港鐵灣仔站 B1 出口, 步行約6分鐘
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
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這間韓國餐廳位於灣仔皇后大道東,主打地道正宗的韓國菜,包括韓式拌飯、麵、炸雞及湯等。店內環境寬敞舒適,裝潢以簡約的日系為主,店員以操英語為主。可透過掃瞄QR Code或到櫃檯下單,採用自助形式取餐及交還餐盤,亦有自助飲用水及濕紙巾供應。Bulgogi Beef Bibm-bap Rice Set - $98顏色繽紛的韓式拌飯是韓國米飯類料理代表,一片片韓式炒牛肉軟腍多汁富韓式醬油香;韓國煎蛋類似太陽蛋,香脆且邊沿帶微焦,流出濃濃的蛋黃汁;一粒粒藜麥有青草香甜味,富有營養;海藻絲香脆帶鮮味;新鮮翠綠的混合沙律平衡膩感;韓式醃蘿蔔絲爽脆富獨特的韓式辛香;米飯粒粒分明有飽肚感。Pork Bibm-bap Rice Set - $98韓式炒豬肉同樣嫩滑多汁,有少少麻油的滑潤。Daily Soup是日為韓式蘿蔔牛肉湯,清晰而不膩的湯色,像雞湯般清甜鮮味,有大量牛肉碎增添肉香,還有白蘿蔔的香甜。Daily Drink是日為韓國生薑茶,搭配蜂蜜,甘甜中帶有辛辣口感。
【 You can't miss x Korean food 😋🍱】PS: Near the new mega mall Hopewell in Wan ChaiThe route is super friendly ️🔔 Recommended food:1. Bibimbap (Bibimbap) is a classic Korean dish consisting of a variety of vegetables, scrambled eggs, fried tofu and chili sauce, served with rice, which is colorful and rich. Each bite reveals the unique flavor of Korean cuisine, and the refreshing vegetables are paired with the fragrant hot sauce for a wonderful taste experience.Available in a variety of flavors:Bulgogi Korean beefPorkSpicy Squid🌶️Namul VeggieThis time I chose pork with my daily soup (one of the other options includes drinks 🥤)The pork is very tasty, and there are lots of vegetables. Love a healthy eating habit!2. Clams Soup Noodle is cooked with fresh clams. The sweet soup with noodles with elastic teeth, exudes the delicious taste of seafood, is nutritious and refreshing, and is the best choice to warm the stomach in winter.3. Beef Radish Soup is a rich soup made of beef and radish. The soup is sweet and thick, the radish is soft in the mouth, and the beef is full of flavor, bringing warmth and satisfaction. This soup is a Korean classic and definitely worth a try.Fried Chickenwell and chill
呢間韓國菜新開冇耐 午市堂食爆滿!雖然環境唔大 但係食物選擇都幾多有韓式便當、韓式拌飯、湯麵、炸雞、其他韓式小食 -Mini Burger Steak Bibim-Bap Rice Set $98 配料好豐富嘅招牌韓式拌飯🥙自選肉類揀左迷你漢堡扒🥩配上韓式拌菜、藜麥白飯、沙律菜、煎蛋 每啖都好豐富醬汁可以揀辣醬 或者醬油 撈埋食夠哂惹味仲會附送是日熱湯 / 飲品🥤-SR Meal Box $78七彩繽紛嘅韓式便當🍱可以一次過滿足唔同願望便當預先包裝好 可以即場堂食 亦可以外賣揀左辣炒豬肉便當 味道唔錯 有炒粉絲有飯 亦有小蛋卷、菠菜芽菜泡菜、黑豆之類嘅拌菜
韓式烤牛肉拌飯 ($98)珍寶餃子 ($18)韓式壽司 ($32)餐廳位於灣仔李節街,裝修行木系小清新路線,最鍾意坐佢窗邊bar counter位置,感受旺中帶靜嘅豁然感覺 😌韓式烤牛肉拌飯套餐,係包daily soup/drink。柴魚高湯入口好清甜,配以蘿蔔、魚糕等配料,口感十分豐富😙當然唔少得佢嘅王牌拌飯,牛肉微甜有焦香,加上配料十分豐富,又泡菜、大豆芽、青瓜絲、紫菜、炸蓮藕等等,層次感十足👍🏻👍🏻 醬料嗌咗辣醬,但係其實唔算辣,好似平時石鍋飯的醬料,味道恰好,用來拌飯一流 🍚 珍寶餃子果然巨型,韓式泡菜餡料十足,真係抵食你終於🤗韓式壽司餡料好豐富,配上各式蔬菜,口感好清新🥗
If you're craving some tasty Korean food, this place is definitely worth a visit!Fried Chicken with Homemade Pickles and Salad - $88First up, I tried the fried chicken with homemade pickles and salad.Let me tell you, this chicken is crispy perfection!The batter is light and crunchy, and the meat inside is super juicy.The homemade pickles add a nice tangy kick that balances out the richness of the chicken.Plus, the fresh salad on the side is a great touch—crunchy and refreshing. For just $88, this dish is a steal!BIBIM-BAP Rice Set with Beef - $98Next, I couldn’t resist the BIBIM-BAP rice set with beef. This is a classic Korean rice bowl, and it did not disappoint!The beef was tender and flavorful, mixed with a colorful array of authentic Korean vegetables.You just have to mix everything together, and it creates this amazing harmony of flavors.It’s a satisfying meal that makes you feel good inside.Happy eating! 🍗🍚Seoul Recipe Deli灣仔皇后大道東70號地舖