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Up To You $98w/ Vodka, Passionfruit, Fresh LimeCocktail用上粉紅金色既高身酒杯 仲配上百香果作裝飾✨ 飲落有酸酸甜甜既百香果味 仲有淡淡既酒味 加埋檸檬好清新🍃 適合小酌既時候飲🍸With an attractive appearance and a piece of passionfruit on top for decoration🍹 it’s quite refreshing and with a bit of sour taste, not a bad choice! 評分: 8/10🌟Traditional Thai Tea $38傳統既泰式奶茶係甜度爆登🥲 甜味有啲蓋過本身既茶味 值在呢個價值幾抵飲 比較適合鐘意甜野既朋友😆The price is quite friendly .🤪 However the taste of Thai tea is tooooo sweet and covers its floral flavours, which does not suit my preference. 🥺評分: 4/
w/ Vodka, Passionfruit, Fresh Lime
Cocktail用上粉紅金色既高身酒杯 仲配上百香果作裝飾✨ 飲落有酸酸甜甜既百香果味 仲有淡淡既酒味 加埋檸檬好清新🍃 適合小酌既時候飲🍸
With an attractive appearance and a piece of passionfruit on top for decoration🍹 it’s quite refreshing and with a bit of sour taste, not a bad choice!
評分: 8/10🌟
Traditional Thai Tea $38
傳統既泰式奶茶係甜度爆登🥲 甜味有啲蓋過本身既茶味 值在呢個價值幾抵飲 比較適合鐘意甜野既朋友😆
The price is quite friendly .🤪 However the taste of Thai tea is tooooo sweet and covers its floral flavours, which does not suit my preference. 🥺
評分: 4/10🌟
Sal ping 雞肉串燒 $98
w/ free-range chicken thigh skewers, arjad, peanut sauce
雞肉串燒經烤過後有少少炭香味🤩雞肉食落唔會太乾 肉質都算嫩滑 點埋花生醬就更加滋味🥜🥰
The chicken skewers are nicely grilled and juicy, and even more delicious with the peanut sauce. 😚
評分: 7.5/10🌟
Pad Thai kung 泰式虎蝦炒金邊粉 $165
w/ plquant rice noodles with prawns, peanut & sprouts
金邊粉食落鑊氣十足 麵質幾彈牙 辣味會隨住食既時間去提升🌶 唔食辣既朋友就注意下⚠️ 虎蝦都算新鮮 整體份量頗多適合同朋友share😋
Pad Thai is normal but you will never go wrong with it. The prawns tasted good and fresh🦐 It is quite spicy and the portion size is generous and able to share with your fds🤣
評分: 8.5/10🌟
Banana roti 香蕉烤餅配椰子雪糕 $88
w/ coconut ice cream
呢個同平時既香蕉煎餅有啲出入🧐 香蕉同朱古力醬放上烤餅又唔算太油膩😌 椰子雪糕食落幾清甜 但溶得超快😮💨 整體感覺一般🤓
Banana Roti is different from the one that I expected. Banana with chocolate sauce are put on top of the roti, surprisingly it is not oily and heavy.🥳 Coconut ice cream is light and sweet🥥 but it’s melting speed is too fast🥵 Generally, the taste is acceptable but not a must try item.
評分: 7/10🌟
RUAM (灣仔)
灣仔莊士敦道60號J Senses1樓9號舖
Up To You
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Up To You
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Traditional Thai Tea
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Traditional Thai Tea
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Sal ping 雞肉串燒
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Pad Thai kung 泰式虎蝦炒金邊粉
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Banana roti 香蕉烤餅配椰子雪糕
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Banana roti 香蕉烤餅配椰子雪糕
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