港鐵將軍澳站 A2 出口, 步行約9分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 21:30
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 21:30
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 21:30
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 21:30
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食評 (52)
從來冇寫過食評,第一次獻俾呢間日式餐廳會寫食評嘅原因係真心希望呢間日本餐廳可以繼續做落去-喺將軍澳試過好多唔同嘅餐廳,有好多間都係中庸冇驚喜,而且價錢貴-呢間餐廳雖然講唔上係好平,屬於中價位,但係刺身真係好新鮮,份量同質素算對得住呢個價錢每個丼飯都係$200左右,有湯品同漬物我哋今次選擇咗嚟食晚餐,坐喺露天位置,遠望將軍澳南拱橋,食住美食傾吓偈,過咗一個愉快嘅週末晚上-相信遲啲樓下嘅公共空間工程完成,呢度嘅景色一定更加靚 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-02-23
156 瀏覽
五人聚會, 點了天婦羅, 炙燒三文魚, 壽喜燒, 廚師精選,超過四人埋單還有85折優惠, 另外設有即場抽獎, 送了三文魚刺身一份和 一蚊換雪糕。 性價比嘅高的用心日本菜, 開業幫襯到而家,一直都沒令我失望 ,會繼續再去....... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
When it comes to Japanese cuisine, there's no compromise for quality and freshness. This recently frequented sushi restaurant in Tseung Kwan O ticked all these boxes in an extraordinary way.Sushi, the main event here, is a true delight to the senses. The rice, an often-underappreciated component of sushi, is cooked to perfection. It maintains a delicate balance between firmness and fluffiness, subtly seasoned with the right amount of vinegar. This provides a wonderful base for the seafood that is nothing short of fresh and full-bodied in flavor.One of the standout offerings of this restaurant is their sushi lunch set. This midday meal provides an opportunity for diners to sample an array of their best sushi offerings in one go. The selection of fresh seafood, including the Hamachi, the Hokkaido Sea Urchin, and the unforgettable Flame Righteye Flounders, is nothing short of impressive.Despite being a lunch set, there's no skimping on quality or quantity here. Each piece mirrors the same attention to detail and craftsmanship found in their à la carte offerings. This makes the sushi lunch set not only a delicious choice but also a great value for money, considering the overall quality and the variety of sushi included. This is an excellent way for both sushi connoisseurs and novices alike to explore the best that this restaurant has to offer.The highlight, for me, was the Flame Righteye Flounders. With a slight sear from the torch, the flounder's flavor profile was enhanced and intensified, resulting in a sushi piece that was simply unforgettable.Their Udon noodle soup, which my mother tried, was nothing short of wonderful. The noodles were clearly a cut above your regular instant Udon, both in texture and taste. The soup was rich and comforting, making it a perfect complement to the sushi's delicate flavors.What truly sets this restaurant apart, though, is the ambiance. The restaurant is positioned to give a  view of the sea, which adds a serene, calming backdrop to your dining experience. It's a scenery you'd want to soak in while savoring each sushi piece. For larger groups, they offer private rooms. It provides a sense of exclusivity and peace, allowing you to enjoy your meal without distraction.When it comes to the pricing, this restaurant may not be classified as the most economical option in town. However, I firmly believe that the cost corresponds directly to the superior quality and the exquisite dining experience that the restaurant offers. The ingredients are top-notch, the sushi is crafted with careful precision, and the flavors are unrivaled. Moreover, the serene ambiance and the spectacular sea view make the price worthwhile. It's a classic case of "you get what you pay for," and in this instance, you're paying for an extraordinary sushi experience that is truly worth every penny. This restaurant is a testament to the idea that good food is an investment, not an expense.In conclusion, this restaurant in Tseung Kwan O is a sushi lover's haven. The next time you're in Tseung Kwan O and you're in the mood for the best sushi, you now know where to go. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-08-18
1152 瀏覽
今日同老公2人撐枱腳食日本野,都未試過呢一間,所以就揸車入咗去試吓囉咁個停車場都好闊落嘅同埋都冇乜車泊大把位,嗰個商場呢消費滿$100已經有兩個小時免費泊車㗎喇!所以我就揸車入去囉!我見佢啲set就好似都唔係好抵食。跟住散叫就叫啲自己鍾意食嘅嘢囉,唔使夾硬食佢一次過拼埋嘅嘢!所以呢我哋就散叫其實呢散叫真係叫咗好多嘢食同埋好鬼飽!食到捧住個肚走,爭啲想嘔飽到😆😆😆香港女仔眼闊肚窄個個都係咁😌我老公都話OK。不過如果佢嗰個吞拿魚蓉嘅手卷就唔係幾好食囉!好似唔係好夠新鮮😅佢都出咗啲coupon扱印仔,儲夠15個可以減$150總之每10個好似-50 😌唔記得係咁上下!其實晏晝食就抵啲,因為都係每人食一個set。咁如果佢可以儲埋一次過用啲人仔積分嘅話就抵啲囉,一次過可能減$150.1個set等於買兩個set兩個人去都係等於1個set嘅費用! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-05-20
1919 瀏覽
將軍澳站近海皮好多餐廳揀但大都比較貴,賀天暫時仲係我最愛食的又食最多嘅日本餐廳之一(可以說是首選日本菜)地方:寬敞開陽(有室外方便帶狗狗人士)食物質素:高(新鮮魚生)飽足程度:10分 (尤其係中午抵食仲有茶碗蒸)優惠:100蚊一個印仔(5個可以當50蚊用)地點:商場地點雖不眾(其實好簡單將軍澳站A 出口向海皮直行差不多到尾,向右行入巷子就會發現商場)晚餐都有set 都唔算貴但就無午餐咁多選擇,午餐真係無得頂啊,勝價比特別高 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)