2021-08-12 1781 瀏覽
The breakfast buffet is scheduled at 7:00-10:30 (buffet closes) but can stay and enjoy food until 11. Came down at 8:30 breakfast buffet at the newly opened ARGO after a night of staycation at the Four Seasons. There was also a mini queue for the restaurant but moved very quickly. We asked to be seated in ARGO and not The Gallery and the waitress said for us to sit at The Gallery first and enjoy some food and they will escort us to ARGO when there is an available table, we waited for no less tha

The breakfast buffet is scheduled at 7:00-10:30 (buffet closes) but can stay and enjoy food until 11. Came down at 8:30 breakfast buffet at the newly opened ARGO after a night of staycation at the Four Seasons. There was also a mini queue for the restaurant but moved very quickly.

We asked to be seated in ARGO and not The Gallery and the waitress said for us to sit at The Gallery first and enjoy some food and they will escort us to ARGO when there is an available table, we waited for no less than 5 minutes in The Gallery before a table was available in ARGO, enough time for 1 dim sum 😹.

The ambiance of this restaurant is very elegant and quirky, we got seated at the back of ARGO in another open room that had frames of unique insects hanging on mirror walls. This made for a very aesthetically pleasing photoshoot 😅😝.

Had to get one of the Dim Sum to try because the mini bamboo baskets were too adorable to pass over. I got their Steamed Pork Dumpling (豬肉燒賣) and the taste was better than I expected, but the texture was very tough and meaty. The minced pork was very strong in taste and texture as it was not tender and soft, more like eating a pork meatball. The wrapper also came off very easily and had no significance to the dish. The meat is also mostly minced pork meat with 1-2 lumps of pork itself.

I ordered a Scrambled egg white for my egg option as I wanted to test if they could make a simple egg white gooey and delicious. Very pleased with the results, it was very silky smooth and rich in egg white flavor. Not too oily and buttery on the plate but still have a gloss. I also ate their regular scrambled egg that was available in the buffet. That was also absolutely delicious and creamy, no part of the egg was dry or over cooked which amazes me.

Miso baked salmon
I had 7 pieces of these, the flavor was absolutely amazing. The first few pieces I had were moist and flaky but then the last few ones I had were very dry and stale which was disappointing. But it is also rare to see baked salmon in a breakfast buffet so kudos to that 👍. The skin was not crispy at all (obviously) but very flavorful and a intense fish oil taste.

Turnip cake
Would have been better if it was fresh as the outside is a bit too chewy but the flavor is delicious and reminds me of New Years. It would also have been better if their was the sweet sauce to go with it 😬.

Greek yogurt Flaxseed cake
Taste like banana bread (my absolute favorite). Very delicious and buttery. Small slice. I recommend eating this with scrambled eggs (I know it sounds crazy) but the combination of the silky soft egg and the hearty flaxseed cake is just amazing.

Steamed vegetables could use more cooking time as quite hard to bite through.

Sautéed italian vegetables were yellow and green zucchini. Both crunchy and delicious but a bit stale as it has been out for quite some time.

Miso soup is a bit salty but the taste shows that it is definitely home made and not from a packet because of the rich umami miso flavor you can taste. The tofu blocks are soft and silky and bigger than regular miso soups. There are also small shimeji mushrooms that separates it from packet miso soup.

Other than miso soup there was also a variety of hot dishes such as plain congee, fish congee with chopped spinach and shrimp, oatmeal, stir-fried egg noodle with BBQ pork, steamed BBQ pork bun.

They also had a noodle station that I couldn’t get to as I was quite full but it had 4 choices of noodles, meat and vegetables.

They also have a small variety of pastries that included a Four Seasons Croissant, pain au chocolate, muffins (banana, blueberry, cinnamon apple), Nutella rolls and a bunch of bread selection. Also under the hot lamps were French toast, buttermilk pancake and Belgian waffle.

The service here is mostly good.There is a particular server that is always smiling when you ask him for service and regularly checks on tables to see if anything is needed. This server also helped list out every single tea that was available on the spot when I asked whereas another server just said “平時嗰啲嘢 (the regular teas)”.

The price for one adult is $408 + 10% ($448) which can be acceptable if you stay from 7 till 11 and eat a lot but they don’t really have a lot of food choices as this is still a breakfast buffet. But the food options that were available were unique and delicious. Their egg work especially is much better than any other hotel breakfast buffets I’ve had.
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Miso  baked  salmon 
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
3 分鐘 (堂食)
$450 (早餐)
Miso  baked  salmon 
2021-08-05 1974 瀏覽
if you are in IFC, looking for a nice new bar to have a nice cocktail, best service and everything you expect in a 5 stars hotel bar.Argo is the place you should go!the staff will give you a welcome drink of Prosecco with a gummy bear.then you start to love the lovely interior design of the bar and the people around.there are a good selection of cocktail and I will definitely come back!
if you are in IFC, looking for a nice new bar to have a nice cocktail, best service and everything you expect in a 5 stars hotel bar.

