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摩登的西班牙菜餐廳,以色彩繽紛的霓虹燈作裝飾,讓你享用美食之餘,同時打卡留影。 繼續閱讀
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食評 (302)
等級4 2024-02-09
125 瀏覽
門口燈飾超級靚,好適合打卡📸,裏面既燈飾都幾過癮,我和朋友坐咗係近窗邊既Bar檯,望住樓下風景都幾Chill🤟🏻。✨西班牙慢烤乳豬番茄鍋飯($298)慢烤乳豬外皮薄又脆🐽,肉嫩充滿油香味,番茄鍋飯,飯香亁身有番茄汁味而且不酸。✨薄切慢煮八爪魚($88)慢煮八爪魚很新鮮口感超軟,中間橙色的醬汁酸酸的很開胃,作為前菜很棒😋。✨凍切拼盤($88)拼盤有西班牙火腿、曼徹格芝士、紅酒燴梨,西班牙火腿鹹而薄很有風味,曼徹格芝士味道很濃很適合配酒,最後來一口紅酒燴梨中和鹹味。✨鵝肝比堅尼三文治($78)比堅尼三文治烤得很香脆,配上鵝肝做餡超級棒,咬下去會一口接著一口,停不了。✨巴塞隆拿式烤紅蝦($98)是我吃過最好吃的蝦子🤩,巴塞隆拿式的做法太好吃了,味道很油香蝦肉很Q彈,徹底愛上這道菜!✨Red Sangria($48)蘋果味道作為基底的酒🍎,還放了一點蘋果肉在裡面,喝著很順口不太酸。✨White Sangria($48)橙子味道作為基底的酒🍊,喝著很順口開胃。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-02-06
36 瀏覽
Nestled in the heart of the city, this charming Spanish restaurant presents a warm and inviting atmosphere that's simply perfect for savoring a drink and engaging in lively conversation with friends. As you explore the menu, you'll be enticed by an exquisite selection of Tapas—these delightful small plates offer a symphony of classic flavors that promise to dance on your palate, embodying the essence of traditional Spanish cuisine.Each dish is crafted with care, delivering not only a taste that is "yummy," as you put it, but also an authentic culinary experience that speaks to the soul of Spain. From the perfectly seasoned patatas bravas to the tantalizing gambas al ajillo, the variety ensures that there's a savory bite to satisfy every craving.Complementing the delectable Tapas is the restaurant's sangria—a beverage that masterfully balances the robustness of fine Spanish wine with the refreshing sweetness of freshly cut fruits. This sangria isn't just nice; it's an artful concoction that elevates your dining journey, making it an ideal accompaniment to the flavorful dishes that grace your table.Whether you're seeking a casual evening out or an intimate rendezvous with close companions, this Spanish haven is a must-visit spot that seamlessly blends conviviality with gastronomic delight. The fusion of mouthwatering food, exquisite drinks, and the buzz of friendly chatter makes for an unforgettable tapestry of dining pleasure. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-12-15
81 瀏覽
夜晚去食 地點唔難搵 餐廳環境幾好個晚叫咗 西班牙薯仔蛋餅配日式明太子好食都有少少流心但都食食下會好有飽感😂😂薄切慢煮八爪魚少少香辣幾好食西班牙海鮮鍋飯份量正常 個蝦同蜆好食好有味各叫一杯 Red sangria & White sangria好易入口 女仔都會飲到 唔算會覺得一飲就重酒味總括 都值得去試或食唔會覺得係伏野 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
˗ˏˋ 環境 ˎˊ˗餐廳位於尖沙嘴The Nate一進去會通過滿天燈光吊燈的路💡彷如時光隨意門迷幻璀燦✨裡面座位高凳為主, 夠廣闊.ᐟ.ᐟ*⸜( •ᴗ• )⸝*˗ˏˋ 特點 ˎˊ˗餐廳是主打西班牙菜。◕‿◕。小食全部都小巧精緻🫶🏻尤其飲品Virgin Sangria🫧夠清新自然~˗ˏˋ 菜色 ˎˊ˗Snack▪️ Foie Gras Lollipop $78▫️ Jamon Iberico 24 months $78▪️ Potato Omelette $78▫️ Lamb Pintxos $138Main▪️ Suckling Pig Paella $298Drink▫️Red Sangria $60▪️Virgin Sangria $50˗ˏˋ 推介 ˎˊ˗❥ Potato Omelette大推西班牙薯仔蛋餅🫶🏻蛋餅厚身, 口感豐富🥰表面有一層薄薄的醬汁✨融入流心蛋液當中・◡・一切開滿滿大粒薯仔🥔❥ Lamb Pintxos莫希托羊肉串燒♡配合特製醬汁・◡・加上厚身的肉粒, 是惹味之選🤩❥ Suckling Pig Paella西班牙慢烤乳豬番茄鍋飯 ♥一大隻乳豬烤肉在鍋飯之中🥰慢烤得外皮香脆每一啖肉都軟熟香淋~❥ Virgin Sangria這個真心十分好喝~是西班牙常見的夏日party調酒🍃配上香橙十分清新自然🍊-🔍 味道:8/10🔍 賣相:8/10🔍 環境:7/10🔍 價錢:7/10🔍 服務:8/10🔍 Overall: 7.8/10 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-12-08
53 瀏覽
呢間西班牙餐廳一出電梯門,就被呢就嘅燈光裝飾吸引左,好有氛圍感✨✨幾適合影相🙈餐廳內另有啲充滿趣味嘅霓虹燈飾。西班牙餐廳飲酒都係重點之一🫢◾️The Classic(L) • $75◾️Rose Royce (R) • $75呢兩杯酒都算易入口,個人更喜酒Rose Royce,有淡淡玫瑰味,仲有玫瑰花瓣點綴,睇得又飲得🙈◾️薄切慢煮八爪魚 • $88八瓜魚切到好薄,上面淋上橄欖油再配埋蕃茄整嘅醬,層次豐富,佐酒啱晒。◾️血橙燒牛柳沙律 • $68有多片牛肉,煎過嘅牛肉味幾濃,上面加左薄脆片,估唔到又幾夾喎!◾️鵝肝比堅尼三文治 • $78三文治到又薄又脆,中間嘅鵝肝醬鹹香味十足🥹◾️西班牙薯仔蛋餅 +明太子 • $88雖然係Tapas,但我覺得已經係主食😂用一層層嘅薯仔堆疊而成,中間有流心明太子🤩令平平無其嘅薯仔增添獨特嘅風味✨✨◾️西班牙慢烤乳豬蕃茄鍋飯 • $298呢度嘅乳豬令我諗返起西班牙嘅味道🥹乳豬皮烤到好似薯片咁脆,肉質由於用左乳豬所以好嫩,唔會有過多嘅調味,食到原汁原味👍👍 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)