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從觀塘開到現在四家店, 正九算不算是成功, 我覺得算是, 畢竟在這段飲食業的寒冬, 要突圍而出, 就是要在便宜和水準中, 作一個好的平衡. 它的清湯腩湯頭當然沒有八寳的印象深刻, 味道就是簡單直接的清甜牛骨湯頭, 沒有過鹹或過甜, 當然沒有味精的涸喉, 作為清湯腩河的湯底恰如其分, 河粉較一般的幼身, 比較黏的幸好沒有糊化, 夾起來單獨的夠挺身. 將普通牛腩加錢換相坑腩, 牛味豐富, 肉嫩而中間的脂位夠軟溶, 份量正常但如果每塊可以再大一點, 而非呈條狀就吃得更爽.牛肉羮也是正九的著名小食, 湯頭比清湯腩濃味少少, 牛肉肉碎呈不規則形狀, 就像以前吃的生菜魚肉, 肉味夠而口感偏實, 吃不到其他的填充物, 也算是貨真價實, 加上薑絲和紅醋, 味道層次更為豐富.Ching Quo Beef Brisket is originally operated at Kwun Tong and established 3 branches for year that is quite a miracle in HK F&B industry. The soup of beef brisket is
牛肉羮也是正九的著名小食, 湯頭比清湯腩濃味少少, 牛肉肉碎呈不規則形狀, 就像以前吃的生菜魚肉, 肉味夠而口感偏實, 吃不到其他的填充物, 也算是貨真價實, 加上薑絲和紅醋, 味道層次更為豐富.
Ching Quo Beef Brisket is originally operated at Kwun Tong and established 3 branches for year that is quite a miracle in HK F&B industry. The soup of beef brisket is fresh and sweet while the texture of beef brisket is not bad. Pricing is ok but the portion can be more. Another famous dish is miced beef soup that is nice with vinegar and ginger.