港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 A2 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (2)
61632696 (WhatsApp)
火鍋主題店「家嫂」的副線,沿用典雅的中式設計及供應海鮮火鍋,並新增中式小菜及精緻點心系列,而午市則主打點心。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
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食評 (158)
等級2 2025-01-22
0 瀏覽
有朋友外國番黎,又想食打邊爐放題,咁就試下呢間,早3個禮拜bk 8個人,如果要由5點食到10點就要打電話或wts bk,落訂$500,合理。一坐低會有同事講解流程,仲會有個同事專責我哋張枱,唔錯。飲品:自助形式,有啲生果茶,竹茅,有凍有熱,汽水等,唔算多但總會有你想飲嘅小食:小食係任叫,通常呢啲都唔會好食,咪求其點幾樣算數,點知小食一啲都唔hea,尤其炸嘢唔會成口油超好食。外國朋友啲仔女超口刁,佢哋都話好食。刺身用一隻長過枱面嘅木船盛起刺身,非常打卡,刺身新鮮冇鯹味。雞煲:因同行有小朋友所以叫左BB辣,雞數量足,8個都食唔哂,味道適中唔會咸,好食。邊爐:先上2set海鮮,有鮑魚,蝦,蠔,魷魚,花甲,等,呢啲食完全部可任叫,蟹都係任叫,重點係,所有海鮮都非常新鮮;另外啲普通配料都處理得好好,午餐肉係炸過,非常好食,手打嘅丸唔係溝粉,食落有咬勁,鵝腸更係我打左咁多年邊爐食過數一數二嘅新鮮。流動酒bar:一晚出現左5次,紅白清齊哂,飲得非常開心服務:員工會不時攞個大盤過嚟俾我哋倒骨同幫我地執枱,又有禮貌,十分抵讚。衞生:不過廁所就塞左冇人攪,見到係有人掉左啲紙巾包裝落去,唔塞就怪啦,都係客人素質問題。同行友人都覺得好滿意,番乜鬼大陸打邊爐,食埋啲化學嘢,明明香港就有又平又抵食,又唔使山長水遠搭車咁麻煩。埋單連加一只係$500,海鮮任食喎,呢個價係抵食。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
The restaurant is very easy to locate, which is always a plus, and the dining experience was nothing short of amazing.The food was absolutely awesome, with a wide variety of courses, most of which were all-you-can-eat. We started with some appetizing dishes (also all-you-can-eat), which were a great way to kick off the meal. Then came the highlight—a magnificent and enormous sashimi platter served on a big boat. The sashimi was incredibly fresh, delicious, and came in a wide variety. It was truly a feast for both the eyes and the palate.Next, we were served fried chicken bowl, which was flavorful. If you wanted more, you could simply order another batch—a great perk! After that, we moved on to the shabu-shabu, which featured all-you-can-eat beef, pork, and other items like dumplings and meatballs. There was also a big bowl of fresh seafood included, and to my surprise, even the abalone could be refilled!The selection of drinks was impressive, with many options to choose from, and there were plenty of sauces to customize your meal to your liking. On top of that, both red wine and white wine were complimentary and could be refilled after finishing.The staff were extremely friendly and helpful throughout the entire experience, adding to the overall enjoyment of the meal. Considering the quality, variety, and service, I found the price to be very reasonable.This was a truly happy and satisfying dining experience, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a hearty and indulgent meal. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-12-15
7224 瀏覽
夜晚公司聚餐10幾人食 大枱空間很細 食得很不自在 定時要人起身要人收拾碗碟 仲要整瀉杯嘢飲 俾錢買難受不會再有下次 食完心情很差很差不會推介人去食 服務態度極差 難怪人不想來香港食飯本人平時不會寫食評論的人差差差差差 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-12-11
6423 瀏覽
星期六與一大夥朋友到尖沙咀家嫂一家大小打邊爐..食左件幾香脆既蝦多士,之後屁孩就一直扭計,食龍肉都冇味😮‍💨👌🏻:刺身同放題差唔多質素,唔算特別鮮甜但都唔腥,聞說parma ham鹹到腎虧lol雞煲啲雞斬到好濕碎冇咩肉,可以快skip去打邊爐果part👍🏻:海鮮回合最好食,食左好多鮮甜彈牙嘅蟶子,仲有蝦、蟹、花蛤、鮑魚等.. 許記白魚蛋好食;牛肉就佳寶quality/自助bar有好多雪條同飲品,連日本啤酒都有,加一後$493一位,幾啱同一大班人一齊食既痛風餐🙂‍↕️🤟🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-12-04
7579 瀏覽
同一班朋友來食晚飯,預早book仲可以選擇坐房,雖然每位價錢略高,但不限時間,任飲任食,物有所值。點心小食任叫,飲品雪櫃任拎,火鍋料任叫任食。一開始來先來一艘刺身船,真係好誇張,由於我地人多,艘船好夠氣勢,擺滿了各樣刺身,包括三文魚、鯛魚、鮮蝦、北寄貝、海膽等 。再來一個雞煲,肉質非常嫩滑,湯汁好濃郁,其實都飽了一半。之後主角海鮮併盤就開始打邊爐,食材足料,鮑魚又大隻,有花蛤,蜆,肥牛,火鍋料亦都是任食任叫,個個食到大滿足離開。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)