港鐵佐敦站 D 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
餐廳裝潢好比葡式小酒館,鮮綠色店門十分搶眼。餐牌提供多款傳統葡萄牙菜式,其中部分招牌菜式需提早預訂。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
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食評 (26)
等級4 2024-06-16
1971 瀏覽
一直都好鐘意葡國菜,尤其鐘意呢間走傳統路線嘅葡匯咪走雞葡國餐廳,佢依家搬咗新舖,從港鐵佐敦站 D 出口, 行少少就到,非常方便,餐廳環境唔錯,很有葡萄牙風格,餐廳牆上掛著葡萄牙國旗同埋主廚嘅相,侍應態度熱情友善。我哋今次提前訂咗招牌菜-傳統葡國燒乳豬配肥仔炒飯,呢道菜好有驚喜,非常推薦!但要記得系需要預訂先有得食,而份量都可以揀1/4 隻、半隻或全隻,如果一大班朋友聚會就相當岩食全隻,味道周賣相都係一流。1/4隻乳豬,足足4大塊,乳豬皮薄脆又香口,脂肪唔算太多,肉質軟冧入味,炒飯比較濕潤,賣相唔錯,食到鹹肉粒同橄欖,配上沙律,口感層次豐富。澳門殖民地葡國雞 非常有特色,熱辣辣上枱,雞肉嫩滑,配合薯仔、葡國香腸粒,份量滿足。傳統蒜茸蝦好鐘意佢有非常豐富嘅蒜茸,充滿蒜香味,大蝦高質,彈牙鮮甜。📍葡匯咪走雞葡國餐廳Mike’s Chicken Comida De Portugal Bistro尖沙咀松山道15-17號帝寶樓地下D號舖港鐵佐敦站 D 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-11-12
299 瀏覽
佐敦搵餐廳食飯,見到呢間餐廳lunch 唔錯, $320一份乳豬, 飯凍乳豬凍! 簡直比錢食垃圾!出餐居然成份餐無煙, 係咪放左好耐!! $320 成個酒店價錢, 你估食快餐算數待應係入門口乜都唔講,嘟完然後指住一張抬示意我哋坐(直到走為止都無打招呼,都冇禮貌)標榜正宗葡國菜, 但完全港式炒飯, 廚師食過西洋炒飯?乳豬加了葡萄牙國旗就有葡國的風味...而且價錢就我而言,食物+服務是上,感覺上餐廳無人管理, 低成本經營, 不會再去 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-09-01
968 瀏覽
This restaurant is under Portuguese chef and owner Michael Franco, dedicated to bring authentic Portuguese family cuisine to the HK people. The restaurant first started in Sai Kung, and with the success and popularity, he has moved to TST, and recently relocated to the current location at Pine Tree Hill Road, very easy to find with its eye-catching green and white-coloured entrance.The interior is family-style, with tables on both sides, and a large TV in the middle showing the interviews of Michael. On the walls there are many photos displaying him with celebrities, Portuguese government officials and consulates, showing how well connected he is in the local Portuguese community.We start with the signature Portuguese snack, Bolinhos de Bacalhau 傳統馬介休球 ($48). The traditional salted cod fritters have a soft crust and not oily, with the fillings having a nice delicate savoury taste and not overly salty.Next, we have the Caldo Verde 葡式薯仔菜湯 ($55) to share. The Portuguese green soup is made with potato and kale, very healthy and nourishing. However, it is totally bland in taste and I guess the chef may have forgotten to season. Fortunately, the Grilled Sardines 傳統海鹽烤沙甸魚 ($68) helps to rescue some marks. The sardines are quite big in size, grilled in the traditional way with sea salt. With a bit of lemon juice to freshen up, the meat is delicious and there is no fishy note at all. Next time we should order the bigger portion with four tails.Coming to the highlight of the meal, the Piri Piri Chicken 霹靂非洲燒雞扒 ($168) is Michael’s signature, with his homemade piri piri sauce to marinate the chicken steak before grilling. The chicken is succulent and very juicy, with the sauce having a nice spicy note but totally manageable. On the side there are some boiled carrot and broccoli, as well as some French fries. A must order.We have another main course of Slow Cooked Iberico Pork Loin 葡式慢煮黑毛豬柳 ($268). The oven baked pork loin has a nice aromatic seasoning and is decent in taste, but after the chicken it will feel a bit under-seasoned. The same side dishes are provided for a complete course offering.For dessert my wife has ordered the Bolos de Laranja ou Limao 家鄉雪芳蛋糕 ($48). The traditional family style orange cake is fluffy and not too sweet, a really nice no-frill dessert.I have picked ‘Serradura’ Sawdust Pudding 木糠布甸 ($48). The popular Macau milk pudding with sawdust topping is equally good, with the pudding not too sweet as well, and mixing the sawdust creates a combination of different texture of enjoyment.Service is very good, with the staff friendly and attentive, helping to replace the plates between courses. The bill on the day is $828 which includes a glass of beer. If you are not going to Macau, this is a place where you can also enjoy some nice Portuguese cuisine in Hong Kong. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-08-03
961 瀏覽
今次就去左一間位於佐敦食正宗葡萄牙🇵🇹菜嘅餐廳叫葡匯咪走雞葡國餐廳。走進餐廳裝修環境色彩繽紛🌈奪目配上青花瓷磚,感覺置身異地好有歐陸風色特色。空間唔算特別大,店員親切有禮笑容可加服務到位,處理整個場地都能架輕就熟,不慌不忙。真心想讚一讚。當日係平日時間下午,估唔到坐無虛席。環境熱鬧有氣氛。一行二人,就點左餐廳招牌菜🇵🇹傳統葡國燒乳豬配肥仔炒飯。食譜係家族Grandma 傳落嚟的。留意番意個菜需要預訂的。有不同份量的。今次兩個人食就叫左1/4隻薄身香脆,肉質軟腍幼滑,香而不膩入口即溶咁!肥仔炒飯內含黑橄欖、葡國腸、蛋、洋葱同提子乾等,再加左茄膏去炒,顏色係吸引🤩飯粒粒分明,香口惹味。1/4隻兩人份量剛好!意個招牌菜的確值得食。小食就叫左個葡國特色拼盤 $98馬介休、葡國香腸、魷魚圈同酥炸四季豆,四款不同小食份量不小,兩人Share食剛好。馬介休外脆內軟香口,酥炸四季豆口感特別。各款小食都做到香脆可口不錯。葡萄牙鮮奶咖啡☕️ $45香滑甜美,味道不錯木糠布甸 $48葡萄牙傳統甜品當然要叫黎作一餐完美句號。質地香滑木糠餅碎幻細。甜味剛好。整體來講餐廳食物質素不錯,富有葡萄牙🇵🇹菜式特色,環境服務一流,價錢合理,值得再去。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
位於佐敦嘅🌟葡匯咪走雞葡國餐廳🌟,主打正宗嘅🇵🇹葡國菜!食物出品高質✨而且份量足,值得推薦👍🏻!🐖傳統葡國燒乳豬配肥仔炒飯 - 1/4隻 $320燒乳豬嘅皮做到薄身香脆,乳豬肉軟腍幼滑,肥肉香而不膩,不愧為招牌菜!肥仔炒飯內含黑橄欖、果乾等,充滿歐洲風情!燒乳豬太受歡迎,好易sold out,記得電話預留!🐂傳統家鄉砵酒炆牛尾 $218以甜身嘅砵酒去炆牛尾,牛肉牛脂嘅甜味被激發晒出嚟!加上炆到入口即化,真係超級美味! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)