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☾⋆⁺₊⋆ M York $92由蛋白、蔓越莓、百香果、檸檬草浸既百加得而製成🍸 M York飲落幾清新 帶蔓越莓同百香果既果香味😽 而面頭既蛋白泡泡都好順滑 啱哂我口味🧡Composing of egg white, cranberry, passion fruit, lemongrass infuse Bacardi, M York was a fresh cocktail🍹 The egg foam on top was smooth, perfect for my liking🤞🏻 Cranberry mixed well with passion fruit to give a fruity flavour, quite good✨💫評分: 8/10🌟☾⋆⁺₊⋆ Midnight $58午夜既蝶豆花同百果香組成既漸層非常適合打卡💜 飲落唔會太甜加上呢個份量都好充足👍🏻Midnight was quite ig-table as there’re pretty layers between the passionfruit, grapefruit and butterfly p
由蛋白、蔓越莓、百香果、檸檬草浸既百加得而製成🍸 M York飲落幾清新 帶蔓越莓同百香果既果香味😽 而面頭既蛋白泡泡都好順滑 啱哂我口味🧡
Composing of egg white, cranberry, passion fruit, lemongrass infuse Bacardi, M York was a fresh cocktail🍹 The egg foam on top was smooth, perfect for my liking🤞🏻 Cranberry mixed well with passion fruit to give a fruity flavour, quite good✨💫
評分: 8/10🌟
☾⋆⁺₊⋆ Midnight $58
午夜既蝶豆花同百果香組成既漸層非常適合打卡💜 飲落唔會太甜加上呢個份量都好充足👍🏻
Midnight was quite ig-table as there’re pretty layers between the passionfruit, grapefruit and butterfly pea juice🫶🏻 It’s not too sweet and the serving size was huge🥂Definitely is a ideal drink for summer night😻
評分: 8.5/10🌟
☾⋆⁺₊⋆ 西班牙馬鈴薯蛋餅 $48
馬鈴薯蛋餅食落好香蛋味🥚中間仲有啲煙燻豬肉粒🍖 而且非常飽肚🥔 以呢個價錢同份量黎講的確係好抵食的🥳
Spanish Tortilla was eggy, meaty and super filling!🤩 Such a big deal for the generous portion and friendly price😍
評分: 9/10🌟
☾⋆⁺₊⋆ MOZZ法式焗醺春雞 $158
法式焗醺春雞等候時間比較長‼️肚餓既朋友要注意一下🙈 但我會話等咁耐都係值得的😆 春雞外脆肉滑充滿肉汁🍗 入面塞滿香氣十足既黑松露蘑菇🍄 非常欣賞大廚採用先煎後焗既心思💕
MOZZ French Baked Stuffed Spring Chicken served in the big plate was divine🤤 Spring chicken was juicy and tender🐓, with a hint of richness from the fragrance of black truffle🥰 Strongly appreciated to the hard work of the chef👨🏻🍳
評分: 10/10🌟
☾⋆⁺₊⋆ 北海道松葉蟹腳忌廉意粉 $168
北海道松葉蟹腳忌廉意粉熟度剛好 食落好creamy好濃郁又唔會太膩🤍 而且蟹肉夠新鮮為整個意粉增添鮮味😋 唯一美中不足係有少少蟹殼碎跌咗落意粉度🥹
Hokkaido Matsuba Crab Leg with Spaghetti in creamy sauce was rich and creamy😚 The crab meat added some freshness to the whole flavour🦀
評分: 8/10🌟
Muze Mozz (旺角)
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M York
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