港鐵金鐘站 F 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (9)
主打每日供應新鮮手製意大利麵,利用時令食材創作不同菜式,並將地道的意式風味帶到香港。餐廳氣氛舒適輕鬆,更可用美酒配搭意大利麵。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:00
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食評 (321)
等級4 2024-10-06
341 瀏覽
Revisiting because of their seasonal October menu was definitely worth it! We again tried their tasting menu by choosing meatballs and truffle beef tartare as appetisers, gnocchi truffle & asparagus, orchiette nduja and lasagna as main. Meatballs were as expectedly perfect. Grated Parmesan was topped gave a hint of savoury and cheesiness. Meatball was soft and meaty. Soft and juicy. Marinara was well dressed that each bite was tangy from the fresh tomatoes. A delicate dish. Truffle beef tartare was neat. Truffle slices was exquisite surrounding the egg yolk. Love the cracking black pepper for a peppery flavour. After well mixing, each bite of tartare was creamy with a light truffle taste. Chewy and light. I was concerned about the piping creamy sauce overpowering or making the dish heavy, but not at all. Love it. Gnocchi was one of my favourite pasta dish and it wasn't a dish that is easily be found in Hong Kong. Gnocchi itself was silky and chewy. A hint of potato flavour. Definitely what a gnocchi should taste like. Absolutely delicious. The Parmesan crisps gave a crispy texture and absolutely liking this garnish idea. Truffle cream sauce paired with the green asparagus balanced well that whole dish was very hearty. Lasagna was served in burning hot deep dish. Staff was sweet to remind customer not to touch while spooning it. Crispy cheesy top layer with the meaty marinara, pasta was cooked perfectly absorbing all the juiciness. It was an indulgence. It was unstoppable until finishing the whole. Orchiette nduja was our must order pasta dish every time. Apart from liking their spiciness, we love their well cooked al dante orchiette. The sausage meat was peppery that gave a whole dish an extra spice. The topped arugula was also peppery while gave a fresh bite. It could never be disappointing. For dessert, we were planning to order one chestnut tiramisu and a double shot espresso. We were pretty full so we decided to share the dessert. Staff was so sweet to offer two smaller portion of chestnut tiramisu so that both could have our own. Chestnut tiramisu was definitely a surprise. Absolutely in love with the chestnut mascarpone cream layer with chestnut nibs. The ladyfinger was soaked with the espresso that gave an extra coffee and nutty flavour. What a perfect ending. A dessert definitely worth to come back for. This review is actually highlighting the staff serving us tonight. He recognised us and greet us with his brightest smile. No matter how busy the whole restaurant was, he would spend time to understand our opinion on each dish. He remembered and served extra bread without asking (our usual dining request), wiping our table before serving each dish, changing our plates after each dish. Every move was sweet and welcoming. Really a big thank you to the staff making our experience sweet and warming every time. Will definitely coming back again by the end of October for their fall menu! