港鐵上環站 A2 出口 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 14:00
18:30 - 23:00
12:00 - 14:00
18:30 - 23:00
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食評 (197)
We chose this restaurant for their free corkage policy but the food itself was also really good. However, instead of just ordering from the menu, they would recommend many off menu items, most without additional charges towards the set menu price.The clams and mussesl were cooked perfectly and the sauce was so delicious they gave us extra bread to enjoy it.The quail was tender and the generous size nearly made me think this was a main course.The crab required an extra supplement but it was definitely worth it. All the crab meat was stuffed inside the shell already and despite it does not look like a lot, it was really packed. The flavor of the crab matched the vinegar on top of the salad and was worth the extra supplement.We had one grilled lobster and one lobster with cheese for the other 2 courses. I was impressed as usually the cheese easily overwhelms the lobster but they were able to strike a nice balance.For the desserts, I definitely loved their mille feuille the most. I loved how they use a thick slice of mango instead of mango cream or small bits of mango. Definitely a winner, though thier tiramisu is a winner too if you don't like mango.  繼續閱讀
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食材新鮮高質,價格不算太貴,廚師保持食物水準不變,今日點選前菜是泰式燒牛肉沙律及煎鴨肝,我和坐上客,每人各點一款,主菜是猪胺、羊架、肉眼及龍蝦意粉,款款都大讚,最後熱烈推薦甜品是「拿破崙」,是餐廳的signature 食品。一定是可以再光顧的法國餐廳。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-07-24
4113 瀏覽
同事介紹吓試咗呢間上環樓上法國菜一試難忘 性價比高之後都會keep住幫襯🥰Lunch time 最好訂枱 差唔多全部都係business lunch 因為都坐滿晒 所以有啲嘈 侍應都好有禮貌 係啲上咗年紀嘅叔叔佢哋首先會介紹menu 同daily special 最後問佢有咩甜品 太多款 佢一輪嘴咁樣講 其實都聽唔到😂😂必食佢地既芒果拿破崙😋 好多芒果 全部都好甜 拿破崙都整得好好 份量比較大 可以兩個人share 餐廳仲會幫你免費寫生日字😍今日嘅daily special 係豬鞍好腍 調味都好好😋 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-06-10
4889 瀏覽
週日與家人午餐,去上環bonheur食法國菜。餐廳環境唔錯,燈光柔和,好有情調。呢度Business Lunch幾抵食,包沙律/湯,主菜,餐飲。用嘅食材新鮮,開業多年食物質素保持一定水準,所以平時同假日都坐無虚席,要預先訂位。假日餐廳開11:45分,我哋12:20分到已經好多人,好多一家大細係度聚餐選菜時,男侍者會過嚟解釋每道菜特色及會推薦一啲菜式俾我哋,非常專業今日餐湯有南瓜湯或椰菜花湯,我揀咗南瓜湯。南瓜湯香濃,好creamy蔓越莓堅果麵包新鮮,食時重熱,醮橄欖油及黑醋,超好食主菜有羊架,牛扒,鱸魚及豬鞍(男侍者强烈推薦)猪,牛,羊,魚,我哋五個人全部試齊我叫嘅係香煎鱸魚,賣相佳,食味亦好,做到皮脆肉嫩,而煎薯仔餅都好香口其他的都煎得香口同肉質鮮嫩,好食最後,介紹甜品,侍者話原因價百多元的甜品,這個餐祇需加六十元便可享用。甜品種類頗多,我哋揀呢度signature Mille-Feuille of mango 芒果拿破崙拿破崙餅芒果肉極多,香脆酥皮夾鮮芒,酥皮香脆,芒果香甜,超級好食再配埋杯香濃咖啡,完美 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-06-01
3385 瀏覽
約咗幾個酒友搞wine pairing dinner,呢度係其中一個最佳嘅選擇。咁多年嚟都保持到質素,免我哋開瓶費之餘仲俾埋間房我哋自己圍威喂。佢哋見到我哋想玩Blind tasting,仲幫我哋包住啲樽,期間仲要不停咁幫我哋換杯飲唔同嘅酒,真係冇得彈👍當晚有兩個驚喜:1: 佢哋見我哋拎咗支Chablis嚟,就話今日啱啱返咗啲海膽,啱晒襯呢支酒,$880/板又OK 喎,要!2: 嗌頭盤嘅時候,大家都頭痕緊食邊樣之際,其中一個酒友就喺佢袋度拎咗支啱啱入嘅滴金89出嚟話加碼。嘩,唔使諗個個即刻決定要煎鵝肝😋👏總括嚟講,前菜頭盤甜品都非常出色,反而主菜就相對失色少少,服務環境安排都好好,最緊要飲得盡興! 繼續閱讀
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