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🍪【#尖沙咀】海 三碗麵💥吃不吃到靠緣份!3款濃湯伊麵+ Roast Beef💥.🍪 今次帶大家去試尖沙咀嘅新人龍店—海 三碗麵,👨🏻老闆廚房樓面收銀一腳踢,只專心做好三款伊麵︰🦐海蝦、🐽金華火腿、🐷楜椒豬骨,配上🐮櫻花蝦炙燒Roast Beef!.✧ This new arrival at Tsim Sha Tsui’s competitive dining scene upgrades typical cart noodles into creative ramen-like dishes! The founder is dedicated to producing 3️⃣ hearty broths only- shrimp, Jinhua ham and pork bone with pepper, all paired with roast beef topped with sakura shrimp!😍 .🍪 網上資料話營業時間係12:30開始,但時間以老闆為準,靠緣份先會食到😱!分享下我嘅等待時間🕰️︰✧ Depending on the shopkeeper’s timeta
💥吃不吃到靠緣份!3款濃湯伊麵+ Roast Beef💥
🍪 今次帶大家去試尖沙咀嘅新人龍店—海 三碗麵,👨🏻老闆廚房樓面收銀一腳踢,只專心做好三款伊麵︰🦐海蝦、🐽金華火腿、🐷楜椒豬骨,配上🐮櫻花蝦炙燒Roast Beef!
✧ This new arrival at Tsim Sha Tsui’s competitive dining scene upgrades typical cart noodles into creative ramen-like dishes! The founder is dedicated to producing 3️⃣ hearty broths only- shrimp, Jinhua ham and pork bone with pepper, all paired with roast beef topped with sakura shrimp!😍
🍪 網上資料話營業時間係12:30開始,但時間以老闆為準,靠緣份先會食到😱!分享下我嘅等待時間🕰️︰
✧ Depending on the shopkeeper’s timetable, the business hours are unstable. The above is my wait time:
12:15 開始等 started queuing
12:30 門口已有約十五人 around 15 people were in the queue
13:00 入座 got seated
13:30 上菜 dishes were served
14:00 離座 left the eatery
✧ Only 6 seats are available. 😢
🦐 海蝦濃湯 Roast Beef伊麵 Shrimp Noodles $80(4.5/5)
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✧ The most popular option. The soup is rich and not oily.
🍽 金華火腿煲雞濃湯 Roast Beef伊麵 Jinhua Ham Noodles $80 (4/5)
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✧ Expect a strong aroma of Jinhua ham! A sweeter soup base would be more to my liking.
Each noodle is accompanied with yummy roast beef!
🍪 兩款湯底都係帶出純正食材鮮味,冇過多調味修飾都十分濃郁☺️
✧ There is an emphasis on the genuine taste of the ingredients. Food is simple yet flavourful.
🍪 可能因為碗的物料問題,湯比較快凍🥺
✧ The soup seems to cool off fast, probably because of the bowl’s material(?)
🍪 誠意小店,感受到老闆好認真製作食物,無奈排隊時間太長🥱。如果你某日經過唔洗排隊,代表緣份到了!😂
✧ The founder has great passion for his offerings! Yet to wait for 1.5 hour is probably the last thing you want to do🤥. Give it a shot if you are lucky enough to spot a vacant seat! 🤤
味道 Taste:🍪🍪🍪🍪/5
環境 Ambience:🍪🍪🍪/5
💸消費 Spending:$80 /人 Person
🔥推介度 Recommendation:4/5
📍 海 三碗麵