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I’m sure the Western diners would love this place base on their food, the style of the restaurant, etc (studied aboard for awhile, so I kind of understand their appetite, what they like... but don’t ask me why my English is still not so good ) Food is slightly sweet to me though as I’m a Chinese. Just go if you are a foreigner! 所以我都係寫中文食評啦 😂豬頸肉的確好食! 其他就普通啦偏甜. 薄餅都幾好食~ 晚飯來說俾呢個價錢有呢個食物質素就中規中矩吧! 如果計埋餐廳環境同侍應服務質素會加分! 不過係跑馬地沒有太多選擇情況下其實算是不錯😂 仲要我記憶中跑馬地得呢間泰國餐... 所以我諗我還是會返轉頭! 只少試下佢個星期一至日都有既HKD68+10% express
豬頸肉的確好食! 其他就普通啦偏甜. 薄餅都幾好食~ 晚飯來說俾呢個價錢有呢個食物質素就中規中矩吧! 如果計埋餐廳環境同侍應服務質素會加分! 不過係跑馬地沒有太多選擇情況下其實算是不錯😂 仲要我記憶中跑馬地得呢間泰國餐...
所以我諗我還是會返轉頭! 只少試下佢個星期一至日都有既HKD68+10% express lunch 😲 俾多次機會佢其他餸菜~~
Pork Neck
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Pad Thai
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