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位於半島酒店28樓的 Felix 餐廳是國際知名法籍設計師 Philippe Starck 的傑作。餐廳除了匯集由餐廳大廚歐麗娜主理的新派歐陸美食,亦為賓客奉上醉人的270度維多利亞港美景。 繼續閱讀
著裝要求:優雅休閒。請勿穿著運動裝(包括背心、運動褲和運動緊身褲)或沙灘裝(包括人字拖、沙灘涼鞋和塑料鞋)。男士請穿長袖有領恤衫、長褲及包趾鞋。兒童政策:Felix 周日早午餐歡迎3歲以上的小童光臨; 晚餐時段歡迎6歲以上的小童光臨。12至17歲的客人須由18歲或以上的客人陪同入座。此外, 餐廳只會向18歲以上的成年客人售賣酒類飲品。*飲品供應: 17:30-01:00 小食供應: 18:00-00:00;晚市截單時間22:00
17:30 - 00:30
17:30 - 00:30
17:30 - 01:00
17:30 - 01:00
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食評 (228)
等級4 2024-11-27
2491 瀏覽
This contemporary French restaurant is located on the rooftop of The Peninsula Hong Kong, commanding a grandeur view of the Kowloon skylines and Victoria Harbour on the two sides of the full-length windows. My second visit, but this time it is the special Bruno Rocca wine dinner, with the menu curated by Aurelie Altemaire.I was very surprised when the staff at the entrance is able to call out my name. Apparently, they have done some check with the clients on the night beforehand. Seated on the window side, the décor has the familiar sleek, modern chic vibe, with high ceiling, dim lighting, and the large bar at the back drawing the visitors into a surreal setting.Starting with the aperitif, it is the sparkling Prosecco di Valdobbiadene Giustino B. Extra Dry 2022 from Ruggeri. The wine is straw yellow in colour, with a persistent mousse and good complexity in aromas, having hints of apple, peach, yellow flowers, and grapefruit. This wine is perfect for starters, and get ourselves ready and anticipating for the food to come.The first course ‘To Start…’ features some Italian Gambero Rosse, with the red prawn paired with some Smoked Mozzarella cheese foam, seasoned with a bit of paprika to give a hint of mild spiciness, with some caviar on top, not only to provide additional savoury taste to the dish but increase the premium. A very good starter.  A Fougasse is served as well, which is a type of bread from Provence, made to an interesting wheat head shape. To go with the bread the chef has prepared a Muhammara, a spicy dip made from walnut, red bell peppers, pomegranate molasses and breadcrumbs, garnished with some parsley. The bread is very good and we have finished it before the second course is served.   The second wine paired is Bruno Rocco Barbera d’Alba 2021. The wine has ripe cherries as well as plenty of black fruit including plum and blackberry, with also toasted almond and some spicy notes of black pepper. The rounded palate and integrated tannin make it an easy-drinking wine that can be enjoyed at relatively young age.The second course is French Foie Gras & Duck. Presented in a neat way, the Marble Terrine is sandwiched with a layer of Mulled Wine Jelly, with Red Berries Chutney on the side. The rich and creamy foie gras has duck meat added to form a good mix of texture, seasoned perfectly. The mulled wine jelly helps to freshen the palate, while the chutney provides the necessary acidity to balance. A great dish on its own and goes well with the wine too.The third wine paired is Bruno Rocco Barbaresco 2020. Apart from the familiar cherries and black fruit, this wine has a more floral note of violet compared with the earlier Barbera d’Alba, with a more complex palate, less green peppercorn than the last one but showing more kernel characters of cocoa. More polished and all-rounded.The third course is Spanish Meagre. The fish is grilled on the hot, round metal plate, skillfully done with a crisp skin while the flesh remains moist and tender. On the side is Piperade, a stew of peppers, onions, and tomatoes. Finishing with a Sobrassada Sauce, which is made from a type of Spanish sausage, with a rich paprika taste. The slight smoky and spiciness adds an extra dimension of flavours to the fish. Very good.The fourth wine paired is Bruno Rocco Barbaresco Riserva Curra 2013. Very limited with only 3980 bottles produced, it has the same floral notes, but this one has a more subtle aroma, reminiscent more to the dried flowers, the wine has good plum and raspberry notes, with also some