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用心佈置嘅裝修以美式復古風為主題🇺🇸喺開放式設計嘅廚房可以清楚睇到食物製作過程The thoughtful decor features an American retro theme, with an open kitchen design where you can clearly watch the food preparation process!————————————————食物 Food:❆ Sick Burger $73單層招牌牛肉漢堡牛肉扒煎到外層微微焦香, 內裡仲保持嫩滑多汁, 咬落juicy! 🥩配埋新鮮生菜、車打芝士自家製醬汁、焦糖洋蔥, 清新帶住少少酸甜嘅平衡感🧀A single-patty signature beef burger. The beef patty is seared to a slightly crispy perfection on the outside while tender and juicy on the inside! ❆ Sick Fish! $78魚柳煎得啱啱好, 外層金黃香脆 🐟內裡嘅魚肉嫩滑鮮甜完全冇腥味! 搭配清爽嘅
The thoughtful decor features an American retro theme, with an open kitchen design where you can clearly watch the food preparation process!
食物 Food:
❆ Sick Burger $73
牛肉扒煎到外層微微焦香, 內裡仲保持嫩滑多汁, 咬落juicy! 🥩配埋新鮮生菜、車打芝士自家製醬汁、焦糖洋蔥, 清新帶住少少酸甜嘅平衡感🧀
A single-patty signature beef burger. The beef patty is seared to a slightly crispy perfection on the outside while tender and juicy on the inside!
❆ Sick Fish! $78
魚柳煎得啱啱好, 外層金黃香脆 🐟內裡嘅魚肉嫩滑鮮甜完全冇腥味! 搭配清爽嘅生菜同埋少少他他醬, 酸味中和炸物嘅油膩, 清新又唔失香口🎐
The fish fillet is perfectly cooked, with a golden, crispy exterior
❆ One Bite Chicken $34
香口惹味嘅一口雞肉, 外層炸得脆卜卜! 內裡嘅雞肉鮮嫩多汁🐔 仲有少少香料嘅味道😍 點埋蛋黃醬好開胃!
Irresistibly flavorful, bite-sized chicken pieces with a crispy exterior!
❆ Onion Rings $34
黑啤洋蔥圈炸得好脆有咬口, 洋蔥甜味十足! 仲係煙韌唔會一咬就散晒🧅
Crispy beer-battered onion rings with a satisfying crunch!
❆ Onion Soup $25
熱辣辣嘅洋蔥湯, 入口香濃得嚟帶住少少甜味😚 洋蔥煮到溶晒! 加埋麵包片浸住嗰啲湯, 鹹香交織, 啖啖暖心暖胃🤎
A steaming hot bowl of onion soup that's rich and flavorful, with a slight hint of sweetness
❆ Chocolate milkshake $48
超級邪惡嘅milkshake!😈 濃郁得嚟唔會過甜, 入口滑溜香濃, 奶味同朱古力味完美融合🍫 上面放上棉花糖及脆口的朱古力脆脆飲一口滿足感爆棚
An indulgent milkshake! It's rich yet not overly sweet, with a smooth and creamy texture
整體 Overall:
✦ 價格 Price: 4.3/5
✦ 味道 Taste: 4.3/5
✦ 服務 Service: 4.2/5
✦ 環境 Ambience: 4.2/5
✦ 再訪指數 Visit again: 4.2/5
Sick Burger (希雲街)
📍地址 Address:
地址: 銅鑼灣希雲街31號地舖
⏰營業時間 Opening hours:
Mon-Sun 12:00-21:00