝士脆片增加口感,三款芝士各有特色,唔會過鹹而且味道互相配合,真心值得一試✨龍蝦湯蕃茄長通粉配雞胸🦞🍅鮮甜嘅龍蝦湯底同蕃茄醬帶來唔同層次嘅鮮味。加上新鮮羅勒葉,提升咗整體嘅清新感。個雞胸都好驚艷,真係超級嫩! 面頭仲撒咗巴馬臣芝士作為點綴,整體感覺酸酸甜甜,食完都唔會覺得有負擔🤣自家製提拉米蘇夢幻雪糕配特濃咖啡啫喱☕️其實一開始嗌呢個甜品係俾個嘅擺盤吸引咗✨另外特別嘅係,開始食嘅時候要喺面頭淋咖啡嘅醬😮開始食第一啖嘅時候唔會覺得特別驚訝但係食食吓個Tiramisu味會越嚟越濃郁而且個咖啡醬平衡返個甜味,重點係個口感好順滑! 而且食到中間仲有特濃咖啡啫喱增加口感☕️比起平時嘅Tiramusi呢個很impressed呢👍🏻
在中環永遠都會有意想不到的精緻小餐館Moodie’s 主打的藍青口不會讓你失望有次happy hour 隨便點一客 覺得很棒印象很好喜歡吃辣的不要猶豫秘製香辣蒜油藍青口 味道很惹味藍青口鮮味十足 這口湯 就是靈魂所在配上香脆的薯仔一起吃 最適宜配上白酒 食物的種類也很多 除了基本的西班牙式前菜意粉 牛扒也很好吃意粉我基本上都會點這款芝士三重奏意大利麵Cream cheese 實在令人太滿足了還有比較闊身的意大利麵 可以有更多面積掛汁肉醬很香濃 出色芝士拉絲👍這裏的Tiramisu不是一般的Tiramisu是Tiramisu雪糕 加上即時淋上Espresso 啫喱上盤模式幾好玩 淋上Espresso之後會變成啫喱口味不會太甜 朋友好鍾意餐廳有西班牙小餐館氣氛仲有呢款我都好鍾意食!蒜蓉大蝦熱辣辣 冇人會拒絕