1988 瀏覽
Restaurant Week試Plaisance by Mauro Colagreco $588, 一早remark咗唔食薑同酸嘢,梳化位,有專人講解上菜,Amuse Bouche都幾靚,4款,最後花花打卡able,面包係chef嫲嫲recipe,但我對意大利🇮🇹包麻麻,olive oil係chef出,仲有首面包詩一路睇住食。頭盤揀咗crab and pumpkin, pumpkin係花花,靚,可惜醃咗,唔啱我,下面crab salad正,好食,signature dish clam魚子醬花加$288,試下,好華麗精緻,魚子醬咸香正,clam鮮甜,花花打卡靚,主菜catch of the day魚唔夠滑,mushroom ok,甜品Jerusalem artichoke icecream,ice cream加cream加脆脆,多重口感皓滿足。Petit Four喺個盒度攞出嚟,五樣嘢各一,好食,但有件黑加侖子糖皓酸,最後加錢要latte埋尾。坐得舒服😌
Clams Baby Potato Oscietre Caviar Flowers
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Amuse Bouche
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59 瀏覽
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Crab & Pumpkin
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Catch of the day and Mushrooms
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Petit Four
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92 瀏覽
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Olive oil
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Jerusalem Artichoke & Vanilla
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