mushroom and tobacco characters which goes well with the white truffle in the next course.The fourth course features Italian White Truffle, with Chef Altemaire coming to our table to shave the prized seasonal delicacy onto the Celery Root and Artichoke Ragout. The white truffle has just flown in from Alba on the morning, highly fragrant. On the bottom is a puree of black truffle, which enhances the already rich truffle flavours, finishing with some Aged Parmesan infusion and Smoked Pancetta. Simple but able to highlight the ingredients to the full extent. Very good.Next comes the fifth and sixth wine paired, Bruno Rocco Barbaresco Rabaja 2020 as well as Bruno Rocca Barbaresco Maria Adelaide 2019. The former has more spicy characters, exhibiting a wide range of sweet spices plus liquorice, together with some oaky notes on top of ripe cherry. The latter is denser, more powerful but still well-balanced, showing a bit of minty notes in addition to the cherry and plum. Both delicious Barbaresco.The fifth course is Rhug Estate Venison Saddle. The beautiful venison fillet comes from Wales and is Grilled in Mild Spices to a perfect medium rare, very tender and juicy, superbly tasty without any gamey or weird flavours. The meat is in wonderful harmony with the Black Currant Gravy which gives a bit of sweetness to increase the complexity. On the side is Confit Cabbage. While it might look like a simple dish, it is so delicious and definitely my favourite in the evening.For the sixth and last course, it is Espelette Pepper & Aragani Chocolate. The dark chocolate cake is made from Venezuela cocoa, with rich flavours and some interestingly sweet spice notes, matching well with the sauce which has added with the famous French chilies. There is also a Vanilla Ice Cream on top to give the sweetness to balance with the chocolate, with a chocolate crisp offering a difference in texture. A rewarding finale of the menu.The Petits Fours include Steamed Meringue with Yuzu Custard and Homemade Chocolate. I like the meringue as it is not too sweet. A good complement to go with the coffee to finish the whole meal.Overall, the food quality is very good, executed well by well-trained and enthusiastic staff, delivering impeccable service, with the staff also demonstrating great in-depth knowledge on the wines. The bill on the night is $5,694 which is very reasonable considering the wines served. A happy, satisfying, and enjoyable evening which prompts us to plan to return again soon. A good spot for a nice dinner with someone important. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-27
6000 瀏覽
平時工作咁忙 都冇咩時間好好打扮吓 食吓好嘢 今日決定要做一日港女😝 上嚟呢間位於尖沙咀半島酒店28樓嘅Felix 食個飯打吓卡海鮮拼盤 -有生蠔同龍蝦 生蠔嘅配搭做法右咗少少薑味同清香嘅青蘋果 入口非常新鮮~龍蝦喺呢啲高級餐廳食飯已經全部幫你起晒肉 入口非常彈牙 而且好新鮮 最緊要唔使切唔使起肉 最適合我呢啲一日港女😝其他都唔再多講,總之就係好好食好正 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-30
7061 瀏覽
今次去嘗咗間食肆嘅晚餐,環境優雅,夠曬情調,一坐低就見到一大片維港景,真係正!開頭有個哈密瓜西班牙火腿,火腿嘅鹹香味同哈密瓜嘅甜味配合得嚟,剛剛好,口感又爽滑嘅。牛油果黑橄欖包條都係另一驚喜,啲牛油果醬攪嗮埋嘅質感夠creamy又帶少少辣,特別過癮!頭盤部分,話你知,紅菜頭三文魚真係做到出色,鮮美得嚟仲有個淡淡嘅甜味,加上個沙律,酸酸甜甜,一啖過去好開胃。另一款鵝肝雞肝凍批就真係豪華呀!口感順滑得黎,有啲像食緊高級既布丁,肝味又夠香濃。主菜方面,個南瓜黑松露雲吞幾正,哂雪咁!黑松露味就不用講,香氣瀰漫,帕爾馬芝士亦夠喉,個口感又算係相當厚道。至於魚類主菜㗎,海鱸魚煮得剛好,肉質彈牙,夠晒juicy,跟住個檸檬米粉,酸溜溜嘅味道提提神,真係完美配搭!最後,甜品就美味得黎,多種類,多款味,各有千秋,食到最後真係飽到點都食唔落,但係滿足😆。啲餐廳員工又nice,仲幫我哋影相留念!總括嚟講,食物配埋靚景同老公嘅陪伴,真係無得頂!🍷🌃👫 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-12-21
6718 瀏覽
Homemade Focaccia - 麵包真係好好食啊啊啊~如果唔係我驚一陣會食唔落一定會啪曬🥹*海鮮拼盤 - 首先我其實唔太鐘意食生蠔,但係呢隻蠔加埋呢個汁配咗少少薑同青蘋果,係初戀啊~龍蝦彈牙 起曬肉呢啲基本啦(ok其實我本身見到龍蝦有少少怯 如果我切切下成隻飛咗岀去仲點見人🥲)*沙律 - 一般 *Hokkaido Snow Crab - 加埋魚子醬撈下撈下咁又幾好食*Felix Egg Benedict - Hollandaise好creamy,一次過食蛋黃 Parma ham同脆脆,口感好豐富🫶🏻*Hokkaido Turbot - 魚我本身真係麻麻,no comment*French Duck Breast - 一上碟已經聞到好香,鴨皮香脆肉質軟熟仲好多汁! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Thank you Felix for giving us a great dining experience. A Big thank you to Chef de Cuisine, Aurélie Altemaire and the entire team at Felix.The food, atmosphere and services are all very good, really appreciated.晚了訂位,所以沒能安排到靠窗的桌子。慶幸我們早入座,座在第二排的位置,維多利亞港夜景也能一覽無遺。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)