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平日咁辛苦返工,週末梗係要好好獎勵下自己啦🤭 今次我就去左位於中環蘭桂坊嘅Aria嘆意式週末悠閒早午餐(成人$628,小童 $318),以半自助式進行🍴餐廳嘅主廚來自義大利,為大家烹飪出正宗嘅傳統嘅菜色🇮🇹 自助區分左海鮮區、冷盤區、沙律區、熱食區同甜品區,仲可以額外加一款主菜添❗️Aria is an Italian restaurant in LKF that offers a semi-buffet style “Bella Italia Brunch”. There were loads of options in terms of seafood, appetisers, cold cuts, hot dishes and desserts. You can also add on another main course to your meal too! 餐廳以歌劇院為設計靈感,牆上掛滿充滿歐式風格嘅藝術品,配上黑金色嘅裝潢令環境特別優雅華麗✨ 窗邊座位可以望到廣闊嘅景色,想坐嘅話記得提前book位🈵 依家喺網上訂座並支付按金仲可以享有早午餐9折優惠添👏🏼The interi
Aria is an Italian restaurant in LKF that offers a semi-buffet style “Bella Italia Brunch”. There were loads of options in terms of seafood, appetisers, cold cuts, hot dishes and desserts. You can also add on another main course to your meal too!
餐廳以歌劇院為設計靈感,牆上掛滿充滿歐式風格嘅藝術品,配上黑金色嘅裝潢令環境特別優雅華麗✨ 窗邊座位可以望到廣闊嘅景色,想坐嘅話記得提前book位🈵 依家喺網上訂座並支付按金仲可以享有早午餐9折優惠添👏🏼
The interior was decorated as if it was a musical theatre, using dark and bold colours, paintings, and a huge glass window to accentuate the vibes and atmosphere. Don’t forget to book through their website to get 10% off!
海鮮方面有生蠔、蝦、魷魚、蟹腳、螺、青口同原隻龍蝦任食,樣樣都爽口彈牙好新鮮🌊 冷盤同前菜嘅種類繁多,意式蕃茄燉三色甜椒、藍莓紅菜頭沙律、松露芝士等等都好有特色🥗 佢地亦有提供四款手切凍肉,全部都係義大利直送到港架🍖 熱食有各種招牌義式招牌菜,例如千層麵、意大利麵捲、豬肉丸同龍蝦湯,一次過可以試足曬咁多樣野👍🏼
In the seafood station, there were mussels, crab legs, shrimps, sea snails, squid, oysters and huge lobsters, which were all very fresh. Appetisers such as Peperonat, Beetroot Salad with Blueberry and Truffle Caciotta Cheese were of high quality, with a variety of cold cuts imported from Italy. The hot dishes were mostly traditional dishes such as Cannelloni, Lasagna and Meatballs, prepared by experienced Italian chefs.
見佢樣樣都咁高質,一於叫多份主食🤪 意式烤澳洲西冷牛扒配番茄及火箭菜 (+$268) 以炭爐高溫燒烤,令牛扒呈現出外焦內嫩嘅狀態🥩 啱啱好五成熟嘅肉質鮮美多汁,甘香嘅脂肪分佈均勻但唔會太肥膩🤌🏼 伴碟有烤薯同西蘭花苗,為整道菜添增層次感🥦
We added on a Grilled Australian M5 Sirloin Steak in Tagliata Style, which was cooked on a grill to bring out the charred aromas. It was perfectly medium rare, with tender textures intertwined with fragrant and fatty juices. It was served with crispy potatoes and broccolini.
入座經過甜品區嗰陣我已經同左自己講要留肚食甜品😎 除左誘人嘅朱古力噴泉,仲有各式各樣嘅蛋糕,質素亦比起其他自助餐嘅更上一層樓🆙 我最鍾意就係濃醇幼滑嘅提拉米蘇同超級creamy嘅義式雪糕,就算好飽都要encore多次🍨
The dessert station was definitely my favourite. It had a big chocolate fountain, all sorts of cakes and fruits and even gelato. The tiramisu was one of the best I’ve ever tasted.