76 瀏覽
Revisited the salted pig but this time we went to the branch in Kowloon Bay. Their pork knuckle had impressed me earlier, but this time we wanted to try their other dishes.😋✅The slow-cooked crackling pork belly was succulent and savory with a crispy exterior of the pork belly skin, providing a great contrasting texture of the pork belly. 😍The roasted carrots and potatoes on the side make the dish healthier and less sense of guiltiness. 🤣✅The seafood paella was beautifully presented with colorful
✅The slow-cooked crackling pork belly was succulent and savory with a crispy exterior of the pork belly skin, providing a great contrasting texture of the pork belly. 😍The roasted carrots and potatoes on the side make the dish healthier and less sense of guiltiness. 🤣
✅The seafood paella was beautifully presented with colorful seafood and vegetables, making it an appealing dish. It was richly well seasoned and flavorful, complementing the other seafood well. 🥰
✅慢煮脆皮豬腩嫩腍入味,而且上面嘅豬皮微脆,外脆內腍嘅豬腩肉形成咗一個對比,感覺好有層次~😍 旁邊嘅紅蘿蔔同薯仔令到成道菜感覺健康咗,食完呢道菜都冇咁有罪惡感~🤣
✅西班牙海鮮炒飯入面有色彩鮮艷嘅海鮮同蔬菜,令到成個擺盤都好靚好吸引~ 西班牙炒飯配搭埋其他配一齊食,感覺好豐富又美味~🥰