01:30 - 21:00
01:30 - 21:00
11:30 - 21:00
01:30 - 21:00
01:30 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
第三次食Seoul Noodles啦但第一次喺中環呢間分店食但發覺中環分店價錢係比其他分店貴啲但菜式係一樣今次叫左排骨辣湯飯同首爾牛肉醬油湯飯加豬肉餃子,個豬肉餃子勁大粒,$38蚊有兩大粒都好抵,同埋係爆餡既。今日個排骨辣湯飯舊骨無咁多肉,上次喺旺角食好多肉既~不用味道都係一樣,唔會太辣,岩岩好。而朋友唔係好舒服都點左牛肉醬油湯飯,牛肉既熟度岩岩好,都好入味。不過如果住九龍區既人可以食食返旺角個間,因為係平啲,同一個質素唔洗喺中環食~旺角個間店員服務態度更好~
Seoul Noodles係中環都開左分店,主打地道韓式刀削麵,用上傳統技藝製作麵糰,再搭配多款湯底,Lunchtime條人龍都好長,好彩等左一陣就入得雞湯麵有半隻雞既份量,雞肉唔算好嫩滑,湯底清甜,食完好飽肚泡菜冷麵有別於平時食嘅水冷麵,呢度嘅韓式刀削麵較粗帶爽口,湯底酸酸甜甜,好清爽蜆湯麵蜆既份量唔算好多,蜆肉都新鮮,湯就略嫌微咸Lunchtime時間都好多人,所以坐得好迫,價錢中環黎講算平,味道都唔差,中環返工既朋友又多個地方選擇啦
係灣仔一開就秒變人氣店 然後迅速開咗好多分店中環店一樣多人 12:15嚟到 排咗15分鐘先有位🫡中環店好似貴過灣仔店 唔知灣仔店有冇加價呢Combo $98 有主食 + 小食 係中環嚟講 好似都仍然算抵食嘅雞湯麵 +$10湯底好清甜 仲帶點雞的味道半隻雞咁車落個麵到 雞肉都算煮得入味 而且肉質嫩滑純粹係食得有啲狼狽😂釜山白肉湯飯 $98主打清淡🫡肉嘅份量都幾多小食:泡菜餃子大大隻嘅餃子餃子皮好薄 咬落去爆晒餡😬泡菜都幾惹味 唔錯唔錯
To summarise, excellent food except for the recent change of the rice side dish (details below), but i would avoid the central branch due to service and hygiene (dead cockroach on the floor...)To start with: Food - it was amazing. Chicken noodle - rich soup base and great value for money that comes with half a chicken. Pork bone noodle - very flavorsome. clam noodle - simple but tastesfresh and healthy. spicy beef rice - amazing, best I ever had as the blend of garnish and spicy was perfect. beware, quite spicy, though. side dishes - the kimbab is great, and my son can't stop eating it, but what's with the recent change to the rice side dish? it was rice with seaweed and spicy sauce on top, very simple but delicious. is now changed to this rice that looks like overnight leftovers...Service Unfriendly staff, hard to get their attention and try to take away plates even when we are still eatingHygiene found a dead cockroach by our table and ruined my appetite already. The settings around the table are full of dust, tables were not wiped and all stained over, and the toilet area is extremely dirty. If that's what it is like in the general area, what can we expect in terms of the cleanliness of the kitchen?