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食評 (62)
等級4 2024-04-12
295 瀏覽
Just had an unforgettable lunch at Langham Place, indulging in their amazing Daytime Dining Rewards! 🌟🍽️Here’s how it works: Spend HK$100 at any of the 40 participating restaurants within Langham Place (specified floor) from Monday to Friday, 1 PM to 5 PM, and you’ll receive an instant HK$50 dining e-voucher. Use it at any restaurant on the 8th to 13th floors for a delightful tea time or a refreshing beverage. Plus, the best part is that there are no minimum spending requirements, and you can even stack multiple vouchers for your next visit. It’s a dining deal that’s too good to resist! 💸✨To make it even better, during this period, many restaurants are offering “Buy 3 Get 1 Free” lunch sets or a fantastic 25% off on main courses. You can enjoy these additional promotions alongside the 50% dining cashback, giving you double the excitement and double the savings! It’s a foodie’s dream come true. 🎉🍴And let me tell you about the delicious dishes I enjoyed today: First, the Mac and Cheese with Salmon Raw, Prawns, Corn, Cherry Tomatoes, and Chimichurri. The combination of creamy mac and cheese with the freshness of salmon, succulent prawns, sweet corn, and tangy cherry tomatoes, all enhanced by the zesty chimichurri sauce, was an explosion of flavors! 🧀🐟🍤🌽🍅Next, the Assorted Sausage Platter with Sauerkraut and Roasted Potatoes. It was a delightful platter featuring a variety of mouthwatering sausages, accompanied by tangy sauerkraut and perfectly roasted potatoes. Each bite was a burst of savory goodness! 🌭🥔Don’t miss out on this opportunity, especially if you’re an LP CLUB member! Remember, there are only 50 sets available for the special giveaway, so stay tuned and act fast! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-30
279 瀏覽
第一次嚟呢度係約咗朋友食午餐,系旺角求其搵間餐廳食,但係出奇地呢度嘅午餐比我驚喜,餐湯係龍蝦湯配一個好特色嘅多士味道很不錯,見到餐牌有其他好好味嘅食物,所以隔咗兩日又過嚟依間餐廳,今次係朋友為我慶祝生日,呢度嘅食物非常之有水準,除此之外餐廳服務員服務態度非常之好,每一位都好好!Waiter M仲給我一個生日驚喜,送我一個甜品,呢度除了食物質素、服務態度好、環境一樣咁好,坐得好舒服!一定會再來的! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-25
359 瀏覽
呢個月食左兩餐生日大餐,呢度係最開心最完美既!(一間五星酒店扒房,一間呢度)一黎到好驚喜有生日佈置專登黎食大大塊牛扒,仲有送紅酒一枝(promotion)🤭散叫左個好fresh既沙律(ham, stracciatella and tomatos) 同大大碗既湯Share個湯中間啲sour cream令到成碗湯冇咁悶,飲落幾特別主角:食得呢個扒可以行出去個櫃到揀,其實舊舊同差唔多,我覺得係多左儀式感。serve話舊骨大啲就濃味啲,好似係....我嗌既係medium rare,頭幾舊有被驚艷到,但後面開始冇咁熱就爭咁啲中途全場派shots,好味,佢多左所以俾多杯我~甜品香蕉乜乜乜加左字,仲有特備節目。尷尬癌發作不過都開心既特別讚賞果度個reception 香港女仔,我醉醉地問完唔係好肯定個名係唔係nicole,佢好friendly, 好nice同專業咁安排左各樣體貼既service,由我地坐低到埋單都有佢幫忙(因為我地比較多戟手野,又話要並排坐又生日慶祝又話用乜乜乜優惠)真係多謝唔該萬分感激。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-03-16
475 瀏覽
今次又係用E字頭訂枱平台見佢6:30 有半價地點又方便一定要試吓明明星期五都唔算太Full 但係又未至於好冷清外面有live band 氣氛好好不過今次只係2個人去食叫嘢食有D難因為佢D扒睇落好大份結果我哋叫咗個tartare一份bone marrow 想叫多份肉都怕食唔落因為見人地D扒好大份Main dishes Mac& cheeseOverall食物係合格有餘半價之後再加一其實好抵都係 四百蚊2個人環境又坐得舒服最緊要係 佢冇限時‼️‼️但係最重要係下次我會叫多D人先食咁先可以食多D 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
1. 🥩 Hanger steak (medium rare) $298每一片切片的肉塊平整,邊緣在煙燻下呈深褐色,乾身脆口,焦香木質味,襯托出香氣四溢的肉汁和軟嫩質感。配以金黃鹹香的蒜片更添風味。2. 🐮 Steak tartar $178 舀一勺鮮美的生碎牛肉混蛋液,令口感更順滑;混香料,提升口感,在脆薄的麵包上。是經典的開胃前菜。3. 🦪 French oyster $68 each潔淨的外表,一口咬下,汁液鮮甜口感順滑,絲毫沒有腥味。4. 🍜 Ragout tagliatelle $188闊身的麵體浸以濃郁酸甜滋味。若能選用口感更扎實有嚼勁的手工現做義大利麵體會更完美😉5. 🦐 Prawn Jambalaya $188一顆顆飯粒吸收著別具一格、慢火燉煮的風味,配以爽口煙燻的蝦肉。個人稍嫌飯粒太濕稠。6. 🍷Grape and grain $128威士忌和紅酒坐底,酒味重於水果味。外觀上,蘋果果肉的顏色上滲出葡萄的酒紅色,很是吸引。7. 🥃 Red Apple $128果汁調味蓋過威士忌的嗆辣,是很溫柔甜美的酒。📍Shop 05, Level 13, Langham Place, 8 Argyle Street, Mong Kok 繼續閱讀
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