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Pici is my all-time favourite ❤️ Black sheep 集團旗下主打每日新鮮手工意粉🍝價錢更相當親民 同時經典滋味現時至7月31號 更推出暑假限定的海鮮狂饗曲令人滿心期待😚𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼🦪JUMBO OYSTER GRATIN蒜蓉芝士焗珍寶蠔澎湃拉絲芝士🧀完全盛滿整個蠔殼極度邪惡😈加上蠔的肉質肥美鮮甜大大的滿足感🧆Homemade Meatballs 秘製肉丸質感柔軟 飽滿大粒 咬下去每口肉汁🐖🐂加上芝士🧀及酸甜的蕃茄醬汁🥫開胃惹味 呈現經典意大利🇮🇹風味𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓪🍝FETTUCCINE SEA URCHIN AND SCALLOPS帶子海膽醬寬帶麵寬條麵比平日更彈牙煙韌輕易掛滿海膽醬汁帶子肉質軟綿細嫩散發陣陣的鮮香味🐚TACHORINI AMARTITAMA蜆肉烏魚子細扁麵意粉口感較為爽口富有咬口面條完全地涉透烏魚子的鮮味🍄‍🟫Pappardelle Truffle Creamy Mushrooms 松露雜菌忌廉汁寬帶麵Signature dish ✨每次來pici 必點的意粉採用鮮刨松露片🍄菇菌香 味道突出細膩令人回味無窮𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓼🍮ORANGE & BASIL PANNA COTTA香橙羅勒意式奶凍配柑橘醬舖滿香橙柑橘果醬🍊下層是香滑奶凍整體味道酸甜清新 最適合炎炎夏日開胃解膩🍨Tiramisu 經典之作咖啡及冧酒味道醇郁☕️甜中帶苦口感綿密 層次感豐富值得一試✨ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-04-21
2452 瀏覽
pici again Set for 2 to 3 $330 1 starter, 2 pasta and 1 dessert 明顯係2人餐 邊有可能夠3個人食Starter: -秘製肉丸 Homemade Meatballs (2 pcs) Pork, Beef, Tomato Sauce, Parmesan好大粒之餘 一啖落去 全都是肉係好純粹嘅肉丸 又唔會太實淨 口感都唔錯蕃茄醬酸酸甜甜 配肉丸都幾夾Pasta:-香辣義大利辣腸寬麵 Tagliatelle Spicy N’Duja Italian Sausage, Spicy N‘duja, Cherry Tomato第一次試依個意粉質感都係咁彈牙 而個汁少少辣 食落幾惹味都唔錯耶-慢煮牛頰肉醬寬扁麵 Pappardelle Beef Cheek Beef Cheek Ragu Cooked Slow For 8 Hours, Onion, Carrot, Celery每次都會食佢 口感同味道都係我鐘意嘅Desert:-Tiramisu all time fav 好味🫶🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-09-04
544 瀏覽
我超級鍾意食呢間餐廳,因為佢哋嘅手做意粉真係好好食,軟硬適中,超有彈力,而且佢哋嗰啲汁都好特別好好食,而且價錢又好抵,前菜加意粉再加甜品,都只是$150,大佬邊度仲可以搵到呀?8月special 是sell 海鮮,而9月係sell蘑菇,所以我哋都嗌咗一碟試下😙真係好好食㗎🥰🥰🥰最後,我朋友嗌咗車厘子雪糕食,而我就食tiramisu,而我發覺個車厘子雪糕真係好好食㗎,佢應該係用咗冧酒去整個雪糕🥰🥰🥰即刻加分🥰🥰🥰加上侍應同埋經理態度好親切,經常會走過嚟睇吓你有咩需要,價錢又抵,所以我真係好鍾意食🥰🥰🥰順帶一提,以前呢間餐廳係只能夠Walk in,不接受任何預訂,但係而家佢已經接受預訂啦🥰🥰下次我都會訂咗位先去食😜😜 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-07-10
966 瀏覽
Pici真係一間質素高,價錢又抵既西餐廳 😎今個盛夏佢地都有推出menu比大家品嘗❕同埋你哋知唔知灣仔係第一間店呢~ 今次黎返總店食個限定menu 😋 𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗪𝗘 𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗘𝗥✨ 蒜蓉芝士焗珍寶蠔 $150前菜有新推出既蒜蓉芝士焗珍寶蠔。Pici既芝士配搭得好合適,除左意粉配既芝士好好之外,前菜既芝士同樣一絲不苟 👍🏻蒜蓉同芝士味好夾,同大大隻既蠔當然都係絕配啦~ 而且焗蠔焗得唔會過熟,仲保持到蠔既質感,難度真係好高呀!✨ 蜆肉烏魚子細扁麵 $150蜆肉意粉食得多,但係可能呢次係Pici食到既呢份蜆肉烏魚子細扁麵係當中最出色 ✌🏻蜆既鮮味都流晒入意粉度,再加上烏魚子帶黎既獨特香味,兩者竟然將鮮甜再度提升,味道香濃,每一啖食落去都好想再食多一啖。✨ 帶子海膽醬寬帶麵 $220大大隻爽口彈牙既帶子好好食!不過其實佢都唔係主角,主角係流係成隻碟上面既海膽醬呀!濃郁既香味包住每一條寬麵,每一條意粉都直接將海膽醬帶入口意粉中仲有好多細細粒既珍珠帶子,材料豐富又好口感呀🤩✨ 香橙羅勒意式奶凍配柑橘醬 $60甜品方面就推出左呢款非常適合夏天既香橙羅勒意式奶凍配柑橘醬酸酸甜甜既香橙味同柑橘醬好啱呢個炎炎夏日,為大家消消暑😌佢地呢個海鮮menu只係由7月1日做到7月31日咋,快d把握時間黎試試啦💕除左新既海鮮menu之外,我地仲叫左佢地好好食既慢煮牛面頰寬帶麵 $150,味道濃郁,牛面頰軟滑。生牛肉他他 $110,鋪滿晒芝士既生牛肉他他,佢地對芝士既運用真係好好,係呢個生牛肉他他都體現到個種美味。✨ Tiramisu $60Tiramisu真係Pici招牌甜品黎❗️黎到一定要試,呢個杯裝Tiramisu,酒味同咖啡味都調整得好平均,唔會有一邊搶走另一邊既味道,真係好正🙌🍹cooler drinks: 🥝 kiwi/mint ,lychee/rose 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)