17:30 - 00:00
17:30 - 00:00
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【火鍋放題】2小時極上海鮮蒸氣火鍋任食放題 (早鳥/宵夜時段)
【火鍋放題】2小時極上海鮮蒸氣火鍋任食放題 (黃金時段)
【火鍋放題】2小時究極海鮮蒸氣火鍋任食放題 (早鳥/宵夜時段)
【火鍋放題】2小時究極海鮮蒸氣火鍋任食放題 (黃金時段)
聽聞佢哋嘅海鮮好新鮮,而且款式多,所以就約咗屋企人過嚟開餐, 下次係我既少少睇法濃湯花膠雞鍋個湯好足料,有好多花膠同雞件,同埋湯底好鮮甜,而且仲有陣陣花膠嘅香味, 我哋用湯底嚟做湯飯食,個味遁超正椒鹽瀨尿蝦呢碟瀨尿蝦成隻手咁大隻,而且好多肉又爽口, 椒鹽嘅味道都配得岩岩好清蒸海班魚呢條海班魚好新鮮,肉質口感好鮮嫩, 蒸魚嘅配料簡單,只用咗薑蔥蒜嚟蒸,我覺得中菜既蒸法永遠最好 無骨沙薑雞沙薑雞好入味,而且雞肉好滑又嫩, 沙薑香味好濃,送飯或任何野都好夾, 蒜蓉蒸元貝好鮮甜,而且蒜蓉嘅味道好香, 食落啖啖肉勁正 SO FAR 呢度啲海鮮好新鮮同埋有誠意,菜式款式多, 感覺好似喺私房菜食緊靚海鮮咁
I was walking down the street when I saw a restaurant. It appeared to be an ordinary seafood are located but as I looked at the menu, I was blown away! There is a lot of seafood to select from, and the prices are reasonable, so I decided to go in and sample it! I ordered an 2 hour seafood hot pot buffet , and within 5 minutes, the entire table was full of seafood! There are prawns, fresh scallops, crispy squid, and seaweed, which I typically do not order! The finest part is that the chicken pot base is made with pepper pork belly. The soup is flavorful and aromatic. It's warm and delicious to drink.Pepper Pork Belly Chicken Pot. The soup is truly excellent! The pepper is rich and fragrant, and the pork belly has been cooked until tender enough. The entire soup absorbs the freshness of the seafood. I can't stop drinking it. Seafood steam hot pot This is the important point! Choose your own seafood, steam your ownthe entire procedure is enjoyable. After steaming, the fish is so fresh that you can actually taste it. The Angus beef is so tender that it melts in your mouth from the moment you put it in. It pairs wonderfully with the seafood soup.
The restaurant does not charge a high price, there are other options, and I notice a lot of people going there. I ordered an buffet seafood hot pot, as well as the spicy jelly chicken hot pot, cage seafood pork rice, and golden crab yellow rice.The hot jelly chicken pot is extremely fiery and crunchy, but the chicken is delicate and juicy. The sausage of the cage seafood pork rice rice absorbs the flavor of seafood, making each bite fresh. Gold crab roe rice is well earned. The crab roe is really aromatic. It goes wonderfully with white rice.Part of the seafood is steam cooked, while the rest is added to the spicy chicken pot soup. Simply looking at the sight of the seafood shows it is fresh, which is a big plus. Steam cooked seafood tastes fresh and delicious. The seafood in the spicy chicken pot soup is more flavorful, peppery, and retains the freshness of the seafood.
介紹返呢間貼錢買難受嘅餐廳我哋前一日親自到店訂位今日準時6:30pm到達獲安排3個人坐4人枱 我嘅右邊有1張2人枱幾分鐘後有同樣訂咗位嘅4人到達而店內只係淨返2人枱員工開始畀面色我哋睇 好似我哋坐咗人哋張枱咁佢問人拆開坐2人枱得唔得 最後嗰4位走咗然後有訂咗位嘅3人到達店員叫我哋拎起第4張凳嘅嘢畀人搭枱我哋問咁迫啲嘢擺邊?佢話畀張圓凳我哋 我哋問咁迫張圓凳放邊?最後嗰3人選擇繼續喺出面等之後keep住都有訂咗枱嘅人嚟到但冇位然後又有3人walk-in店員再一次叫我哋拎走啲袋 但冇拎圓凳畀我哋我哋已經好嬲問點解要係咁搞我哋張枱?後面有枱都係3人坐4人枱比我哋早開始食點解妳唔搞佢哋要搞我哋?店員仲答我邊有呀?之後佢轉攻後面張枱最後3人walk-in又走咗呢個時候坐我哋左邊嘅食客搭訕佢話嚟過3次 有次都係坐我哋張枱同樣地都係畀店員搞(呼籲大家要挑戰就坐A4枱)我哋話咁妳仲嚟食?我哋就唔會再嚟喇跟住終於可以靜靜食餐飯 (呢餐係提早食嘅團年飯)呢個價錢呢個食物質素其實係ok繼續聽到訂位嘅人嚟到冇位要等20分鐘心諗其實座位唔係多 仲限時2小時 條數有幾難計?2個女店員係零溝通 1個畀4人入先之前訂咗位但決定等嗰3人走入嚟問點解畀4人入先食到最後有2人walk-in但冇人招呼佢哋自己揀咗我哋右邊嘅2人枱仲問我呢間得唔得我哋靜咗3秒答佢哋食物係ok但安排極差最後佢哋都決定挑戰 同樣地又係冇位擺袋最好笑係後面有枱4人坐6人枱叫佢哋擺個袋過去香港人好有愛 臨走我真心祝福佢哋enjoy我呢餐「團年飯」就真係好難忘食到一肚氣
除咗樓面兩位女侍應好好服務外,個男職員簡直不知所謂,我估佢應該係高級一點職員吧, 呼呼喝喝其他職員,對客人極度冇禮貌又黑面。店員聲稱今日系統壞咗,唔可以qr code落單, 每人畀一張紙要自己寫食咩, 最好笑係如果你啲字唔整齊,佢睇唔清楚係唔會走嚟問你,你只喺度白等,但係只有2小時食。張枱好細,啲位又迫,擺得落海鮮就擺唔到小食,小食仲要得一款比你揀。所謂海鮮新鮮,除左蝦,蟹新鮮外,其他食物真的很一般。牛肉可以喺完全冇味,寫左既菜又冇嚟。剛才食完出嚟,其他食客同我地差唔多時間走,大家一出門口,即鬧,真係食到一肚氣。仲要唔收卡只有現金。服務又冇,質素又冇只有混亂。完全唔明點解會咁高評價。