港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約5分鐘; 近雲咸街33號
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
🇩🇪 平時講起德國菜,大家係咪同我一樣會即刻諗起啤酒同香腸?🍺🍖朋友介紹我去【Heimat by Peter Finds】話試過德國大廚Peter Find嘅手藝,就會令我對德國菜改觀!趁住有restaurant week 優惠去試咗幾款菜式,真係有驚喜喎😍 🥨 **Pretzel with Cream Cheese** 佢哋嘅Pretzel新鮮焗起,外皮帶少許煙靭,內裡軟熟,仲有兩款口味:芝士同Poppy seeds,每一款都美味!配上香草味嘅Cream Cheese,味道濃郁得嚟又唔會太膩,真係Köstlich!😋🐟 **Smoked Ocean Trout | Apple Radish Salad | Mustard** 第一道菜已經係視覺同味覺嘅雙重享受!煙燻嘅鱒魚肉質細膩,帶住淡淡嘅木香,配上清新嘅蘋果蘿蔔沙律,仲有一抹芥末嘅微辣,層次分明得嚟又唔會搶咗主角嘅風頭🍎🥗 每一啖都係一種優雅嘅平衡!🍜 **Hand-shaved German Noodle | Mushroom Ragout** 中式嘅刀削麵就食得多,德國手工削製嘅麵條就真係第一次試!口感彈牙得嚟又帶住微微嘅韌性,配上濃郁嘅蘑菇芝士醬,真係一啖接一啖停唔到口!🍄 蘑菇嘅香氣同麵條嘅質感完美融合,簡單得嚟又充滿心思。🍮 **Quark Cheese Mousse | Berries Compote | Vanilla Crumble** 最後嘅甜品就有少少遜色。芝士慕斯無乜芝士味,冇預期嘅驚喜。雜莓果醬同香脆嘅雲呢拿碎,味道中規中矩🍓🍰或者其他甜品會比較有特色。
Chef Peter也算是香港Ritz-Carlton餐飲部的開國功臣, 離開之後並沒有繼續行政工作, 而是經營自己的Heimat餐廳, 在香港吃德國菜也就是啤酒, 豬肉腸和豬手這些比較平民的菜式, 而他希望令我們了解德國菜也可以做得精緻. 食材其實也不是很奢華的那種, 例如是頭盤的希靈魚, 以及主菜的豬肉, 但精緻就是在於處理上, 例如是前者味道甘香完全沒有腥味, 紅菜頭沙津配煎蛋看起來很簡單, 但酸庋的調節配合蛋汁, 味道變得活潑. 豬腩肉的煙熏木香以及直接烤的肉質細緻而夠肉汁, 脆皮如燒肉一般, 也比起平時德國菜更為複雜, 黑森林蛋糕的表達同樣如此. Chef Peter的Fine Dining是用心令食物質素變得Fine, 定價其實和一般西餐廳沒有太大分別, 真心希望他能夠繼續經營下去.Chef Peter Find, a founding member of the Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong’s culinary team, has opened his own restaurant, Heimat, after leaving his executive role. He aims to elevate German cuisine beyond the typical beer, sausages, and pork knuckles, showcasing its potential for refinement. Using simple ingredients like herring and pork, Peter demonstrates sophistication through meticulous preparation. His smoked pork belly, for instance, offers a delicate texture with crispy skin, surpassing traditional German fare in complexity. Peter’s fine dining approach focuses on enhancing food quality, with pricing comparable to standard Western restaurants, reflecting his dedication to redefining German cuisine in Hong Kong.
👨🍳 一直作為五星酒店大廚的Peter Find終於決定在香港開一間屬於自己的餐廳!🍻「Heimat」 在德文意思是“家鄉”餐廳理念是讓食客有在家中與朋友聚餐的輕鬆氛圍 ✨🍽 菜單以創新吃法演繹經典德國風味,每道菜都調味到位🌭 推薦加點的**自製香腸拼盤** 原本覺得平平無奇,但卻有讓我一直吃的魔力,甚至第二天還在回味!-🧸🍬 跟一般fine dining不一樣,最後一道不是petit four,而是gummy 任選環節!更是有極小眾的口味像是薑餅、肉桂、辣椒等,個人最愛的是辣椒口味,真的有辣度,而且後勁十足,驚喜 🔥🤩🍷這裡不只有傳統的wine pairing,還特別提供juice pairing,搭配的是🇩🇪單一水果釀造的水果汁,同時體驗到不同的風味組合🍌🍩 最後一定要強烈推薦他們的Banana Cake!🙌🏻 用了大量新鮮香蕉作為基底,減少了糖分的使用,同時使得蛋糕格外濕潤,很飽狀態下還是一口接一口,完全停不下來!
The birthday dinner was terrific. Every dish was well prepared , and the ingredients matched with the core. Highly recommended for the Brittany Lobster, a mouth refreshing taste with a mix of blue lobster, tomatoes, and cloud cream. Another delighted try was the watercress soup, no cream, no butter, but still super smooth and tasty. A remarkable end was sweets and gorgeous banana chocolate cake. To conclude, it was a happy dining experience.
Being a Michelin selected German restaurant 2024, it has clean decor in its interior design, which is very German.AppetisersThe cold cut board featuring Black Forest ham and more was great. The cold cuts in general were less salty than the Italian ones. The white onion soup with caramelised bacon was slightly light in flavour. The caramelised bacon that sat in the middle of the soup was the highlight. The Labskaus dish was great! The Herring was really good and went well with the beetroot sauce. Couldn’t taste the corned beef in the dish as the pickle was very prominent. MainsThe smoked pork belly was excellent! Crispy skin and very tender meat. The sauerkraut was nice and not too acidic. Love the Munich & Nürnberger sausage.The Wagyu beef was nice while it’s not distinctive as a German dish.The hand-shaved German noodles were excellent. Love the caramelised onion and the mountain cheese embedded.DessertsThe presentations of all 3 looked good, while the Black Forest Cake did not have any alcohol in it, unlike my expectations. The quark cheese cake with mandarin was light and the chocolate ice cream was very rich and not so sweet, and the crumbs on the side also matched very nicely.