港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 N3 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (4)
受到東倫敦 Brick Lane 多元化氛圍啟發,BRICK LANE 提供傳統的英式美食與創新的現代元的烹飪結合,主打英式酒館風的菜式 。其特色菜餚包括英式全日早餐、班尼迪蛋、炸魚薯條英式下午茶和多汁牛扒等。附加資料:尖沙咀街人道旁的露台是把酒談歡的理想地點,讓您充分吸收尖沙咀的活力。也會有音樂家、藝術家和魔術師等為用餐體驗增添興奮劑。 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 22:00
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食評 (600)
等級3 2024-01-07
623 瀏覽
走進呢間店,第一眼就覺得Sea小哥磁場好勁,一坐低就先點左Fish n Chips,搞掂肚餓嘅問題。邊望住窗外,食邊呢塊金黃鬆脆嘅炸魚,外皮唔油膩,反而有種輕盈嘅口感,白魚肉厚身又鮮嫩,啖啖肉,真係正!再埋一啖薯條,外邊微酥微鹹,一咬落去,心都融埋。而Egg Benedict with Lobster,賣相靚得過癮,啲龍蝦肉一摷落去,鮮甜得黎帶點海鮮嘅回甘;蛋黄醬滑得嚟香濃,整份既視覺又既味覺享受得我呢個食客心花怒放。最後,當然少不了曲終人散嘅甜品——Apple Filo,喺朋友推介下試吓。酥皮嘅響脆聲,令人一聞嗲,每一啖嘅蘋果蓉夾帶著微微嘅酸甜,送入口中好似喺舌尖起舞,令人回味無窮。加埋Rose Latte,輕輕嘅玫瑰花香拂過唇間,為呢頓飯劃上一個完美嘅句號。食完咁滿足,仲要上嚟谷噏撈兩句,真係一個開心嘅夜晚!🍽️🌹🍰 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-07
419 瀏覽
Whether you're craving the comfort of classic British fare or the bold flavors of British cuisine, Brick Lane Hong Kong is the place to be. With their mouthwatering Fish and Chips and all-day breakfast, they bring the best of both worlds to your plate. So, if you find yourself in Hong Kong, make sure to pay a visit to Brick Lane for a culinary journey that will leave you wanting more!The ambiance at Brick Lane Hong Kong is lively and vibrant, with a mix of British and Indian influences. The colorful decor, and friendly staff create an inviting and energetic atmosphere that adds to the overall dining experience.Ah, at Brick Lane Hong Kong, there are several other dishes that I would highly recommend trying. Let me share a few of my favorites:Full English Breakfast: If you happen to visit Brick Lane Hong Kong for brunch, their Full English Breakfast is a fantastic choice. This traditional British dish includes a combination of eggs, bacon, sausages, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, baked beans, and toast. It's a hearty and comforting meal that will fuel you up for the day ahead. The flavors and textures of this breakfast classic are simply delightful.Egg Benedict:Their Egg Benedict is a treat for the senses. The dish features two perfectly poached eggs, each nestled on a bed of bacon, short ribs or smoked salmon, resting atop a lightly toasted English muffin. The eggs are cooked to perfection, with a velvety and runny yolk that oozes out when you cut into them, creating a luscious sauce that coats the other elements of the dish.What sets Brick Lane Hong Kong's Egg Benedict apart is their decadent hollandaise sauce. The sauce is rich, creamy, and beautifully balanced in terms of tanginess, adding a burst of flavor to the dish. The hollandaise perfectly complements the eggs and the choice of protein, creating a harmonious blend of savory and buttery notes. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-10-18
599 瀏覽
Despite the positive reviews I had read online, the reality was far from what I expected. Firstly, the food was a major letdown. The fish and chips, which is usually a classic and delicious dish, was a complete disappointment. The batter was soft and not crispy at all, and the fish itself was overcooked and had a strong fishy taste. It was definitely the worst fish and chips I have ever had.To make matters worse, the Pork Tomahawk, which I had high hopes for, turned out to be a disaster as well. It was chewy, hard, and dry, making it almost impossible to enjoy. The quality of the food was simply unacceptable.On a positive note, the waiter and waitress were friendly and attentive. They tried their best to make our experience enjoyable, but unfortunately, the poor quality of the food overshadowed their efforts.Overall, I left the restaurant feeling extremely disappointed. The positive comments I had seen online did not reflect the reality of the dining experience. I would not recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for a satisfying meal. There are definitely better options available in the area. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-08-22
640 瀏覽
𝕋𝕊𝕋 • 𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕃𝕒𝕟𝕖 🚲📍尖沙咀棉登徑𝟙𝟟號地舖🔍 尖沙咀、金鐘、 銅鑼灣、大圍::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::英倫工業風的 @bricklane_hk 🇬🇧🥚煙三文魚班尼迪蛋 $138賣相吸引,金黃色的荷蘭醬,流心水波蛋黃滲透鬆軟的包體,配以煙三文魚,是日最愛~🍝白酒蜆意大利面 $178蜆肉份量慷慨,意粉偏幼身,帶白酒的香氣及海蜆的鮮味。🍖燒烤西班牙黑毛豬肋骨 $208伴碟豐富,焦香豬肋骨配甜美的燒烤醬,不過略厭肉味帶騷。🍎即焗酥皮冧酒蘋果 $78滿滿牛油香的酥皮,包裹著冧酒蘋果及倒上暖奶油,甜品推介!🌹Rose Latte $43☕️Irish Coffee $78 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-08-14
462 瀏覽
「BRICK LANE Gallery」多年前同朋友到訪,餐廳將英國傳統口味帶到香港,全日早餐地道滋味裝修保留傳統英式風格,設有室外座位;燈光昏暗甚有格調Caesar Chicken Salad雞肉、生菜、芝士、自家製鯷魚醬雞肉雪白有嚼頭;生菜爽脆鮮甜;芝士鹹香豐富;鯷魚鹹度十足;麵包糠及煙肉皆香脆可口;配以滋味沙律醬,非常清新Grilled Baby Pork Ribs & Squid Fries豬肋骨分成三件上,份量不少;配以黃金魷魚豬肋骨香辣惹味,肉香突出又嫩滑;魷魚炸得酥脆美味Wagyu British Breakfast (+ Smoked Salmon & Egg)雞蛋、和牛、豬血腸、肉腸、煙肉、番茄、大菇、馬鈴薯擺盤精美,色彩繽紛悅目,引起食慾炒蛋嫩滑蛋香濃郁;和牛7成熟肉質軟嫩帶點和牛的甘美;豬血腸具特色;肉腸滋味不過鹹;煙肉香口;番茄新鮮;大菇味道容易入口;馬鈴薯經煎香,薯味突出加配煙三文魚鹹香適度,油感不錯;太陽蛋煎至脆邊富蛋香Green Tea Latte (Hot)容量充足,拉花精美;淡淡抹茶香配以細滑牛奶,甜度不高Rose Tea Latte (Iced)玫瑰香濃厚,甜度適中 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)