所有分店 (7)
位於銅鑼灣鬧市的大樓中,可遠眺街景,感覺寬敞舒適。餐廳主打西韓fusion料理,如各式韓式意大利飯、薄餅等。亦提供傳統的韓國料理,材料、調味一如韓國當地。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 現金 銀聯 微信支付
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
無障礙設施 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (591)
上到希慎13樓,即刻聞到烤麵粉同焗緊嘅芝士味。星期三夜晚唔算多人,但張張枱都擺住個香噴噴嘅Pizza。我哋2個人坐到個窗口位,準備試吓網上狂推嘅「拉絲PIZZA」!【🇰🇷 韓式烤肉芝加哥Pizza】🧀 芝士多到哭出嚟!一切開啲絲拉到成隻手咁高,兩個人食啱啱好🍅 底層番茄醬酸酸甜甜,夾埋辣肉腸嘅鹹香,咬落去juicy到漏汁🌾 餅底食落有陣穀物香,連平時唔食餅邊嘅我都清晒【🍝 至尊熱狗意粉】🍅 茄汁酸甜味好醒胃,加咗羅勒葉好清新,正中我胃口!🌶️ 配料有驚喜!橄欖、蘑菇、芝士碎撈埋彈牙意粉,口感好豐富🌭 上面條腸有成15cm長,咬落脆皮爆肉汁,夾埋啲茄汁食好滿足【總結評分】芝士控必試!Pizza拉絲效果真係無得輸,餅底仲有驚喜;意粉就勝在配料多、條腸夠霸氣。兩樣份量都大,我哋2個人去食飽到捧住個肚走。扣分位係出餐速度會耐少少,不過即叫即焗都算合理~好食度:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️抵食度:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️回頭率:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 繼續閱讀
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Last dining experience was sadly unpleasant due to being mistreated by the receptionist while revisiting this time because of my companions request. Disappointingly, I was again extremely let down by their service. Before sharing the experience, will share about the food first. Cheese fries were okay. Freshly made which was incredibly hot. The cream dipped was definitely giving a wow factor. Cheese fries was a sprinkle of cheese powder, a cheese pull will definitely give a better impression. Mozzarella sticks were served sadly especially serving right after the fries. Mozzarella sticks portion was pretty small to be shared and it was served on an empty plate. It was okay, cheese pull was promising. Exactly taste like a typical cheese stick. Nothing special.The seafood surf and turf was good. Love the side pita bread serve. Sauce gave a hint of mussel flavour with a kick. Perfect to served with the bread. Mussels, prawn and squid were cooked perfectly. Not bad.Mix flavours chicken was ordered, crispy lotus and honey and garlic chicken and cheesy corn chicken. Lotus and corn were both cooked perfectly that we all loved. Crispy and flavourful. Everything was well seasoned. Chicken was cooked perfectly. Moist and extremely crispy. Love that!In addition we ordered a meat lover pizza which I forgot to take a picture. Apologise for that. Pizza was delicious. Famous for a reason. Very satiating toppings with thin crust. Neither doughy nor dry. Here it comes to what I have to share regarding the poor service kept on disappointing. Staff clearly made it clear dining time was 90mins while we seated at 1849 (printed on the receipt). Again, service went absolutely wrong at 1950, which was after an hour dining time. Staff was asking us to give our table and to pay the bill. At that moment, there were still food and drinks not yet finished. Bill was squeezed to the table corner and staff kept coming around and asked to pay and leave. Fairly, we still have 30mins dining time and there were food and drinks we have not finished. To be candid, we do not feel respected and felt pushy. It is absurd to be treated different with patient dining in and those who are waiting.Honestly, I do not think I will come again and will not recommend to my friends. There are many more options out there for pizzas or fried chicken where better service can be offered. Just a big No! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2025-02-15
645 瀏覽
18:44入座,被告知限時90分鐘,但等個pizza都等左半個鐘。食完之後唔夠1分鐘即刻收走晒d嘢,再過多幾分鐘放低張單,呢個時候around 19:50ok 比完錢,諗住飲多啖水,另一個侍應又過來”friendly reminder”要交台,呢個時候距離90分鐘都仲有15分鐘,已經用各種動作催左幾次交台簡單講,食物ok,服務差,唔會再來,寧願食pizzahutTheres a 90min time limit. Was “friendly reminded” to leave several times starting from around 30min left. Not to mention we waited 30min for the pizza. Ruined the whole experience. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
OT 嘅夜晚,梗係要食返啲Comfort food!今次就同男朋友嚟咗Book Mark咗好耐嘅Pizza Maru,之前次次經過都要排隊,一直都冇機會試🥺,今次趁佢差唔多last order 無咩人,秒衝入去😹.望完餐牌覺得全部都好吸引,但因為得 2 個人,今次就叫住一個Pizza、一個意粉,再加兩杯嘢飲先!唔好以為好少啊,食到肚都突埋!.🥩韓國烤肉芝加哥🥩食肉控必點,真系好足料!牛小排一啲都唔韌,好Juicy,配埋番茄汁同辣肉腸食,唔會太油膩又好滿足!不得不提佢哋招牌pizza批邊,用咗 3 款芝士加埋糖霜,甜甜哋超好味,而且同配料都好夾,唔係講笑,我一個人食咗三嚿😹。.🍝至尊熱狗意粉🍝男朋友就鍾意呢個意粉多啲,話蕃茄汁超開胃,酸酸甜甜,配埋羅勒葉好fresh!入面仲要有好多唔同嘅蔬菜配料,好似橄欖、蘑菇片同芝士碎,仲有大大條法蘭克福腸,正啊!埋單食咗五百幾蚊,唔算特別平!如果叫多幾個朋友嚟一齊share,叫多幾款嘢食應該會抵啲!會 Encore❤️ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-01-28
603 瀏覽
Pizza Maru@銅鑼灣呢間餐廳愈開愈多分店 之前都食過幾次荃灣、銅鑼灣、屯門、尖沙咀、旺角、元朗、啟德旺區都總有一間好左近 不過感覺好似愈做愈差😮‍💨味道冇之前咁好食 今次試左3樣野10吋群蟹派對 ($163)番茄醬底 成個味好有日式大阪燒嘅感覺有d柴魚係上面 另外有三色椒 芝士做到拉絲再有蝦 上面有一炸蟹肉 口感都豐富嘅個餅底係薄底 正正常常😌6件蜂蜜蒜泥炸雞 ($139)有1隻全翼1隻雞搥4件雞胸雞胸比較瘦冇咩肉 好似只係lun骨😟個味係ok嘅 蜂蜜蒜泥比例適中另外有d印尼蝦片配菜 有d冧有d脆Mango Passion Iced Tea ($48)好假嘅生果味 應該係落左d生果糖漿飲落好似藥水味 好難飲🤢🤮整體成餐都普普通通 麻麻地👌🏼 繼續閱讀
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