Argo is the place you should go!

the staff will give you a welcome drink of Prosecco with a gummy bear.

then you start to love the lovely interior design of the bar and the people around.

there are a good selection of cocktail and I will definitely come back!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2021-07-30 7979 瀏覽
四季酒店 經過第2階段 翻新工程 以溫室為靈感 用上大量鏡面打造 帶新古典味嘅 海景酒吧 ARGO🍸🍸這次改造工程 結合了酒店 旺季早上 接待客人享用早餐 機動性 連同酒吧外的 Coffee shop GALLERY 裝飾設計 跟酒吧一致 ☕☕客流量大時 可以將兩間 合拼早餐區 開一間亦可 中午酒吧也作 自助餐 下午變成 型格酒吧 至午夜 🌛🌛這趟我是在酒店 Staycation 早上可以選擇 自助餐/套餐 或客房享用 我們到了ARGO 用餐 因為早起 可以慢慢享受 🥐🥐 🥞🥞 食物 選擇豐富 新鮮蔬食沙律 火腿凍肉 煙燻三文魚 巴馬火腿都有 🥬🥬各款 鮮榨果汁 乳酪 芝士 🧀🧀各式各樣的麵包 牛角酥 水果酥 製作精巧 美味 🥖🥖脆煙肉 香草豬肉腸 雞肉腸 焗蕃茄 焗豆 蛇餅腸 每款吃一件都不可能 全部吃下 🥓🥓中式食品 很多選擇 點心 炒麵 南瓜粥 自選粉麵 雖然不是很 高質 也可接受 比其他酒店好多了 🍜🍜要讚一下 蛋類食品 煎蛋 太陽蛋 炒蛋 奄列 全部可無限次下單 不用在排隊等候 非常貼心安排 🥚🥚這份 班尼迪蛋 是我已吃飽 才發現 有現做的 要是早點知道 肯定要吃他 兩三個
四季酒店 經過第2階段 翻新工程 以溫室為靈感 用上大量鏡面打造 帶新古典味嘅 海景酒吧 ARGO🍸🍸
這次改造工程 結合了酒店 旺季早上 接待客人享用早餐 機動性 連同酒吧外的 Coffee shop GALLERY 裝飾設計 跟酒吧一致 ☕☕
客流量大時 可以將兩間 合拼早餐區 開一間亦可 中午酒吧也作 自助餐 下午變成 型格酒吧 至午夜 🌛🌛

這趟我是在酒店 Staycation 早上可以選擇 自助餐/套餐 或客房享用 我們到了ARGO 用餐 因為早起 可以慢慢享受 🥐🥐 🥞🥞

食物 選擇豐富 新鮮蔬食沙律 火腿凍肉 煙燻三文魚 巴馬火腿都有 🥬🥬
各款 鮮榨果汁 乳酪 芝士 🧀🧀
各式各樣的麵包 牛角酥 水果酥 製作精巧 美味 🥖🥖
脆煙肉 香草豬肉腸 雞肉腸 焗蕃茄 焗豆 蛇餅腸 每款吃一件都不可能 全部吃下 🥓🥓
中式食品 很多選擇 點心 炒麵 南瓜粥 自選粉麵 雖然不是很 高質 也可接受 比其他酒店好多了 🍜🍜
要讚一下 蛋類食品 煎蛋 太陽蛋 炒蛋 奄列 全部可無限次下單 不用在排隊等候 非常貼心安排 🥚🥚
這份 班尼迪蛋 是我已吃飽 才發現 有現做的 要是早點知道 肯定要吃他 兩三個 真的 美味極了 那溶化的芝士 加點點鹽 黑胡椒 實在也太美味了 全個早餐 最大驚喜 😋😋😋

餐廳待應不少 服務用心 每張枱 面積不大 他們必須做到有效率 亦有禮貌對待 每位客人 🤵‍♂️🤵‍♂️🤵‍♀️🤵‍♀️

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  • 班尼迪蛋
2021-07-27 2611 瀏覽
Yay for HK gold! Scroll for more pics on the exquisite design, 2 rounds of drinks and nibbles.We sat in the inner room with the insect frames, which is a quiet alternative to the aesthetic and bustling bar area. Didn't even notice that each cabinet will open and close at irregular intervals, super cool.There are 6 key ingredients everyday , with 2 cocktails centered around each ingredient. I had one from 'honey' and another from 'vanilla' that didn't actually use any vanilla for its vanilla note
Yay for HK gold! Scroll for more pics on the exquisite design, 2 rounds of drinks and nibbles.

We sat in the inner room with the insect frames, which is a quiet alternative to the aesthetic and bustling bar area. Didn't even notice that each cabinet will open and close at irregular intervals, super cool.

There are 6 key ingredients everyday , with 2 cocktails centered around each ingredient. I had one from 'honey' and another from 'vanilla' that didn't actually use any vanilla for its vanilla notes!
The vanilla old fashion was stronggggg and the argo martini was bomb

Nibbles included a sando flight and an egg waffle with sichuan pepper chocolate sauce and ice cream.

No words other than this needs to be asia's best
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Argo martini
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Vanilla old fashioned
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Sando flight
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Egg waffle
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)