港鐵西營盤站 A1 出口, 步行約5分鐘
06:00 - 22:00
06:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
上環/西營盤懷舊傳統中式酒樓My family and I went to a restaurant called "Luk On Kui" located in 2-3/F, 40-50 Des Voeux Road West, Sheung Wan上環德輔道西40-50號2-3樓5-min walk from Exit A1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station..We order combo with this discount which costs HKD$278 with a steamed whole fish and half crispy skin chicken.very authentic, nostalgic Chinese restaurant setting..特價孖寶A Combo$278.steamed whole fish 清蒸海班仔 1條.sweet and fresh.flaky..crispy skin chicken蒜香脆燒雞 半隻.with golden crispy skin .soft,tender and juicy .serving hot..Not much restaurant has such nostalgic, vintage setting.if you want to experience the true HongKongese dining culture and ambient.this is the one..Sheung Wan/Sai Ying Pun authentic traditional Chinese restaurant 上環/西營盤懷舊傳統中式酒樓My family and I went to a restaurant called "Luk On Kui" located in 2-3/F, 40-50 Des Voeux Road West, Sheung Wan上環德輔道西40-50號2-3樓5-min walk from Exit A1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station..We order combo with this discount which costs HKD$278 with a steamed whole fish and half crispy skin chicken.very authentic, nostalgic Chinese restaurant setting..特價孖寶A Combo$278.steamed whole fish 清蒸海班仔 1條.sweet and fresh.flaky..crispy skin chicken蒜香脆燒雞 半隻.with golden crispy skin .soft,tender and juicy .serving hot..Not much restaurant has such nostalgic, vintage setting.if you want to experience the true HongKongese dining culture and ambient.this is the one
有親戚喺外國返嚟,所以特登帶佢哋去蓮香居飲茶,知道蓮香居嘅班底改咗名做六安居。六安居其實就近西營盤多啲,但經上環站沿着海味街一路直行,買完海味順便去飲茶啱啱好。舊式傳統茶樓嘅特色就係推車仔,新鮮滾熱辣,見到咁多選擇每樣都想試!有啲比較少喺一般茶樓見到嘅特色點心,例如炸芋仔、鮮豬膶燒賣、牛孖筋,仲有用荷葉包住超大個嘅糯米雞,真材實料!I specifically wanted to take Relatives from abroad to Lin Heung Tea House for dim sum yet I found out that the team at Lin Heung has changed their name to Liu An Ju. Liu An Ju is actually closer to Sai Ying Pun MTR but if you walk along Hai Mei Street from Sheung Wan Station, you can buy dried seafood and then conveniently stop here for dim sum.The characteristic of a traditional tea house is the pushcart, with fresh and hot dishes. Seeing so many options makes you want to try everything!There are some unique dim sum items that you don’t usually find in regular tea houses, like fried taro, fresh pork liver siu mai, and beef tripe. They even have a giant sticky rice chicken wrapped in lotus leaves—authentic and substantial!
没想到藏在上环还有爷爷辈的早式茶楼进来就把我拉到了70年的广东拖车的茶楼现在是少之又少啦还好H K把这一份味道留了下来不要说00后..今天带着20后的妹妹来也是十分震惊🙂↕️父辈们反而进来想要掉眼泪「好似爺爺以前帶我嚟嘅街市」「個味都唔同」🥢虾饺大粒的虾仁🍤软糯糯的皮可以和服务员说要碟酱油但它本身的味道就🈵赞🥢凤爪来茶楼的必点呀!裹🈵的酱汁🈵🈵快溢出来了咸甜口味。吃着很软糯一嗦就脱骨
很多香港本地人都喜欢来这里喝早茶 🤓在这里没有扫码点餐,阿姐会推着点心车!带上盖章纸 然后选好再盖章就可以啦!每一车都像开盲盒一样哈哈!✨腐皮卷腐皮卷是用豆皮包裹着虾肉香菇等馅料蒸制而成口感软嫩 是香港特色点心✨芝麻糕冰冰凉凉的口感非常细腻入口即化 芝麻的香气十分浓郁✨沙琪玛酥松绵软其独特的风味和口感不会太腻 奶香奶香的chao好吃😋
🔖欖菜肉崧四季豆 HKD108超級大碟,真係有排食,而且好足料,肉碎非常多,而且欖菜味道夠惹味,令整碟菜都好香,調味上又唔會太重,唔會有太重手、太鹹嘅問題,用嚟送飯可以話係絕配🔖西檸雞 HKD118醬汁幾杰身,雞塊好容易沾上醬汁,而且味道夠酸及香,令味道更鮮明突出。而主角炸雞塊一啲都唔老唔杰,仍保持嫩滑,而且炸漿一啲都唔厚,炸得非常香脆,亦唔會好重味,喧賓奪主🔖乾炒黑椒牛柳絲烏冬 HKD148好有鑊氣、香口嘅炒烏冬,黑椒味香濃,非常惹味。而且牛柳份量多,肉質嫩滑,一咬即斷,肉味亦出,整體好好味。而且非常大碟,嗌一碟炒烏冬已經夠2-3人食了🔖蜜汁叉燒 HKD128叉燒好靚,一上菜就已經知呢碟叉燒不得了。叉燒燒得勁香,燶邊脆口,即使嗌咗瘦叉,肉質照樣軟腍,冇筋唔柴,非常好食。而且蜜汁非常香甜且鹹口,配搭叉燒一絕