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所有分店 (3)
主打地道淮揚美食的中菜館,另外更不時推出期間限定菜式。此分店以上海石庫門建築為設計靈感,座位寬敞,適合和親友聚餐。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 17:00
17:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 17:00
17:30 - 22:30
*11:30 - 17:00 (最後落單時間為 16:30) 17:30 - 22:30 (最後落單時間為 21:45)
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食評 (76)
等級3 2025-02-17
0 瀏覽
因為平時我自己好鍾意食上海菜,而且家上海好方便可以喺THE GULU攞定飛🎟️,唔使喺現場攞飛慢慢等,所以我同屋企人都食過家上海好幾次😆今次我同屋企人嗌咗一籠金牌小籠包、一客鐵板灌湯生煎包,同埋一碗菜肉餛飩拉麵🥟🍜金牌小籠包啲皮夠薄夠煙靭,入面都好夠湯汁,而且啲肉餡唔嚡,唔錯👍🏻!而鐵板灌湯生煎包嘅肉餡鮮嫩多肉汁,但係我就嫌佢煎得多油咗少少🤏🏻。至於菜肉餛飩拉麵🥟🍜啲餛飩皮好夠薄同滑,啲拉麵亦都好彈牙唔會話煮到好淋,而且個湯底都唔錯,飲落好舒服😛 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2025-01-28
250 瀏覽
之前同班朋友去咗家上海用餐,整體感覺唔錯。餐廳環境算寬敞,仲有私人房間,成班人聚會都好適合,唔會覺得逼夾。食物方面,煙燻脆皮雞,雞皮烤至金黃酥脆,泛著誘人的光澤,雞肉則嫩滑多汁,還帶著濃郁的煙燻香氣,滋味醇厚。小籠包亦都唔錯,包皮薄而韌,咬落去湯汁豐富,鮮味十足。還有那道腐皮紅豆沙,外皮煎得金黃酥脆,內裡豆沙甜而不膩,口感層次好豐富。上海菜心配火腿,菜心鮮嫩,火腿鹹香,兩者搭配得恰到好處。另外,滷味拼盤都好有特色,豆干、木耳等食材入味又有嚼勁。呢間餐廳無論環境定食物都令人滿意,而且埋單仲會送coupon,下次想食上海菜,一定會再嚟! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
1900拎位 可以等一個鐘都未入到座 本來眼見成個場都唔算多人 門口等位拎飛都無乜人 開始慢慢多人 門口滿晒人 到其他遲來都入晒座叫飛都係郁得好慢 奇怪聽到全部都係訂位 咁walkin禁飛就唔係客?完全安排座位編排勁差 留檯有留檯既數量 係咪訂檯收晒訂金所以貴賓先入座等到八點連下一輪訂位既人流都黎埋 問門口安排淨係識答一句要比其他入左座先 中途等左近大半小時再問 叫飛號係完全停止左 但入座人流依然繼續 再追問門口職員先答下一張到 我自己睇籌號我都知下一張到 咁後黎一個鐘入座先到我入都係下一張既咁我眼見係全部人入晒都未到 要問到好清楚好details先會答到 食物味道 可以 及入內後先上一道菜 係飯 但安排入座輪侯次序,係有好大進步空間 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2025-01-17
453 瀏覽
點了小籠包、上海粗炒、拼盤及燒雞, 完全是水準之作, 不失為招牌菜💞特別值得一提是燒雞, 皮脆可口, 肉質鮮嫩經理十分專業有禮, 推薦我們吃豆腐花, 真的嫩滑美味, 好介紹好味到忘記拍照😅 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
If you're looking for an authentic taste of Shanghai cuisine, look no further than 家上海 Modern Shanghai Imperial, located in the bustling Hang Hau. This restaurant offers a delightful array of dishes that are sure to satisfy your cravings for traditional and modern Shanghai flavors. Menu Highlights1. 人蔘烏龍茶 Ginseng Oolong ($13)Start your meal with a refreshing cup of Ginseng Oolong tea. This aromatic tea is not only soothing but also packed with health benefits, making it the perfect beverage to accompany your meal.2. 麻辣雲耳 Spicy Cloud Fungus (餐前小菜 Appetizer) ($15)For those who enjoy a bit of spice, the 麻辣雲耳 (Spicy Wood Ear Mushrooms) is a must-try. The mushrooms are perfectly seasoned with a spicy kick that will tantalize your taste buds.3. 經典家上海蝦蟹炒飯 Signature Shrimps & Crab Meat Fried Rice ($128)This signature dish is a crowd favorite. The fried rice is generously loaded with succulent shrimp and crab meat, creating a rich and flavorful experience that is both satisfying and indulgent.4. 蟹肉扒菜苗 Baby Vegetables with Crab Meat ($138)A lighter option, the Baby Vegetables with Crab Meat, combines fresh, tender vegetables with delicate crab meat. It's a harmonious blend of textures and flavors that is both healthy and delicious.5. 鍋塌豆腐 Pan-fried Bean Curd with Shrimp Roe & Soy Sauce ($88)The Pan-fried Bean Curd is a standout dish. The bean curd is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, topped with shrimp roe and a savory soy sauce that enhances its flavor.6. 大上海牛肉餅 (三件) Shanghainese Beef Pies (3 pcs) ($52)These Shanghainese Beef Pies are a delightful treat. Each pie is filled with juicy, flavorful beef, encased in a perfectly crispy pastry. They are a great appetizer or snack to share.7. (送 FREE) 小籠包(6件) Signature Steam Xiao Long Bao (6pcs) ($58) As a special offer, you can enjoy six pieces of their Signature Steam Xiao Long Bao for free. These steamed dumplings are filled with a savory broth and tender meat, making them a must-try for any dumpling lover.Overall Experience家上海 Modern Shanghai Imperial offers a wonderful dining experience with its diverse menu and authentic flavors. The ambiance is warm and inviting, making it a great place for family gatherings or a casual meal with friends. The attentive service and high-quality dishes ensure that every visit is a memorable one.Whether you're a fan of traditional Shanghai cuisine or looking to try something new, 家上海 Modern Shanghai Imperial at Hang Hau is definitely worth a visit. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)