港鐵銅鑼灣站 D4 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
來自佐賀的Cafe品牌,其和洋料理以薄餅及肉類菜餚為主,而甜品由日籍甜品師顧問設計,配上挑選咖啡豆沖泡的咖啡,氣氛休閒寫意。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE 銀聯 Apple Pay
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食評 (193)
等級4 2025-03-04
143 瀏覽
This was a delightful journey through Japanese-inspired cuisine, blending high-quality ingredients with creative twists and comforting classics. The setting felt like a cozy restaurant with an emphasis on authentic flavors, making every dish a standout in its own right.The Kagoshima Wagyu was an absolute highlight. Made with premium Wagyu beef from Japan’s Kagoshima region, it delivered a melt-in-your-mouth tenderness and a rich, savory depth that only top-tier marbled beef can offer. The patty was juicy with a subtle char, nestled in a soft bun with just enough toppings to let the meat shine. It’s the kind of meat that makes you pause and appreciate every bite. With the Omelet Rice, it felt like a playful riff on Japan’s beloved Omurice. Picture a fluffy, golden omelet draped over a bed of perfectly cooked rice, with tender slices of steak adding a hearty, flavorful twist.To kick things off, I had the UFUFU Fried Chicken Wings as an appetizer. These wings were a crispy, golden treat—juicy on the inside with a well-seasoned, crunchy coating that hinted at a mix of salt, spice, and umami. For refreshment, I sipped on an Okinawa Mixed Soda with less ice, which was a smart choice. This tropical-inspired drink burst with fruity notes—think pineapple, mango, or passion fruit—offering a sweet, bubbly lift to the meal. Dessert was a two-part indulgence, starting with the Strawberry Brownie. Served after the main courses, it was a fudgy, moist delight studded with fresh strawberries that added a bright, tart contrast to the deep chocolate. It struck a perfect balance of richness and sweetness, leaving me eager for the next treat.The finale was the Basque Cheese Cake & Berry, a creamy, slightly caramelized cheesecake with a rustic charm. Its smooth, almost custard-like interior paired with a toasty top was pure bliss, and the addition of berries brought a tangy pop that cut through the richness. It was a simple yet sophisticated way to end the meal. 繼續閱讀
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呢間sogo附近嘅日式洋食屋,係來自佐賀縣嘅日本過江龍,主打和洋料理,蛋包飯、咖哩、甜品更係佢地嘅招牌菜!🍳鹿兒島和牛漢堡蛋包飯 ($168)漢堡以鹿兒島和牛制成,厚度十足,煎完之後都保持鮮嫩,每一啖都滲出濃郁肉味同豐富嘅肉汁!蛋包飯超滑溜,入面包住蕃茄炒飯🍅配上惹味嘅日式咖喱汁,味道更香濃,係好正宗既日式蛋包飯👍🏼餐廳提供四款配料調味,包括炸蔥、椰絲、提子乾、福神漬,按個人喜好添加,增添層次感~🍝明太子帆立貝忌廉意粉 ($128)微辣明太子配上濃厚忌廉,一定係意粉醬汁嘅天花板🥰帆立貝鮮甜彈牙,意粉軟硬度適中、非常掛汁,表面加咗明太子,撈勻後濃而不膩,十分推薦!🍵八女抹茶多士 ($138)擺盤好靚好打卡📸法式多士金黃鬆脆,口感輕盈且帶有空氣感,作為飯後甜品都唔會有負擔🫶🏻吐司配上濃郁嘅抹茶醬汁、甜滑嘅十勝紅豆蓉,簡直係絕配😆 仲有軟糯白玉、新鮮士多啤梨,非常滿足🥰八女抹茶雪糕唔會太甜,入口軟滑,帶有茶味回甘,抹茶控必試!總結:環境舒適,價錢唔算貴,可以一試~ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-03-11
0 瀏覽
🌽忌廉粟米湯又甜又滑 值得一讚🐮 壽喜燒牛肉烏冬成個鍋連埋爐一齊上慢慢由生牛肉變熟牛肉份量亦算多 而且唔係一般嘅美國肥牛🥶咬落去個下牛肉味好香👍慶幸隻蛋仲係流心嘅😂一打開蓋 啲壽喜燒味湧出嚟 🤤再加埋彈牙嘅烏冬仲有超多金菇🐥UFUFU 炸雞咖喱飯 轉蛋包飯食日本咖哩 一定要配蛋包飯所以加錢由白飯轉做蛋包飯啲蛋煮得夠滑 連汁送飯 夠惹味炸雞夠酥脆 肉質仲keep住juicy同滑溜🍫朱古力棉花多士🍞打卡able📸 大人細路都啱食而且份量亦適合同身邊人share食連隔離枱4位樂悠姨姨都話下次要食呢個多士外脆內軟 連埋cream一齊食 邪惡但值得再有軟雪糕喺隔離 🍦雪糕真係好滑同好軟身最重要牛奶味好重雪糕溶咗之後流落下面仲有好好味既營養脆片一個雪糕兩種食法!🤣朱古力愛好者表示 再多啲朱古力醬就perfect 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-03-10
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Ufufu Cafe (Tower535)餐廳位於港島銅鑼灣謝斐道535號Tower 535 一樓,餐廳裝修簡約帶有日式和風,設有開放式水吧,設有屏風增加私隱度,環境舒適,座位寬敞,餐廳主打日式咖啡店,招牌菜咖哩蛋包飯,服務員忙過不休,招呼態度仍笑容滿面。餐湯南瓜忌廉湯,湯內有香草,口感綿滑,熱辣辣上桌,冬天飲暖身又暖胃。餐沙律內有車厘茄,粟米,雜菜沙律和沙律醬,酸酸甜甜開胃前菜。炸雞咖哩飯咖哩飯可隨意加添椰絲,炸蔥,提子乾和大根,廚師烹調炸雞炸到雞肉外皮鬆脆,雞肉仍保持嫩滑多汁,點埋香濃的咖喱汁好惹味,飲品有熱咖啡。鹿兒島和牛漢堡和牛漢堡上桌好特別,配有沙律菜,鹿兒島和牛漢堡厚身,有牛味多汁,食落美味可口,包身軟綿,飲品有大分酸橘梳打。草莓布朗尼甜品布朗尼面頭有士多啤梨,中間白色忌廉,底層布朗尼蛋糕,有綠色植物和花作點綴,布朗尼口感比較鬆軟微甜,新鮮士多啤梨酸酸甜甜。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2025-03-09
0 瀏覽
環境算舒服 有基本服務 但想講個main真係好咸個豬扒簿身 香味係夠 side dishes d薯條好多鹽 即炸有d燶邊 略有失色 唔抵食 蔬菜個茄子好juicy 沙律菜一般新鮮 個番茄仔都腥 個熱檸茶檸檬好澀 西湯好味 味精都唔算多 個甜品偏貴 巴斯克加個雪糕 巴斯克唔夠cheese味 偏硬身 雪糕係雲利拿味係無添加 幾好味。set lunch算貴 繼續閱讀
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